Inheritance of Blood Groups - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inheritance of Blood Groups


Cystic Fibrosis ~1/2000 recurrent lung infections, infertility in males. ... Cystic Fibrosis. Cause ... Cystic Fibrosis. Symptoms and Treatment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Inheritance of Blood Groups

Lecture 27
Inheritance of Blood Groups
  • Group O fructose
  • Group A fructose N-acetyl-galactosamine
  • Group B fructose galactose

Inheritance of Blood Groups
  • If an individual inherits alleles that result in
    the production of neither enzyme (no enzyme to
    add N-acetyl-galactosamine no enzyme to add
    galactose) then only fructose will be present
    individual being type O.
  • Inheriting an allele for either enzyme will
    result in a terminal sugar being placed thus
    either phenotype A or B is dominant to O.
  • Inheriting an allele for each enzyme results in
    some molecular configurations having
    N-acetyl-galactosamine as the terminal sugar
    while others have galactose thus membrane is a
    mosaic with respect to these two terminal sugars
    and the phenotype is AB.
  • Alleles A and B we must conclude are co-dominant
    (exhibit incomplete dominance).

Human Blood Group Genotypes
  • IA IA - A
  • IA IO - A
  • IB IB - B
  • IB IO - B
  • IA IB - AB
  • IO IO - O

  • Occurs when genes are on the same chromosome.
  • Remember that sex-linked genes are on the X
    chromosome, one of the sex chromosomes.
  • If two genes are far apart, the chance of a
    crossover landing between them and producing
    recombinant chromosomes is large.
  • If two genes are close together, the chance of a
    crossover between them is small. So the frequency
    of crossing over can be used as a measure of
  • Recombination Frequency is used to measure the
    frequency of crossing over and calculate

Genetically Inherited Diseases
  • Single gene disorders a great deal is known
    about them, and much of our knowledge of human
    genetics is derived from them
  • Genetically-determined responses to environmental
    influences, e.g. variation in response to drug
    treatment, adverse drug reactions - underlies the
    growing interest in pharmacogenetics.
  • The genetic component in common diseases of adult
    life (e.g. cardiovascular disease, cancer,
    asthma/eczema). Multifactorial Inheritance

Single Gene Disorders
  • Autosomal Recessive
  • Autosomal Dominant
  • X-linked Recessive
  • X-linked Dominant

Autosomal Recessive
  • Homozygous individuals usually born to unaffected
  • Parents are unaffected carriers.
  • Affects either sex.
  • Requires inheritance of 2 defective alleles.
  • Usually due to loss of gene function.

Autosomal Recessive Diseases
  • Cystic Fibrosis 1/2000 recurrent lung
    infections, infertility in males.
  • Phenylketonurea (PKU) 1/2,000-5,000 in Europeans
    mental retardation
  • B-thalassemia 1/20,000 in general population
    1/100 in areas where malaria is endemic, severe
    anemia (depletion of rbc).
  • Tay-Sachs disease 1/3000 in Ashkenazi Jews,
    neurological degeneration, blindness, paralysis.

Cystic FibrosisCause
  • Northern Europeans and white North Americans - 1
    in 20-25 carriers and 1 in 2000 suffers.
  • Africans and Asians 1 in 100 000 births.
  • Resistance to cholera.
  • Mutation in a gene which encodes the CFTR protein
    (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) on
    chromosome 7. It is 1480 amino acids long
  • Allows diffusion of chloride ions in and out of
  • 70 of cases due to deletion of 3 base pairs from
    the gene from codon 508.
  • The amino acid phenylalanine (F) is missing.
  • Mutation known as F508

Cystic FibrosisSymptoms and Treatment
  • Epithelial cells at mucosal surfaces have the
    function of producing mucus.
  • In CF patients this mucus is abnormally thick.
  • Build of chloride ions in the cells forces sodium
    ions to enter to balance charge. The high ion
    concentration inside the cell prevents water from
    leaving the cell.
  • Lung, pancreas and liver are most affected. The
    thick mucus clogs up airway of lungs and bile
    duct in pancreas.
  • Physiotherapy to dislodge mucus from lungs,
    digestive enzymes.
  • Gene therapy.

  • Occurs mainly in white Europeans.
  • 1 in 10, 000 births, 1 in 80 is a carrier.
  • Mutation in the gene that encodes phenylalanine
    hydroxylase which converts phenylalanine into
    tyrosine on chromosome 12.
  • Build of phenylalanine leads to formation of
    toxins in the body which affect mental
  • Children normal at birth, excess phenlyalanine
    moves across placenta and is removed by mothers
  • If not treated in infancy harmful effects noted,
    such a s severe mental retardation.
  • Common effects include hyperactive irritable
    behaviour, awkward posture and walk, lighter skin
    (tyrosine used to make melanin), rough dry skin,
    repetitive movement of fingers and hands.

