Title: Cowheys Comments
A Balanced Community where Urban Centers Prosper,
Natural Landscapes Flourish, and Farming is
Strengthened as an Integral Component of our
Diverse Economy and Cultural Heritage.
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3For a Place to Call Home
Discover, Interpret, Preserve, and Celebrate
Lancaster Countys Heritage Resources.
5Increase the economic, social and environmental
benefits of tourism in Lancaster County.
6envision Lancaster County
The Comprehensive Plan for Lancaster County,
Managing growth while preserving our natural and
historic resources and unique sense of place.
7BalanceKey Message
- This Update to the Growth Management Element of
the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan is
designed to help achieve and sustain
Lancastrians Vision of a balanced community
where urban centers prosper, natural landscapes
flourish, and farming is strengthened as an
integral component of our diverse economy and
cultural heritage.
8Balance Builds on Previous Work
Balance builds on the 1993 Growth Management
Element and the 1997 Update
- Reaffirms Urban Growth Area Concept
- Proposes designation of Rural Areas
- Includes new policies and targets
- Provides action strategies and a
- Smart Growth Toolbox
9Balance Establishes a Framework for the Future
Balance identifies
- Areas appropriate for urban growth and
reinvestment - Areas that should be maintained in agriculture,
- and natural resources
- Strategies and tools to shape growth to achieve
desired patterns of development and preservation
10Balance Major Areas of Public Consensus
11Balance Policies, Targets and Strategies
- Key Policies Targets
- Urban Growth Area Strategy
- Rural Strategy
- Implementation Strategy
- County Action
- Program
- Smart Growth
- Funding Program
- Smart Growth
- Toolbox
- Monitoring Program
12Balance Key Policies and Targets
13Balance Key Policies and Targets
New Growth Targets Direct 85 of new dwellings
to Urban Growth Areas Limit new dwellings
in Rural Areas to 15 of Countywide
total New Residential Density Targets Net
average of 7.5 dwelling units per acre in
Urban Growth Areas Net average of 2.5 dwelling
units per acre in Village Growth Areas
14Balance Urban Growth Area Strategy
- Key Goals
- Increase the proportion, density, and
- intensity of development in Urban
- Growth Areas
- Residential Dwellings 85 new units in UGAs
- Residential Density 7.5 units/net acre in UGAs
- Employment 66 of new employment acres in UGAs
15Balance Urban Growth Area Strategy
Key Goals 2. Place a new emphasis on compatible
reinvestment, infill, and redevelopment
Accommodate 12 of new dwelling units and
55 of new jobs in Reinvestment Areas
(Lancaster City, the Boroughs, and
developed areas within Townships UGAs)
16Balance Urban Growth Area Strategy
- Key Goals
- 3. Improve the character and form of new
development in UGAs - Focus new development in Mixed-Use Centers
(Housing-, Retail- and Commercial- Mixed Use)
17Balance Urban Growth Area Strategy
Key Goals 4. Increase housing choice and
affordability Provide a greater diversity in
housing type, tenure, and price within UGAs,
consistent with Choices, the Housing Element
18Balance Urban Growth Area Strategy
Key Goals 5. Increase employment opportunities
Ensure the availability of sufficient land in
suitable locations to accommodate job growth
Prepare an Economic Development Element of
the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan
19Balance Rural Strategy
- Key Goals
- Establish Designated Rural Areas within which
- rural resources, rural character, and a
rural way-of-life is sustained and incompatible
development is precluded. - Rural Area designations
- Agricultural Areas
- Agricultural with Natural
- Areas
- Natural Areas
- Rural Centers
20Balance Rural Strategy
- Key Goals
- Reduce non-rural development outside UGAs
- and direct it to Rural Centers (existing
developed areas) - Rural Centers include
- Village Growth Areas
- Crossroads
- Communities
- Rural Business Areas
- Rural Neighborhoods
21Balance Rural Strategy
22Balance Growth Management Framework
A general representation of the Countywide
Vision as expressed in the Urban Growth Area and
Rural Strategies
23Balance 2030 and Beyond
The strategies contained in Balance are
designed to preserve options for the future, even
beyond the 25-year planning horizon of this
Update, regarding growth and
24Balance Implementation Strategy
- Main Goals
- County Action Program
- Key Early Actions include
- Develop 3- to 5-year
- county action schedule
- Initiate cross-acceptance
- process with local officials
- Develop Smart Growth
- Toolbox as web-based
- resource
25Balance Implementation Strategy
- Main Goals
- County Action Program
- Longer-range/ongoing programs
- Education, outreach technical assistance
- Open Space and Water Resources Element Updates
- New Economic Development Element
- Modify Growth Tracking System
- Consistency Review Process for Comprehensive
- Plan Elements and related projects
- Monitor legislative issues relative to Balance
26Balance Implementation Strategy
- Main Goals
- Smart Growth Funding Program
Funding commitments at multiple levels
for implementation of Balance
New Lancaster County Smart Growth
Grant Program Expand and target
existing County funding programs to
support Smart Growth Leverage other
available funding sources
27Balance Implementation Strategy
- Main Goals
- Smart Growth Toolbox
- Identifies the most innovative
- and effective policy, regulatory,
- and capital investment tools
- and incentives
- Provides local and national examples
- Will be web-based and
- periodically updated
28Balance Implementation Strategy
- Main Goals
- Monitoring Program
Ongoing review, monitoring and updating of
Balance is necessary for success Expansion /
enhancement of Growth Tracking System
Growth Management Indicators to measure
progress of implementation
29Balance Conclusion
The Growth Management Element Update lays
out a comprehensive vision and tools for
achieving the Balance our community desires in
terms of managing growth while preserving our
natural and historic resources and unique sense
of place.
30Envision Lancaster County Implementation
- Implementation Team
- Lancaster County Planning Commission
- Envision Lancaster County Advisory Committee
- Represents all Elements of County Comprehensive
Plan - Represents City, Townships, Boroughs, Schools
- Community Interests
- Comprehensive Plan Implementation Team
- LCPC Staff Implementation Team
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