Title: Preparing for drought conditions with a catchment system
1Preparing for drought conditions with a catchment
- Joe Brown, PhD
- University of Alabama
- New College
- joebrown_at_bama.ua.edu
- Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
- January 16-19 2008 Louisville, KY
2Handouts and presentation
- Available at website
- bama.ua.edu/brown/water.html
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4Rainfall there aint any
- Increasing climatic variability
- More frequent and severe droughts in SE region
- My two states in particular
- Whats going on?
- Hard to say, but for now the outlook isnt great
- Lets take a brief look
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10Lucky Kentucky
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12El Niño 2006-2007 (hot, dry summer in SE) La
Niña current conditions (mild, dry winter)
A double whammy
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15Okay, so now what?
- We must start thinking of water as a scarce
resource mindset shift - Lets look for ways to cut back on water by
- Using catchment systems
- Start thinking more about water storage
- Managing your pond creating a pond if you dont
have one - Implementing a water conservation plan on the
farm - Considering water in all decisions
- Wells do go dry, water costs will go up
- Good news in the SE, we still get plenty of rain
even in our driest years! - And occasionally, we get lots in spite of it all
(2003 comes to mind)
16Rainwater catchment
- But, I thought we were talking about not having
any rain? - Well, we still have rain, but it comes in less
frequent bursts more variability - Still plenty more than out West
- Capturing it is the key
- Basic rainwater catchment roof improvements,
conveyance and quality control, storage, and
17Rainwaters been around for a long time
18In MANY forms
19Including this one
- Collection from a roof
- Conveyance
- Storage
- And now, a bit about each
20Roof materials
- When choosing a roofing material - the smoother
the better. The quantity of rainwater that can be
collected is also a function of roof texture - Can also impact quality
- Water quality from different roof catchments is a
function of the type of roof material, climate
conditions, and surrounding environment - More on this in a moment
- NOTE! Collection surfaces can be non-roofs
packed earth and concrete are common in some
21Roofs should be free of nastiness more on that
when we get to quality
May need to trim overhanging trees as debris can
get out of hand
22Capture efficiencies depends on roof material
- For a tile/metal/concrete/asphalt roof assume a
95 runoff efficiency - Gravel 70
- Bare soil 70
- Grass 17
- Source harvesth2o
23A word about rainwater quality and roof materials
- Copper roofs and heavy metals
- Asphalt shingles, especially new ones, and
especially on hot days leeching of organic
nasties into water - Some shingles have imbedded chemicals / moss
inhibitors that can be nasty - No roofing material has been approved or
certified for potable use - By the NSF or EPA or any other government or
regulatory organization - As for as metal, galvanized metal, painted or
unpainted with a nontoxic paint, are common.
Other roofing type materials include terra cotta,
tile, slate, and fiberglass - Roofing materials should have as little toxic
material on it as possible, to reduce leaching - Water collected from cedar roofs may be too
acidic - Beware lead flashing
24Gutters and downspouts
- Aluminum gutters
- Galvanized steel gutters
- PVC is used widely
- Bamboo can be a good choice for you DIYers if a
bit difficult to work with for the uninitiated - Rain chains
- Ensure constant slope
- Think of a gutter as a river - not a swamp
- Gutter guards
- Clean and inert the name of the game
26Clean out your gutters! This stuff will end up
in your rainwater tank Debris makes your system
- Anything from chains to traditional aluminum
downspouts can be used to get the water down from
the gutters - Sealed PVC piping is often used close to the
ground, and where the water needs to be
transported horizontally - This piping must be sized for good flows, storm
events, and easy cleaning - 3-4 diameter, with screens to keep out leaves
and animals appropriate for 1000SF catchment
28Debris traps
- A series of debris traps and filters can protect
water quality
29Rain chains
For those of you with style Popular choice Can
also use ropes of various kinds Not very
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31A few more words about quality protection on the
collection side
- In addition to worrying about the roof material
and debris traps, consider - First flush systems
- Barrels in series
- You want to prevent things from washing off roof
and ending up in your nice, clean rainwater - That you might even think about drinking
32First flush (AKA foul flush)
- A diverter of the first water that comes in a
given rain event - Usually sized to divert the first 1 or so by
volume of a 1 rain event - Sizing depends on roof size, material, etc there
