Title: Technology and Disabilities: Issues for Learning and Teaching
1Technology and Disabilities Issues for Learning
and Teaching
- Simon Ball and Lawrie Phipps
- E-mail helpdesk_at_techdis.ac.uk
- www.techdis.ac.uk
- TechDis an overview of who we are and what we
do - Technology and Learning what do we mean and why
is it so important? - What impact does technology have on students with
disabilities? - Summary
3TechDis an overview (who)
- Joint Information Systems Committee JISC
- Technologies Centre
- Mission Enhancing access for those with
learning difficulties and/or disabilities, to
learning, teaching, research and administration
across Further and Higher Education though the
use of Information and Communication
Technologies. - Remit Technology and disabilities
4TechDis an overview (what)
- Projects
- VLE accessibility 2 stages
- How to create accessible content
- Wireless networking issues for Deaf Hearing
Impaired students - PDA accessibility
- ICT for students with learning difficulties (new
project) - Identifying useful research guidelines...
- Advice
- Staff development
- Databases
5Technology and Learning what do we mean and why
is it so important?
- Delivery Method for learning, both on and off
campus - Drivers for increasing use
- E-learning, E-tutoring, E-assessment
6E-learning, E-tutoring, E-assessment why is it
important in this context?
- Nielson Norman Group Research
- Even with the prevalence of inaccessible design,
participants in our study said they embrace the
Web and find it helps them do many things they
could not do without it. Kara Pernice Coyne,
Nielsen Norman Group
- Def. Accessibility
- can be easily and conveniently approached,
entered, and used by people with disabilities - W3C WAI guidelines, priority 1 and 2
- Usability is the quality of a system that makes
it easy to learn, easy to use, easy to remember,
error tolerant, and subjectively pleasing. - Jacob Nielsen has identified the following five
aspects of usability that have become the
standard - ease of learning
- efficiency of use how fast can experienced
users accomplish tasks - memorability
- error minimisation
- subjective satisfaction
9- Some Examples of Research and Websites
10Accessibility Research Studies
- Nielsen Norman Group Beyond ALT Text
- Mencap Report Accessing the Web
- Quantifiable data
11NN Group Quantitative Research
- 20 screen reader users
- 20 screen magnifier users example...
- 20 people who use no assistive technology (with
no vision or physical disabilities) - Experienced assistive device users
- Reasonably experienced Internet users
12NN Group Quantitative ResearchTasks
- Fact-finding find the average temperature in
Dallas (no site specified) - Buy online Janet Jacksons latest CD from
www.target.com - Information retrieval take a bus in Chicago
www.transitchicago.com - Compare and contrast find a specific kind of
mutual fund on www.schwab.com
13NN Group Major findings
- Sighted participants who use no assistive
- technology were
- about six times more successful at completing
tasks than people using screen readers - three times more successful than people using
screen magnifiers
14NN Group Sighted participants were
- significantly less frustrated than people using
assistive technologies - more satisfied than people using assistive
technologies - more confident than assistive technology users
- very close relationship between success and
15NN Group Who completed task?
- No assistive technology users 68
- Screen magnifier users 20
- Screen reader users 12
16NN Group Who didnt complete task?
- User ran out of time (20 mins per task)
- No assistive technology users 3
- Screen magnifier users 44
- Screen reader users 53
17NN Group Who didnt complete task?
- User stopped themselves
- No assistive technology users 13
- Screen magnifier users 43
- Screen reader users 44
18NN Group Finding and Searching
- Screen reader and magnifier users used the
browsers find feature much more frequently
than sighted users (35 to 1) - a form of auditory
scanning - Number of times clicked back
- Screen magnifiers 185
- No assistive technologies 151
- Screen readers 99
19Mencap Research
- Identify accessibility of 30 popular web sites
for people with learning difficulties - 11 users reviewed the sites in August 2001
- Varying levels of familiarity with the Internet
- Scores out of 90
- Good (50)
- Room for improvement (40-49)
- Could do better (39 and below)
20Mencap Research
- Questions asked of each site
- Visual appeal?
- Clarity?
- Is it obvious whats being provided?
- Navigation?
- Help and contact buttons visible?
- Language readable and understandable?
- Graphics and/or audio to help with understanding?
21Mencap findings top marks to www.royalmail.com/ac
22Mencap lowest marks to www.bluewater.co.uk
23Mencap low marks towww.learndirect.co.uk
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26Accessible Design
- Why?Good e-learning for all
- Examples
- Seven Precepts(www.techdis.ac.uk)
27The legislation
- Accessibility of E-learning will come under the
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act. - Handout Paper by Martin Sloan, also on the
website www.techdis.ac.uk - Materials should conform to W3C WAI guidelines
Priority 1 and Priority 2, as well as good
practice guidelines.
28Comments and Questions