State of the Student Body - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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State of the Student Body


24 of the 28 Jesuit Colleges/Universities across the country were ... 5 different locations during spring break; habitat trip. Spirit Intellect Purpose ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: State of the Student Body

State of the Student Body
  • Presented by
  • Patrick J. Hughes 06
  • Student Body President

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Mission and Identity
  • Saint Joseph's University is a Catholic and
    Jesuit university that instills in each member of
    its academic community a love of learning and of
    the highest intellectual and professional
    achievement moral discernment reflecting
    Christian values and a transforming commitment
    to social justice. Saint Joseph's is a private
    Independent and Comprehensive university.
  • The defining element of Saint Joseph's
    intellectual tradition experienced by all of its
    undergraduate students is its strong and
    integrative core curriculum in the liberal arts
    that informs their study of particular
    disciplines. While remaining true to that humane
    and formative tradition, Saint Joseph's now
    embraces the challenge of excellence in graduate
    education in both the arts and sciences and in
    business. Our understanding of the centuries old
    Jesuit educational vision of "concern for the
    individual student" (cura personalis) establishes
    effective and rigorous teaching and learning as a
    primary value.
  • (abridged)

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • Saint Josephs University will be recognized as
    the preeminent Catholic comprehensive university
    in the Northeast.
  • -December 2004

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • This year Saint Josephs University has received
    its highest ranking ever (9th in the North) from
    US News and World Report .

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative I.
  • -Demand excellence in student academic
    achievement through a teacher/scholar model that
    promotes an atmosphere that enables our students
    to be intellectually curious throughout their

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • Last year, Dr. Brice Wachterhauser was named
    Provost of Saint Josephs University. He will
    continue to promote academic rigor at the
    University while it undergoes the comprehensive
    curricular review.
  • Saint Josephs will hire fifty new full-time
    faculty in the next five years.

Dr. Brice R. Wachterhauser Provost
Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • Rolling Admissions is gone.
  • The freshman applicant pool has quadrupled in the
    last decade, undergraduate enrollment has grown
    by more than 40 percent (reaching an all-time
    high of 3,950), and the academic profile of
    entering classes has been shaped by higher SAT
    scores, stronger GPAs, and the appeal of Saint
    Josephs as a regional university with a national
    draw all of this while maintaining a
    long-standing commitment to keeping Saint
    Josephs accessible to a wide range of students.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Academic Excellence
  • 56 students (44 Seniors and 12 Juniors) were
    inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in May.
  • 69 of the students in the class of 2004 reported
    participating in internships before graduating.
  • (Source 2004 Post-Graduate Survey)
  • 22 of the students in the class of 2004 are
    attending graduate school.
  • (Source 2004 Post-Graduate Survey)

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • 59 of both freshmen and seniors report working
    harder than they anticipated to meet an
    instructors academic expectations.
  • 85 of freshmen and 97 of seniors reported that
    they acquired a broad general education while
    attending SJU.
  • 53 of freshmen planned to study abroad, 17 of
    seniors studied abroad.
  • 59 of freshmen and 37 of seniors study
    11 hours per week. (Source 2004

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Faculty Getting Involved Outside of the Classroom
  • Several faculty members act as advisors to
    different student organizations
  • Highly encouraged to be recognized not just in
    the classroom
  • Students more responsive to involved faculty who
    act as not only as teachers, but advisors and

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • In January 2005, the University Student Senate
    created the Vice President of Academic Affairs
  • The Academic Affairs committee has established an
    Honors Program Student Council promoting academic
    rigor while drawing representation from all of
    the academic disciplines.

Annie Harkins received the USS scholarship award
Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative II.
  • -Proclaim and strengthen the Catholic and Jesuit
    identity of Saint Josephs while promoting
    diversity throughout the university.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Catholic and Jesuit Identity
  • A total of 250 students annually participate in
    service immersion trips through Campus Ministry.
  • 21 students participated in the Spiritual
    Exercises last year.
  • Perennially, a number of graduates choose to
    dedicate a year to the JVC.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • 150 students participated in weekly service
    programs last year.
  • Average weekly attendance at 1000 p.m. Sunday
    Mass was 500.
  • 150 students served as liturgical ministers.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Josh Power received the USS Service Award
  • The Director of Multicultural Life, Dr. Shoshanna
    Edwards-Alexander, is a hallmark presenter at
    Freshman Orientation and is consistently
    available for student conflict mediation in the
    residence halls.
  • To date, there have been 15 St. Perpetua room and
    board scholarships for students of color and 7
    are anticipated for the fall.
  • 428 students attended mission and/or
    diversity-focused Living Learning events.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative III.
  • -Identify and strengthen the signature programs
    at the university.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • Over the next five years, 12.5 million will go
    towards renovating the Science Center.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • The Sutula Scholars Program is designed to
    provide an enrichment experience for a group of
    accounting students that will enhance the
    reputation and visibility of the accounting
    program at Saint Joseph's University.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative IV.
  • -Provide the best facilities and related
    technology infrastructure to meet the needs of
    Saint Josephs students faculty and staff.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Episcopal Academy
  • 2008