are formulas and rules of thumb, but all are
fairly arbitrary - About 10 gallons per 1000 SF is what Ive used
- Designed to fill with contaminated water from a
rain event and empty itself over a 24 hour period
so that it is ready for the next time it rains - This system is used in most parts of the world to
improve water quality for potable rainwater
systems - Removes 80 or more of the pollutants that
collect on the roof or in the gutters and become
dissolved or suspended in the water
33More on first flush
from gutter
- Commercially available units ()
- Small tank with diversion
- Many designs are used
To storage
Floating ball
20 Gal
Large diameter PVC pipe with small hole drilled
in bottom
34The barrels-in-series treatment system
- Series of tanks that allow for settling out of
35And now, a bit about storage options
36Water storage
- The key to making rainwater available when and
where you need it - Storage tanks/cisterns take many forms and vary
greatly by cost, volume, and materials - The most common storage tanks in the US are the
above ground molded polyethylene tanks (300 -
5,000 gallons) - 1,000 3,000 gallons is the correct range for
our region that will allow for ample domestic or
some garden use - Ferrocement tanks are widely used elsewhere as
well as historically in the US
37Tank options
- Fiberglass
- Polyethylene
- In-ground polyethylene
- Metal
- Concrete/block
- Ferrocement
- Stone/masonry
- Earthship-style rammed earth tires/plaster
- Wood tanks, swimming pools, other materials, etc
38Fiberglass tanks
- Light-weight, reasonably priced, and long lasting
- Small barrels to 15,000 gallon tanks, several
shapes - Smaller fiberglass tanks (i.e. under 1,000
gallons) are expensive for their size, so
polyethylene might be preferred - Tanks for potable use need to have a
USDA-approved food-grade resin lining and the
tank should be opaque to inhibit algae growth - Generally recommended for any tanks used for
potable water - Durable and easy to maintain
- Most readily available, cheapest of all the
commercial options - Many shapes, sizes, versatility
- Most common in the USA
- Have been known to be leaky
- Opaque plastic colors may need to be shaded or
buried - Dont retain paint well
- May need reinforcement if buried
- Barrels to 10,000 gallons
42Clemson University system
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44Metal tanks
- Relatively expensive option
- Most tanks are corrugated galvanized steel dipped
in hot zinc to improve corrosion resistance - For above-ground use (risk of corrosion and LUST)
- Old or recycled tanks may contain nasties (e.g.,
lead and perhaps should be avoided - Unless you have the resources to test water
- Low pH of rainwater can leach out metals that are
more soluble at low pHs - Brass and bronze fittings should not be connected
directly to the tank as they will cause corrosion
46Metal with algae cover
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- Versatile, poured in place or prefabricated
- Concrete blocks, cinder blocks, other blocks
- Constructed above or below ground
- Owner or contractor-built
- Concrete will over time decrease the
corrosiveness of rainwater by leaching into the
water - Also taste advantages (Ca, Mg)
- May require high quality coating inside for
potable use - Underground concrete tanks are prone to cracking
and leaking, especially when in clayey soil - Leaks can be easily repaired, although the tank
may need to be drained to make the repair. - May need expertise of a structural engineer to
determine the size and spacing of reinforcing
steel - Xypex(TM) can be used to seal leaks in potable
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52Cast concrete or pottery
- Steel and mortar composite material
- These tanks can be above or below ground and can
be done by contractors or homeowners - Developed in third-world countries to be
relatively low-cost and durable - Typically chicken wire-wrapped around a light
framework of rebar, embedded in the concrete.
Walls can be as thin as 1" and still be strong - It can cost less to build than a concrete-only
tank - Will need maintenance and repair as cracks
appear - Paint it white to reflect the sun's rays, reduce
evaporation, and keep the water cool
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56Strength is in the rebar/wire mesh
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619000 gallons 400 kids for one year 3 months, no
62Plastered tire/rammed earth/Earthship tanks
- A circle of buried tires with a wire mesh inside
covered with plaster - Will need periodic maintenance to repair cracks
on the inside - Labor intensive
- Meant to be buried and can be very economical for
large tank sizes (i.e., 10,000 gallons/37,900
liters), especially if owner-built - Use great care in the plaster work
- Can last forever
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64My new crazy idea
65Another crazy idea
- Store water in existing wells
- Some researchers in India are testing it out.
