2Bangladesh Introduction
- The full name of the country People's Republic
of Bangladesh. Area 143998 km. Population 129
million people. Capital Dhaka - Ethnic groups Bengali 98, tribal groups,
non-Bengali Muslims (1998) - Religions Muslim 83, Hindu 16, other 1 (1998)
- Languages Bengal, English.
- The main partners the Countries of the Western
Europe, the USA, Hong Kong, Japan, India, China,
3C l i m a t e
The climates of Bangladesh are subtropical and
tropical. The temperature is about 21 degrees of
Celsius in a cold season and about 35 degrees of
Celsius in the hottest season. Bangladesh has
three main seasons a damp season " it begins
from the end of May till on the beginning of
October " a cold season "it begins from the
middle of October till end of February and " a
hot season " (known to Bangladesh as " a season
of small rains ") which begins from the middle of
March up to the middle of May. There is also a
season of cyclones - from May till October and
from October till November.
4The nature
- In a hot and damp subtropical climate the huge
quantity of various plants grows in Bangladesh.
Despite of it, woods borrow only 7, 5 areas
Bangladesh. Marshy tropical wood Sandarac is
widely known in the world, that it means the
Beautiful wood ", it is in the southwest of the
country. There are about 334 kinds of flowers
grow in this area. - Kat Hal is a breadfruit tree. Its juicy, with
orange pulp fruits can reach 10 kg. - About 60 lands of Bangladesh borrow fields where
grow rice and jute. Among the locusts fields
there are villages. Countrymen usually surround
the houses with trees of a mango, litchi, coconut
palm trees, palm trees of the Indian plum, trees
Jackfruit and thickets of banana trees.
5C u l t u r e
Bangladesh has a various cultural heritages.
Ancient traditions, they are Buddhists, Hindu and
Moslems. Weaving, manufacturing of clay products
and terracotta sculptures - one of the earliest
forms of art self-expression. The most known
literary great works of Bangladesh poems are
Rabindranata Tag ore and Nasrulla. In village
folk is very popular and the theatre performances
are usually arranged during a holiday of
harvesting or during fairs. Bangladesh has a
various national dances, but classical dances,
basically borrowed at Hindus.
6R e l i g i o n
Bangladesh is the country of several religions.
They are Muslim 83, Hindu 16, Buddhists - 0,6,
Christians - 0,3 and other 1. The constitution
guarantees all representatives rights of any
Weddings to Bangladesh amaze with the grandness
They proceed, as a rule, some days. The big
number of visitors is invited, The rich table
will be organized, Gold ornaments for the bride
are ordered.
7T r a d i t i o n
- People of Bangladesh have not lost their rituals
and traditions. In a countryside youth welcomes
seniors a capture of ashes from legs ". It gives
the privilege to the first to begin any action
the Birth of the child mark distribution of
sweets, as they say Sandish or Sandish Pitcha.
Visitors are invited to a celebration they bring
to the child gifts. They usually put on the small
child on temple black spot antimony from a
malefic. The empty jug, a branch of a brittle
willow, odd number, birds Salikh or a corpse -
is considered by all this as an adverse sign for
the beginning travel. The banana tree is- a
subject for reverential fear. The Countryman
never will go by it at night. A birth of the boy
regard as success, and the birth of the daughter
in most cases are undesirable. They say that the
daughter should be married and she brings
something as present to husbands relatives.
Moslems and Christians bury bodies died on
cemeteries, Hindus burn them. Moslems spend
commemoration "kulich an" for the fourth day of
death, and Christians on fourteenth (covers). But
Hindus has another ritual.
8National holidays
- On February, 21st - Day of memory of heroes
- On March, 26th - Day of independence
- On April, 14th (15) - Bengalese New year
- On May, 1st - May day
- On December, 16th - Day of a victory
- On December, 25th - Christmas
- The holidays marked on a lunar calendar
- The Buddha Purnima
- Juma-Tull-Bida
- Id-Ul-Fitr
- Id-Ul-Azkha
- Id-e-Miladunabi
- Durga-Puja
9S p o r t s
- As other nations as India or Pakistan Bangladesh
population love all kinds of sports football
(soccer), cricket and field hockey.
10? i t c h e n
- Bangladesh people, probably, the greatest fans to
eat on all Indian subcontinents. Cooking - long
enough ceremony which became a part of Bangladesh
culture. Culinary preferences to Bangladesh were
to some extent defined with a geographical
position of the country. The fertile ground
supplies inhabitants with various vegetables,
fruit. A variety of Bangladesh dishes unusually
the same as Asia dishes. But the greatest variety
ways of preparation of a fish differ. Bangladesh
use uncountable set of ways of preparation of a
fish prepared on pair or stewed with vegetables,
stewed with greens or vegetables in mustard or
flower sauce.
The typical Bangladesh food consists of a beef
(or sometimes mutton, chicken meat or eggs) and
the vegetables prepared in hot sharp sauce with
mustard, lentil and white fig. the Fish is a
component of a daily diet, but excessive fishing
has led to an exhaustion of fish stocks in the
rivers, therefore in the menu even more often
there are various kinds of sea fishes. Not
everywhere it is possible to order alcoholic
drinks, for this purpose it is better to you to
go to restaurants of five stored hotels.
Menu Chicken with tomatoes Baked -meat
Chicken-fried Kerry from meat Fish and sea
products Fishes in mustard souses Kerry from
Carps Vegetables Kerry from cabbages
Potatoes with cabbages Bangladesh salads
Bangladesh vegetables Pressed mustard-potato
Dishes from beans soup-sauces with beans
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