Title: Dr. Huseyin Ugur
1Dr. Huseyin Ugur
- Member, IMEKO Technical Board
- Consultant, World Bank
- Specialist on Measurements, Testing, Standards
and Quality - Former President of Turkey National Metrology
Institute - Former Board Member, Turkish Society for Quality
2Metrology, Standards, Testing Quality
Systems Joint World Bank and Turkey Innovation
and Competitiveness Practitioners Workshop 19-21
April 2004 Istanbul Dr. Hüseyin Ugur
- Quality and MSTQ Systems
- Role of Measurements in Our Life
- International Metrology System
- MSTQ System in Turkey
- IBRD in Support of MSTQ System of Turkey
- IBRD Experience
- Role of UME in the MSTQ System of Turkey
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
4Quality and MSTQ Systems
Quality Conformity to the standards and
fulfillment of customer expectations
- During production we have to do every thing right
! - After production, during marketing, we have to
prove that we have done it right, so we have to
perform tests to convince the purhasers. - But after production full tests cant be done on
all products, so we need an assurance that all
goods confirm to specifications and expectations
Quality during production Quality
Systems/Quality Assurance Quality for marketing
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
5Quality and MSTQ Systems
Is for Consumer Protection
Area Purpose Production Improve the
quality Trade Fairness, justice Import
Control Prevent low quality products Export
Control Increase international market
share Technical Barriers Put technical barriers
to protect local industry
MSTQ Systems effect almost all aspects of our
6Quality and MSTQ Systems
- Main Drivers
- GATT/TBT Agreements
- Customs Union Agreements
- Bi-lateral Trade Agreements
- Harmonization (mostly EU)
- Globalization
Test once, market everywhere. But the tests
should be accepted by the purchaser. Number of
international trade partners is in thousands. How
can the acceptance problem solved?
- Outcome
- Three Levels of Structure (International,
Regional, National) - Importance of Regional Organizations is
increasing - Multi-lateral Recognition Agreements are quite
common - Conformity Assessment Network is established
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
7Quality and MSTQ Systems
Conformity Assessment System Calibration Testing A
nalysis Verification Inspection Type Approval
Certification Providers Assurance Standardi
zation Accreditation Metrology Supporters Re
MSTQ System Metrology Standardization Testin
g Quality
In Short Detailed
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
8Role of Measurements in Our Life
Measurements Constitute 5-12 of GNP of a
developed nation Used in production Used in
trade (Legal Metrology) Used in health Used in
everyday life Used by military Used in
research Measurements are the basis for the
conformity assessment processes Need for a
uniform and structured system after industrial
revolution. Studies for such a system lasted
for more than 300 years. In 1875 a harmonized
system was established. This System is called the
Meter Convention and is the oldest
international agreement still operational.
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
9Cholesterol Measurements
Improved Cholesterol Measurement Accuracy Saves
Health Care Dollars
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
10International Metrology System
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
11International Metrology System
Mutual Recognition Arrangement
Scheme of Key Suplementary Comparisons
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
12MSTQ System in Turkey
International Metrology System and Turkey
Industrial Scientific
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
13MSTQ System in Turkey
Main Organizations in Turkey
Providers Metrology UME Standardization TSE
Assurance Accreditation TURKAK Support Patents
and Intellectual Rights TPE Others Laboratorie
s TURKLAB Verification, Type Approval Ministry
of Industry and Trade Coordination CAB
(Comformity Assessment Board) Quality KalDer
14IBRD Support of MSTQ System in Turkey
IBRD and MSTQ in Turkey TDP (Technology
Development Project) 1992-1997 Metrology
(UME) Standardization (TSE) Testing
(TSE) Certification (TSE) ITP (Industrial
Technology Project) 1997-2004 Metrology
(UME) Testing (UME) Registrations and Patents
Hüseyin Ugur, 2004
15Brief Development of UME
Understanding and philosophy of UME in
1992 Conformity Assessment System of Turkey
should be compatible to the International and
Regional (European) Systems UME is the major
player in the Turkish Conformity Assessment
System UME must operate along the lines of well
established metrology institutes UME should be
an important part of the International Metrology
System UME should be able to sign recognition
agreements In 15 years UME should close the the
gap of 100 years, and IBRD projects are the main
tools in order to accomplish this task.