- (link on the website)
66 -- Low/No High/Yes
67Some things all tanks need
- A solid secure cover
- A coarse inlet filter
- An overflow pipe
- A manhole, sump, and drain to facilitate cleaning
- An extraction system that does not contaminate
the water e.g., a tap or pump - A system to prevent spilled water from forming
puddles near the tank - Additional features might include
- System for reusing water from foul-flush
68Other considerations with tanks
- Water temperature can be elevated if using a
dark-colored tank - Tanks are often dark in color to discourage algae
growth - Try watering your tomatoes with 120F water and
report back to us next year - All of them will need to be cleaned out
periodically, so plan for that - All need to have a sloped bottom away from the
outlet so that settled solids dont gunk up the
69Sloped bottom to the tank away from outlet
70Protecting quality in rainwater systems
- First flush / foul flush systems
- Debris traps
- Roof maintenance
- Roof materials
- Tank materials
- Post-storage treatment
71More on rainwater quality (post-storage)
- Not very much data on this
- In most of the world, rainwater is usually of
much greater quality than other sources, and its
free! (with the cost of the roof improvements,
gutters, and tanks) - Atmospheric pollutants do find their way into
rainwater, usually at very low concentrations - Acid rain, VOCs, particulates
- There have been documented exceptions
- Urban areas can have issues with this
- Be aware of the considerations, but usually
quality is not a huge concern (BUT DEPENDS ON
USE) - Especially for non-potable uses
72There may be municipal restrictions on rainwater
use and quality controls
Check out tying into your domestic system,
reusing water
73Potable use
- Treatment for potable use (usually not
recommended, occasionally not legal) - Chlorine
- Requires proper dosing to 3-5mg/l difficult in
practice to get this right - Ultraviolet requires electricity and may not be
practical - http//www.harvesth2o.com/uv.shtml
- Filters
- RO/micro/ultra/nano filtration (POE devices)
- Sand or other granular media filters (less
effective) - Safe storage combined with no treatment (most
common in developing countries) - One drop, silver-based technologies, silane
coatings - Brita wont cut it
- Human pathogens dont generally grow in rainwater
- Can persist, however, if foul-flush system is
74Two examples of small rainwater systems
75Design for a chicken houseexample project for
- 6 x 8 corrugated metal
- Attached to one side of roof thats 5 on a 512
pitch - Catchment area is 6 x 12 on 512 pitch
- Works out to 66 square feet (footprint)
- Always calculate catchment area as on-ground
projection of a sloped roof - Gutters connected to 1 55 gallon drum
- Connected by hose to watering can
76Catchment area a x b(birds eye view of roof
77My chicken house
79Looking up rainfall data
CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE 3 per month or 36 per
year Spreadsheet available at http//bama.ua.edu/
80ASSUME 12 hens drink 1 gallon of water per day
(drinking and panting to cool off) Assume you get
half of normal rainfall, and 20 is wasted USE 1
55-gallon drum. Conversion factor 1 CuFt 7.48
81The finer points of design
- Cleaning off the roof, trimming back oerhanging
trees - Using scrap metal from my own personal dump left
behind by the barbarian rednecks who were on our
place before - Working with the random fittings and hoses I
already have lying around - Considering buying a new drum
- Total materials cost approximately 0
82Design for a household system in McCalla, Alabama
- House footprint 1250 SF
- Daily use of 100 gallons for all domestic uses
and our attached small greenhouse - Probably an overestimate since were
conservation-minded - Supplemental treatment via POU/POE filtration
- First flush system
83Demand take a close look
- How much water do you anticipate using?
- 50 gal per day? 200?
- 95 is average for Americans!
- The WHO says we can live on less than 2 per day
for essential drinking and cooking
84Find your citys data in .xls format
http//bama.ua.edu/brown/water.html SOURCE
85Use 30 year data with 10 loss factor
at end of the month
86Meeting supply and demand
87Other points
- Using 2000 gallon water tank
- Metal but in good condition, also salvaged
- Existing gutters
- Aged asphalt shingle roof
- Oerhanging trees
- First flush system of PVC floating ball type
- Post-storage sand filter and UV disinfection (or
ceramic filters) for potable use - Parallel line for greywater
- Id better start becoming adept at plumbing.
