Title: Realities
1Realities Myths of the OTR examination
- Margaret Bent, PhD, OTR
- Managing Director, Competency Assessment, NBCOT
2Myth or Reality?
NBCOT sponsors examination preparation
courses. Myth
The NBCOT website contains helpful information
about OTR examination preparation. Reality
There is only one version of the OTR
examination. Myth
Questions on the OTR examination are typically
based on recall of rote information. Myth
3Session Overview
- Layout of the OTR examination
- How the examination is created
- Format of examination items
- Preparation and study tools
- Sample items
4An OTR is completing a home visit for a client
who had a total hip replacement 2 weeks ago.
What type of seat should the OTR recommend the
client use when sitting at home to watch
- Firm raised chair with a wedge cushion insert and
armrests - Cushioned, armless dining chair elevated on one
inch-blocks - Sofa with pillows for lateral trunk support
- Overstuffed reclining chair with pillows to
elevate the leg in extension
5And the correct answer is
- A. Firm raised chair with a wedge cushion
insert and armrests - This allows optimal positioning for designated
hip precautions
6Layout Of The OTR Examination
- Computer delivered
- 4-hours
- Examination consists of
- 3 Clinical Simulation (CS) Problems
- 170 Multiple-Choice (MC) test items
- Within these totals there are a number of
field-test items - There are optional tutorials before the CS and MC
components of the exam
7Myth or Reality?
- The computer randomly selects those items that
will not be scored once the exam is submitted for
scoring. - Myth
The field-test items are always the last items on
the examination. Myth
If I skip the tutorials, I will have more time to
take the examination. Myth
I dont like testing on computers, I can request
a paper examination right? Myth
8Format of Examination
- Candidates need to achieve a score of 450 or
above to pass - Score based on accumulative performance across CS
and MC items
9Myth or Reality?
My score is simply a of correct items Myth
I scored 447. I can ask NBCOT to review my
fieldwork evaluation to make up the additional 3
points Myth
Ive failed the examination 3 times. I can
request NBCOT to rescore based on the average of
the 3 previous attempts, right? Myth
10How is the exam created?
- NBCOT routinely conducts practice analysis
studies to identify - Domains
- Tasks
- Knowledge
- Required for competent practice as an OTR
- Results of the study are used to develop the
examination specifications
11Example of Domain, Task, Knowledge
- Domain Gather information regarding factors that
influence occupational performance - Task Identify environments and contexts using
appropriate theoretical approaches or models of
practice in order to determine facilitators
and/or barriers that impact the clients
participation in occupation - Knowledge of Theoretical approaches and models
of practice
12OTR Examination Blueprint
13Myth or Reality?
My exam was all peds. Myth
The exam is based on all the information weve
covered in our OT curriculum. Myth
NBCOT changes exam blueprints on an annual
basis. Myth
14Format of MC Items
- Question stem
- 4 response options
- 1 correct answer
- 3 distracters
15An OTR is evaluating a client who has an ulnar
nerve injury at the wrist level of the right
dominant extremity. During which task would this
injury be MOST evident?
- Carrying a briefcase
- Turning a key in the car ignition
- Operating a desktop calculator
- Holding coins in the palm of the hand
16And the correct answer is
- B. Turning the key in the car ignition
- Ulnar nerve palsy at the wrist impairs the
adductor pollicis muscle resulting in the
inability to perform a key or lateral pinch
17Format of MC Items
- During the exam, you can use mark and unmark
buttons to flag items to review at a later stage - If time permits, you can return to marked items
and insert or change your response option prior
to submitting the exam for scoring
18Myth or Reality?
