Title: Managing Livestock For Drought
1Managing Livestock For Drought
- By Rod Sharp
- And Dennis Kaan
- Colorado State University
- Cooperative Extension
2Drought and Livestock
- No good strategies-all are expensive
- Should extend cattle cycle
3Down ½ percent in 2002
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9Drought Throughout Colorado
- Topsoil Moisture
- 63 percent of state very short
- 32 percent short
- 5 percent adequate
- Subsoil Moisture
- 70 percent very short
- 24 percent short
- 6 percent adequate
- Week ending June 2, 2002
10Crop Reports 6/2/2002Colorado
- Pasture and Range Conditions
- 52 percent very poor
- 28 percent poor
- 18 percent fair
- 2 percent good
11Crop Reports (2001 5 yr. Avg.)Colorado
- Pasture and Range Conditions
- 52 percent very poor (0 percent, 2 percent)
- 28 percent poor (7 percent, 6 percent)
- 18 percent fair (30 percent, 30 percent)
- 2 percent good (57 percent, 54 percent)
- Week ending June 2, 2002
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19What are your options?
- Truck cow/calf pairs to grass
- Feed (drylot) at home
- Sell and buy-back
- Early wean calves, sell and buy-back cows
20Typical Partial Budget
- Positive Outcomes
- Reduced Costs
- Increased Returns
- Total Positive Impact
- Negative Outcomes
- Reduced Returns
- Increased Costs
- Total Negative Impact
Positive-Negative Net Impact
21Truck to Grass-Key Factors
- Availability of Grass
- Transportation Costs
- Pasture Lease Rates
- Death Loss
22Availability of Grass
- Scarce
- At least 400-500 miles away
- Kansas-95 percent contracted (mid April)
- Nebraska-Some available - 22-32 per AUM
23Very Dry
Adequate but no excess
Abundant Forage
24Truck Pairs to Grass
- Assumptions
- 250 cows, 45 replacements
- Transport 500 miles one-way
- 1.50 per loaded mile
- 30 pairs per load
- Pasture Rent-20/AUM (3 months)
25Transport To Grass
- Trucking Costs
- Cow/Calf Pairs (8 Trucks) 12,000
- Replacement Heifers (1 Truck) 1,500
- Pasture Rent
- 250 Pairs 15,000
- 45 Replacements (.9 AUM) 2,430
- Net Impact -30,930
- Per Cow -124
26Truck to Grass-Key Factors
- Availability of Grass Scarce
- Transportation Costs Expensive
- Pasture Lease Rates High
- Death Loss
27Buying Feed-Key Factors
- Availability of Feed
- Feed Costs
- Transportation Costs
- Labor Availability
28Buying Feed-Assumptions
- Same Cow Herd
- Drylot Pairs for 3 months
- Feed Costs
- Alfalfa Hay - 100 per ton
- Straw - 60 per ton
- Corn, grain - 4.46 per cwt.
- Corn, silage - 30 per ton
- Barley - 5.00 per cwt.
- Cake Protein - 0.50 per lb.
- Tub Protein - 1.26 per lb.
29Ration 1 Alfalfa, Straw Protein
- 14 lbs. Alfalfa Hay 15,750
- 10 lbs. Straw 6,750
- 1 lb. Cake Protein 11,250
- Total Cost 33,750
- Per Cow 135
30Ration 2 Straw, Barley Protein
- 12 lbs. Straw 8,100
- 7 lbs. Barley 7,875
- 2 lbs. Cake Protein 22,500
- Total Cost 38,475
- Per Cow 154
31Ration 3 Straw, Corn Silage Protein
- 12 lbs. Straw 8,100
- 40 lbs. Corn Silage 13,500
- 2 lbs. Cake Protein 22,500
- Total Cost 44,100
- Per Cow 176
32Ration 4 Corn and Alfalfa Hay
- 12 lbs. Corn, grain 10,800
- 5 lbs. Alfalfa Hay 5,625
- Total Cost 16,425
- Per Cow 66
33Liquidation of Livestock-Key Factors
- Sale Price-Cow/Calf Pairs
- Buy-back Price-Pairs
- Tax Implications
- Genetics
34Liquidation of Livestock-Assumptions
- Same Cow Herd
- Sale and Buy-Back Price-750 per pair
- Marketing/Trucking Costs-32 per pair
- Interest Income-9 months _at_ 6
- Reduced Expenses-230 per cow
- Lost Sales (Calves Culls)-314 per cow
35Liquidation of Livestock
- Positive Impacts
- Sales-pairs 187,500
- Expenses 57,500
- Interest Income 8,438
- Total Positive 253,438
- Negative Impacts
- Marketing 5,000
- Trucking 6,000
- Buy-Back 187,500
- Reduced Returns 78,539
- Total Negative 277,039
Net Impact -23,601 Per Cow -94
36Liquidation of Livestock- Cows 50
- Positive Impacts
- Sales-pairs 187,500
- Expenses 57,500
- Interest Income 8,438
- Total Positive 253,438
- Negative Impacts
- Marketing 5,000
- Trucking 6,000
- Buy-Back 200,000
- Reduced Returns 78,539
- Total Negative 289,539
Net Impact -36,101 Per Cow -144
37Tax Implications-Section 451 E
- Income from sale of livestock due to drought
- (Postponed being reported for one year)
- Farming/Ranching Principal Business
- Cash Method of Accounting
- Sale would not normally have occurred
- Area designated as eligible for Fed. Assistance
- Must be made by the due date of the tax return
- Attachment to tax form-information about the sale
38Tax Implications-Section 1033 E
- Involuntary Conversion
- (Reporting the gain can be postponed for two
years, if the taxpayer purchases replacement
livestock within two (2) years.) - Evidence that drought forced the sale
- Replacement livestock must be for the same
purpose - No declaration of disaster area needed
39Early Wean Drylot Calves, Sell Cows
- Same Cow Herd
- Sell Cows-600 per cow
- Buy-Back Pairs-750 per pair
- Marketing/Trucking Costs-30 per Cow
- Interest Income-9 months _at_ 6
- Reduced Expenses-230 per cow
- Lost Sales (Culls)-56 per cow
40Early Wean Sell Cows
- Positive Impacts
- Sales-cows 150,000
- Expenses 57,500
- Interest Income 6,750
- Total Positive 214,250
- Negative Impacts
- Marketing/Truck 8,000
- Feed Calves 10,109
- Buy-Back 187,500
- Reduced Returns 14,000
- Total Negative 219,609
Net Impact -5,359 Per Cow -21
41Quick Comparison of Alternatives
43Call if You Need Help
- Dennis A. Kaan
- 181 Birch
- County Courthouse Annex
- Akron, CO 80720
- 970-345-2287
- Dennis.Kaan_at_ColoState.EDU