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Facilities and Technology
  • 100 of the residence halls have fire sprinklers
  • High speed Internet capability in all residence
  • From Fall 2002 to 2004, the percentage of
    students living in residence halls has grown from
    51 to 59. Between 1995 2004, 1,188 beds were
    added to the housing system.
  • The Field House fitness center features 150,000
    worth of brand new equipment.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Three-PhaseCampion Renovations
  • The second and third floors of the Student Center
    were renovated this summer, increasing student
    space by 65.
  • The Third Floor and part of downstairs will be
    24-hour study space with swipe card access.
  • The last phase will improve handicapped access to
    the building and to the Presidents Lounge.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
The Third Floor
Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative V.
  • -Strengthen the overall financial health of the
    institution increase endowment, decrease tuition
    dependence, and carefully evaluate ongoing
    programs and new initiatives.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Financial Health
  • Saint Josephs University is highly tuition
    dependent with a modest endowment.
  • Since entering as freshmen in 2001, tuition for
    the class of 2005 increased 21 from 21,270 to
    25,770. Tuition grants to returning students
    have not kept pace.
  • Freshman and sophomores are required to live in
    University residence halls which are considerably
    more expensive than area apartments.
  • 6 of freshmen and 40 of seniors report that
    they work 11 or more hours per week off-campus.
    (Source 2004 NSSE)

Spirit Intellect Purpose
In 2002, SJU received 243,000 from the
Pennsylvania Higher Education Graduate Incentive
Grant Program.
  • The grant was awarded to institutions with high
    retention and graduation rates.
  • The funds contribute to the Supplemental
    Instruction program and meet expenses associated
    with financial emergencies which would prevent
    students from graduating.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative VI.
  • -Continue focus on a vibrant campus life through
    increasing proportion of undergraduates in
    residence and improving programs, activities and

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Vibrant Campus Life
  • Most aspiration institutions have 75-85 of their
    undergraduate students in residence. Saint
    Josephs is currently at 59.
  • Residence Life offers over 500 programs annually
    (Jesuit ideals, community builders,
    living/learning housing options.)
  • This year a 50 per resident fee will fund
    additional programming for students.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Vibrant Campus Life
  • There are currently over 65 recognized student
  • 77 of freshmen and 63 of seniors indicate that
    they participate in co-curricular activities
    while at Saint Josephs.
  • (Source 2004 NSSE)

Michael Spagnuola received the USS Leadership
Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • SJU til 2 provides activities every Friday and
    Saturday night from 900 p.m. 200 a.m.
    including bands, movies, games, and more.
  • The Fieldhouse will remain open until 2 a.m. on
    Friday and Saturday nights hosting basketball,
    volleyball, swimming and other activities.
  • Our goal is to increase student enjoyment of the
    cultural, athletic, and social activities within
    the city of Philadelphia.
  • Intramurals had record participation last year,
    exceeding 18,000.  (The 2003-2004 participation
    number was 14,228.)

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • Up Til Dawn raised 80,000 for St. Judes
    Childrens Research Hospital and had 487
  • 2,000 people participated in the 29th annual Hand
    in Hand Festival.
  • SJU hosted the National Jesuit Student Leadership
    Conference in July 2005.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
New Student Orientation, Class of 2009
  • Toon Into SJU
  • Team consists of 90 Red Shirts
  • First year using the 4 day model as opposed to
    the 3 weekend model
  • More emphasis on Academic Rigor, Jesuit Ideals,
    Self Identity
  • Involves more Academic Departments and Resources
  • Gives Freshmen class unity in experiencing
    orientation all at once

Spirit Intellect Purpose
University Student Senate (USS)
  • Foremost student group on campus
  • Centralizes and coordinated the efforts of
    student groups while vehemently representing the
    interests of all students at the institutional
  • Student Body President
  • 4 Vice Presidents
  • New VP position
  • VP of Academic Affairs
  • Increase student involvement in regards to
    academic decisions
  • Increase student awareness and engagement in
    academic environment
  • 1 Speaker
  • 18 elected senators
  • Increased Communication (OPA)
  • Representing Students in the areas of dining
    services, facilitates, bookstore, financial
    matters and organizational budgets, security and
    all areas encompassing student life at the

Spirit Intellect Purpose
National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference
2005 Go Forth and Set the World On Fire
  • 24 of the 28 Jesuit Colleges/Universities across
    the country were present at SJU
  • Present were 200 people - Resident Assistants,
    Student Government Officials, Orientation
    Leaders, Campus Ministry Students, Greek Life
    Officers, Student Programmers and Administrators
  • Over 70 Breakout Sessions offered
  • Keynote Speakers included Fr. Lannon, Pat Croce
    and Andrea Mosby Jones

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Student Union Board (SUB)
  • Programming organization of the student body
  • Cinematic Arts
  • Special Events
  • Special Presentations
  • Travel and Recreation
  • Music
  • Fine Arts
  • Multicultural
  • Publicity
  • Activities include Welcome Back Week, Bi-Monthly
    Java Jam Coffee Houses, Weekly Movie Series,
    trips to the Philadelphia area and beyond,
  • Provide fun, healthy, affordable campus programs

Spirit Intellect Purpose
SJU Til 2
  • Friday and Saturday nights
  • Students can come and enjoy free food, music,
    special events
  • Passed Events include Hawk-a-Palooza, Family
    Feud, Caribbean Festival, Acoustic Battle of the
    Bands, Magicians, and much more
  • