Title: U.S. Citizens
1Who Does the Corps Work For?
- U.S. Citizens?
- Chief of Engineers?
- President?
- Congress?
- ASA(CW)?
- Project Sponsors?
- Others who?
2President George W. Bush
3Who Does the Corps Work For?
- Administration or the Executive Branch
- President George W. Bush
- The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfield Secretary of
Defense - The Honorable Francis J. Harvey Secretary of
the Army - The Honorable John Paul Woodley, Jr.
Assistance Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) - LTG Carl A. Strock Chief of Engineers
- BG Michael Walsh Commander, South Atlantic
Division - LTC Edward Fleming Commander, Charleston
4USACE Missions
Plus Homeland Security
5Who Is the Corps!
- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the Federal
Governments largest water resources development
6Civil Works Missions
The Corps provides local communities and sponsors
with opportunities to meet water resources needs
where there is both a local and federal Interest.
7Civil Works Missions
- Navigation
- Flood Damage Reduction
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Watershed Planning
8Unbudgeted CW Missions
Project Planning, Design and/or
Construction Which must be directed by the
Congressional Adds Studies and projects which
are not Included in the Presidents Budget
9Unbudgeted CW Missions
- Environmental Infrastructure
- Waterfront Development
- Master Planning
- Combined Sewer Overflows
- Single Purpose Recreation
- Single Purpose Water Supply
- Erosion control/protection
- Pollution Abatement
- Siltation Sedimentation
- Waste Management
10South Carolina Congressional Delegation
Senator-elect Jim DeMint (R) Senator Lindsey
Graham (R)
1) Congressman Henry Brown 2) Congressman Addison
Joe Wilson 3) Congressman J. Gresham Barrett 4)
Congressman-elect Bob Inglis 5) Congressman John
Spratt 6) Congressman James E. Clyburn
Myrtle Beach
11Water Resources Development Act of 1986
Re-established and redefined by purpose, the
Federal interest in water resource Development. C
ost Sharing
12Who are our State and Local Partners
- Counties, Cities, Towns
- Council of Governments (10 in SC)
- SC State Ports Authority
- Water Authorities
- S.C. Dept of Natural Resources (SCDNR)
- S.C. Dept of Transportation (SCDOT)
- S.C. Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper)
- Office of Ocean Coastal Resource Management
(OCRM) - Department of Health and Environmental Control
(DHEC) - S.C. Parks, Recreation and Tourism
- Commissioner of Public Works (CPW) City of
13Federal Partners
- Federal Agencies
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Department of Homeland Security (FLETC, US
Coast Guard) - Naval Weapons Station (NWS)
- Space and Naval Warfare System (SPAWAR) Command
- Department of Energy (DOE) -- Savannah River
Site - DoD -- U.S. Marine Corps Air Station/Beaufort
- Federal Aviation Authority (FAA)
- Federal Prisons
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
- Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV
- National Park Service
- Other Partners
- Native American Tribes - Catawba
14 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will
participate in partnership with non-Federal
sponsors in the development and management of the
Nations water and related land
resources within our high priority
missions and all applicable laws and policies.