- Every project an opportunity to learn things
- Not to mention purchase fun tools
88Designing YOUR system
- Identify needs and goals
- Figure out what catchment area youre working
with - Get your rainfall data the more local, the
better - Why not get a weather station? Just remember to
empty the rain gauge! - Calculate supply using a simple spreadsheet
- Full example in a moment
- Assess demand
- Account for all the conserving youre going to
start doing ? - Try to live within your hydrologic (and ecologic)
means! - Ponder tank sizes tradeoffs between storage and
cost - Include ample assumptions for losses, especially
at first - Can always put in overflow barrels that are
extra - Include allowances for drought, increased
proportion of rainfall occurring in less frequent
but more intense bursts - Leads to more losses due to splashing,
overwashing gutters - Like with any new thing, best to start small
(in size and )
89Sizing the storage tank
- Where supply meets demand
- Major determinant of cost
- For domestic/small garden uses 1000 3000
gallons - More storage provides for greater drought
protection - Tradeoff!
90Rainwater for irrigation
- Capture is critical usually theres the least
rain when temperatures are highest and irrigation
is most important - Need to boost storage for irrigation use
- You will be able to find uses for your stored
rainwater, so investment in tanks is always good - Not very practical for large scale row crop
operation, but - Water where you need it without pipes if you have
a greenhouse, barn, chicken house, etc far away
from current water sources - And can be gravity fed no pumps or less pumping
- Can supplement other sources
- Widely used for this purpose in some places of
the developing world
91Stored rainwater versus paying for tap water
- 250 gallons 1
- Often more in smaller, private systems
- In our region, a 1000 system will pay for itself
in 3 10 years if only the bottom line is
considered - 3000 gallon capacity tank(s) and few extras for
the roof and gutters - Depends on use, rainfall, cost of tap water, how
efficient the system is, etc - Could make a lot of sense from a great many
perspectives, not just economic - Increasing your self sufficiency in times of
92Rainwater versus wells
- Wells can and do run dry, so good to have a
backup plan - North Carolina groundwater map
- Not always available
- For example, some areas of Alabama
- buyameter.org
93By the way marketing opportunities
- Touting drought resistant or low-water crops
- Highlighting sustainable water use on the farm
- Rainwater harvesting as a selling point
- Focus on farm impacts on water
- Well-managed agricultural land provides for
infiltration - Erosion controls and BMPs for reduction of runoff
and therefore waterborne pollution - Grass swales, ponds, rain gardens
- Watershed, riparian zone, or wetland protection
- Make sure your customers know you are doing
something good, maybe theyll buy another tomato
94Your own Walden Ponda water savings account
95First of all resources!
- Key ones are available on the website
- http//bama.ua.edu/brown/water.html
- Building a pond requires expert site-specific
help - Its both a science and an art
- Just a few general points here
96Selecting a pond site
- Put it over yunder has not been a successful
philosophical viewpoint or modus operandi - Several factors to consider, including
- Safety
- Soils
- Geology
- Topography
- Irrigation access proximity to crops
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98A few different pond types
- Embankment (less expensive)
- Excavated (more expensive)
- Levee
- Watershed-levee
- Have a look at resources on the website
99Maintain your pond
- If you have an old pond site on your property,
its well worth taking the trouble to clean it up,
rather than negotiating permits and incurring the
expense for a new one - This is a resource to be maintained
- Can be expensive to dredge and repair ponds
- Vegetation decays, sediment accumulates and the
basin erodes. Eventually, without help, the pond
disappears - Shallow water contributes to excessive aquatic
weed problems and potentially to fish kills from
low dissolved oxygen when average depth is less
than 3 feet maintain adequate depth
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101More on maintenance
- Beware of runoff or be prepared to recover your
topsoil with a backhoe in 20 years and pay for
the privilege - Keep your pond surrounded by large grassy areas
to prevent soil from washing into the pond from
nearby fields - Dont leave exposed soil in your catchment basin
if you can help it - Keep contours in mind, of course, anytime you
disturb the soil - Also keep in mind that the ponds own water can
cause soil erosion - Like capitalism, every pond contains the seeds of
its own destruction - Wind-whipped waves can eat away at a ponds banks,
dam and spillway - Common solutions include breaking up waves with
an obstacle such as a floating log boom - Aquatic plants?
- Keep livestock out of your pond as much as
possible, both to prevent erosion and to maintain
water quality
102Is my pond leaking or evaporating?
103Leaky ponds
- Excessive seepage is a common pond problem in
many areas - Most severe seepage problems can be traced back
to two fundamental causes a poor site and/or
improper pond construction practices. - A poor site may be one in which either the soils
are too permeable to hold water and/or the
underlying geology is not conducive to holding
water. - Risky geological structure includes underlying
cavernous limestone prone to develop sinkholes or
exposed rock areas in the pond bottom around
which water might channel beneath the pond. - Seepage rates can vary considerably for ponds,
depending on the dominant soil type. - Properly constructed ponds on good sites will
have low seepage rates.