Sickle Cell Anaemia
  • 100, 000 deaths per year.
  • 1 in 400 sufferers and 1 in 10 carriers.
  • Common in Africa, Pakistan and India.
  • Pakistan 1 prevalence rate of defective gene (1
    in 100 carriers).
  • Defect in haemoglobin, 2 alpha chains (141 amino
    acids long) and 2 beta chains (146 amino acids
    long) on chromosome 11.
  • Fault in the 6th amino acid on the beta chains.
  • HbA has a glutamic acid (negative/polar) and HbS
    has valine (non polar/hydrophobic).
  • Substitution mutation CTC is now CAC
  • The presence of valine makes deoxygenated
    haemoglobin less soluble. So come out of solution
    and form rigid rod-like fibres.
  • Heterozygous carriers have a selective advantage
    over normal individuals.

  • Common around the Mediterranean, India, Pakistan
    and South East Asia.
  • In Pakistan approx 4000 new births per year.
  • 7 carriage rate in Pakistan.
  • Different types of mutations in the beta chain.
  • Five common mutations in Pakistan IVS1-5(G-C)
    37.3, Fr8-9(G) 25.9, del619 7.0, Fr41-42
    (TTCT) 6.7 and IVS1-1 (G-T) 5.4.
  • Ethnic distribution IVS1-5 (G-C) common in
    Punjabis and Sindhi Fr 8-9 common in Pathans.
  • Result is the formation of an abnormal
    haemoglobin molecule, normal life span is 90 days
    however when mutated gene present cells die
    within a few weeks.

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
  • Affected person has an affected parent
  • Transmitted by either sex
  • Affected person has 50 chance of passing on
    disease to offspring
  • Usually due to gain of function or novel function
    of gene (neomorphic mutation)

Autosomal Dominant Diseases
  • Huntington Disease 1/10,000 - involuntary
    movements, dementia.
  • Myotonic Dystrophy 1/8,500 - prolonged muscle
    contraction (myotonia), muscle atrophy,
    cataracts. myotonic dystrophy gene, found on
    chromosome 19, codes for a protein kinase that is
    found in skeletal muscle.
  • Neurofibramomatosis, type I (Nf1) and type II
    (Nf2) 1/4,000-5,000 - Nf1 tumours on the
    peripheral nerves of the head, neck and body
    pigmented café-au-lait spots (6 or more).

Huntington's Chorea (Disease)
  • HD is a hereditary brain disorder affecting the
    central nervous system.
  • It causes progressive deterioration of both
    physical and congnitive abilities.
  • Caused by the loss of cells in a part of the
    brain called the basal ganglia. This cell damage
    affects the cognitive ability (thinking,
    judgement, memory), movement and emotional
  • The symptoms appear gradually, usually in
    midlife, between the ages of 30 and 50. However,
    the disease has been known to strike young
    children as well as the elderly.
  • Mutation occurs in HD gene on chromosome 4-
    nucleotide repeats.

X-linked Recessive Inheritance
  • Affects mainly males
  • Often find affected uncles and nephews
  • Males are usually born to carrier mothers
  • Never get male to male transmission

X-linked Recessive Diseases
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - males 1/3,500 -
    early onset, progressive muscle weakness, severe
    skeletal muscle degeneration.
  • Haemophilia A - males 1/5,000 - deficiency of
    clotting factor VIII, excessive bleeding from
    minor traumas, internal bleeding.
  • Fragile X syndrome - males 1/1,500, females
    1/2,500 - mental retardation - mildly affects 1/3
    of female carriers- appears partially dominant

Haemophilia A
  • The gene for Factor VIII is carried on the
    non-homologous part of the X chromosome.
  • Two allelic forms dominant (H) and recessive (h).
  • Genotype XHXH normal female
  • Genotype XHXh carrier female
  • Genotype XHY normal male
  • Genotype XhY haemophiliac male

X-linked Dominant Inheritance
  • Affected fathers pass disorder to daughters,
    never to sons.
  • Vitamin D-independent rickets
  • Quite rare

Multifactorial Inheritance
  • Premature coronary heart disease, hypertension
    and stroke,
  • Allergy - eczema/asthma, HLA-related conditions
  • Thyroid disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes,
  • Mental health problems

Genetic Screening
  • Carrier recognition.
  • Prenatal Diagnosis (Fetal testing)
  • 1) Amniocentesis at 15-16 weeks.
  • 2) Chorionic villi sampling at 8-12 weeks.
  • 3) Ultrasound.
  • New born screening.
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