16Brief Development of UME
Challenge Measurement science and technology
(metrology) should be well ahead of other
branches of science and technology. A metrology
institute should be able to calibrate any
equipment the customer has. In order to do that,
metrology institutes should have better
measurement systems and techniques compared to
their customers. What happens if the customer
has the state of the art measurement system the
money can buy (frequently the case)? Then
metrology institutes must develop their own
measurement equipment and techniques that are
better than any commercial system. This requires
rather advance research, wide cooperation among
similar institutes and is very costly.
17IBRD Experience
Advantages of Using IBRD Funds
Structured Decision Making Well established and
long term rules Centralized information/advise
point Secured and planned funding Low indirect
and real costs
Disadvantages of Using IBRD Funds Generalized
rules, in some cases not enough
flexibility Replacement of key IBRD staff during
the life-time of the Project High direct and
apparent costs
18IBRD Experience
Main Challenge Do every thing right and with a
high quality Be fast and efficient Go by the
book Success depends on the book and
optimization of these normally orthagonal
(non-compatible) parameters.
19IBRD Experience
Problems Encountered IBRD Not enough
flexibility in some cases Borrower (Turkish
Government) Coordination between Treasury and
State Planning Office. Compatibility of IBRD
and local rules. Providing the necessary inputs
for the Project such as Counterfund
funding Staffing Implementing Agency
(TUBITAK/UME) Adoptation to mostly strict rules
(not to be able to understand the logic behind
the rules). Inability to solve procurement
related problems in a short time. Preparation
of technical specifications for procurement.
20IBRD Experience
- Suggested Solutions
- Splitting the Implementation Rules as General and
Project Specific Rules - Assigning an organizational advisor to act as an
arbitrator with a similar role of Engineer in the
construction projects -
- General Rules are fixed throughout the Project
- Project Specific Rules can be modified by the
suggestion of the Advisor and acceptance of IBRD
and the Implementing Agency -
21Role of UME in the MSTQ System
Main source of know-how on measurements Provide
r of national measurement standards Technical
support to accreditation and standardization Int
ernational representation Support to industry
by technology transfer Training Consultancy
Creation of a new industry on measurements Prof
essional laboratories Equipment
manufacturers Equipment importers Consultants
22Role of UME in the MSTQ System
In Turkey Measurements constitute roughly
20 billion USD/year Direct calibration, test and
measurement market is worth 100 million
USD Direct conformity assessment market is 500
million USD 10 of industrial exports are
directly effected by the conformity assessment
system (3 billion USD/year) UME contribution to
GNP in 2003 is 250-470 million USD depending on
the model used. Up to now total spending for UME
is 76 million USD in 12 years.
23Role of UME in the MSTQ System
Main Progress of UME (1992-2006)
UME has started with 12 people and 200,000 USD
worth of equipment in 1992. In that year total
income from industrial services was 12,000 USD
and UME could handle only 1 of the calibration
With two IBRD Projects, at the end of 2003, UME
had 190 people, 1,600,000 USD industrial income
and could handle 80 of calibration requirements
of Turkish Industry.
At the end of 2006, UME plans to have 300 people,
3,000,000 USD industrial income and will be able
to handle 95 of calibration needs of the
24Role of UME in the MSTQ System
MSTQ System of Turkey and UME today
MSTQ System is compatible to European practices
except in legal metrology and some areas in
testing. Legal Metrology will be ready in couple
of years. New test laboratories are being
established. UME is part of European System and
is well accepted by the International
System. UME takes part in the management of many
metrology organizations.
25Role of UME in the MSTQ System
Understanding and new philosophy of UME in
2002 Now UME has fulfilled all the targets set
in 1992 in 10 years, rather than initially
anticipated 15 years, more ambitious targets can
be set In 10 years UME should become one of the
major metrology institutes in the world, helping
for a larger share of Turkish exports. UME
should have a very important role in Turkey for
the usage of sophisticated measurements and
techniques for the scientific and technological
development of the country. UME should provide
the necessary know-how to the industry for more
efficient, profitable and reliable production.
26Role of UME in the MSTQ System
In the last ten years there was a tremendous
development in Turkey in the area of conformity
assessment. UME played a very crucial role in
this development. Two IBRD projects that
supported the MSTQ System in Turkey have played a
very important role in this development.
Thank You for your patience
27Dr. Huseyin Ugur
- Member, IMEKO Technical Board
- Consultant, World Bank
- Specialist on Measurements, Testing, Standards
and Quality - Former President of National Metrology Institute
- Former Board Member, Turkish Society for Quality