104Leaky ponds, continued
- Improper pond construction techniques are often
the cause of excessive seepage - Avail yourself of resources no doubt available
from your cooperative extension AND expert advice
from folks whove built ponds that are still
around - Most embankment ponds require a cutoff and core
trench compacted with a good-quality clayey
material along the centerline of the dam and
extending down into impervious material. - Failure to properly install the core trench can
result in excessive seepage through the base of
the dam. - This problem can sometimes be corrected through
draining the pond and installing a new core
trench in front of the dam. - Proper soil moisture is very important for
obtaining optimum compaction during the
construction phase. Ponds constructed with soil
either too dry or too wet can result in excess
seepage due to poor compaction. - There are several methods and materials that can
be used to seal leaking ponds, including
compaction, clay blankets, bentonite, chemical
dispersing agents, and pond liners - Much easier in construction than later!!!!
- See resources on website there are some very
good articles on this
105Water conservation on the small farm
- Irrigation reducing losses, avoiding over
watering - Managing crops to get the most out of your water
106Being stingy with your water by asking the tough
Youre probably already going through this mental
- North Carolina is located in a humid region
where irrigation must be planned in conjunction
with prevailing rainfall conditions. In humid
regions such as ours, applying routine amounts of
irrigation water at regular intervals will almost
always result in overirrigation and the needless
waste of water and energy - Evans, Sneed, and Cassell (1996) NCCES
108Checking soil moisture
- The feel method
- Instruments
- Dont want to over water
- In addition to wasting water, can lead to shallow
roots, other issues
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110Irrigation scheduling
- Delivering the correct amount of water at the
correct time - Know your crops water sensitivity and needs at
various stages of growth - Focus on critical points
- Monitor soil moisture, even if its just through
spot checking with the feel test - Ample information out there on this check with
your extension
111So what are some simple steps for saving water?
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113If you can, scale back
- Reduce area planted no use trying to stretch too
little water over too little land you run the
risk of overstressing everything - Reduce production of water intensive crops if you
can - Focus on giving adequate water to those most
critical () crops and cut corners on the
extras that may not be as marketable - Hard choices are sometimes needed
114Crop selection
- Certain crops and varieties are less sensitive to
water stress - May not be as productive
- May not have as high a market demand
- Talk to your extension agent and other folks to
get ideas
115For example drought resistance and cover crops
- Sudan sudex is best
- One sees sorghum and millet planted together in
many dry places around the world - Sudan grass is not a legume, no nitrogen fixation
- Hairy vetch is moderately drought resistant
- Cowpeas (iron and clay peas) moderately drought
resistant - Crimson clover is not drought resistant
- I dont recommend kudzu, although it is drought
116Develop strategies to make the most of rain when
it comes
- A good response to longer periods of dryness
broken by more violent rainstorms is to make your
soil drought-resistant - What you want is a way for your valuable plants
to survive a temporary water deficit, without
having to use a lot of water - So, make sure that the water from a deluge
doesn't run off - Make the water percolate down to plants' roots
- Bare plowed soil loses water quickly to
evaporation - Ground cover of any kind helps
- More on this
117Water and your soil
- Soil type and structure is a major determinant of
how much water is held and whether your crops can
access it - E.g., clay holds a great deal of water, but that
water may not be easily accessible to plants - Soils that are too sandy may not hold water well
at all - You can promote water infiltration, retention,
and accessibility by developing proper soil
structure and fertility - Organic matter, cover crops (promote infiltration
and reduce evapotranspiration), etc - Advantage of reduced tillage, no-till systems
undisturbed soil holds water - Also advantages for pond buffer areas
- Worms
118Weeds and trees
- Remember, they compete with your plants for water
- And competition can be fierce
- Mature trees in peak summer heat can use 250
gallons a day - Roots may go out horizontally as far as the
height of the tree - May not notice until drought conditions are
119The obvious things
- You know youre doing something wrong when
- There are puddles of water hither and yon
- You see jets of water coming up between rows,
from valves, at couplings, etc - Tiny rivers appear out of nowhere
- Use drip irrigation and lots of mulch/row covers
where possible - Use sprinklers in the evening/morning if
necessary and maximize droplet size - Want to deliver water so that it doesnt
evaporate immediately - Also dont stress out your plants when they are
suffering from lack of water by feeding or pruning
120Thanks for your attention, yall