If the exam clock ends, the marked items I
answered but did not unmark will be submitted
for scoring. Reality
There are 150 MC items on the OTR
examination. Myth
19CS Problem Makeup
- An opening scene
- Sections with section headers
- A series of decision/action statements
20Opening Scene
Section Heading
21Format Flow of CS Problem
- You should select the decision/action you deem
appropriate from the list of options provided - As the decision/action statement is selected, a
feedback box will appear - Feedback contains information regarding the
consequence of selecting that decision
22Feedback Boxes
23Decision/Action List
- Positive responses
- Optimal route
- Points awarded if you select this response
- Neutral responses
- May be helpful, but not absolutely necessary in
solving the problem - Points neither awarded nor deducted
24Decision/Action List
- Negative responses
- Hinder or distract from solving the problem
- May be harmful to the client
- Points deducted if you select these options
25Format Flow
- You will have the ability to scroll back through
the CS problem to view - Opening scene
- Section headers
- Decisions youve already selected
- Just as in real life, once youve clicked a
decision statement you will not be able to
de-select the response - If you scroll back to a previous screen, you will
not be able to click additional decision
- Each simulation item has an opening scene,
sections with section headers, and associated
decision/action lists. - Once you have checked a decision/action from the
list you are NOT ABLE TO DESELECT the
decision/action. You may review previous screens
27Myth or Reality?
Ive heard the CS problems are much harder than
the MC items. Myth
If I do well on the CS problems, Im likely to
pass the exam overall. Myth
Its to my advantage to click all the decision
statements in each section that way Im bound
to select the correct answers. Myth
28NBCOT Exam Preparation Tools
- The Official NBCOT study tools are the only study
tools designed exclusively by NBCOT test
development professionals - Candidates can be confident that these tools
- Reflect the OTR certification examination
blueprint - Provide an authentic introduction to the types of
questions appearing on the actual certification
29Official NBCOT Study Tools
- Examination Readiness Tools
- Official NBCOT OTR Study Guide
- Online Practice Tests
- MC and CS
- Online Content Tests
30Examination Readiness Tool
- Excellent place to start!
- Helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses
across areas of the examination blueprint - Use the results to structure a personal study
plan - Free to download at www.nbcot.org
31NBCOT Official OTR Certification Examination
Study Guide
- Comprehensive overview of what to expect
- Format of the examination
- What to expect on the test day
- How the examinations are scored
- Proven strategies for taking high stakes
examinations - Sample practice items with answer keys,
rationales and references - The latest edition of the official OTR study
guide is the only guide that includes information
about the CS testing format
32Online Practice Tests
- Designed to mirror the experience of taking the
exams on computer - Available to take 24 hours a day from anywhere
you have Internet access - Score report instantly displays overall test
score and feedback about performance across major
areas of the examination blueprint
33Simulation Practice Test
- Experience first hand what its like to take a
simulation problem from opening scene thru
accompanying sections of the problem - Feedback provided response-by-response as you
make your selections - Score report at the end provides feedback about
your performance on the test
34Simulation Tutorial
- Take a CS tutorial!
- Go to www.nbcot.org
- View screens that show the format and flow of CS
35Content Tests
- Contain practice items in the areas of
- Physical disabilities
- Mental health
- Pediatrics
- Administration
- Provides item-level feedback as soon as the
candidate clicks a response button - Rationales and follow up references
36Myth or Reality?
After I take a practice test, I can compare my
answers with the correct answers. Myth
If I pass the online practice test, I am
guaranteed to pass the real exam. Myth
The Official NBCOT study tools contain the same
items that appear on the real certification
exam. Myth
All published study guides and exam prep courses
are approved and endorsed by NBCOT. Myth
37A client with rheumatoid arthritis should use
which of the following joint protection
techniques when completing kitchen tasks?
- Grasping cookware with the fingertips
- Transporting items using a wheeled cart
- Using weighted utensils during meal preparation
- Twisting a jar lid open with the dominant hand
38And the correct answer is
- B. Transporting items using a wheeled cart
- Using a wheeled cart to transport items from
one area of the kitchen to another minimizes
stress on small finger joints
- www.nbcot.org
- margaret.bent_at_nbcot.org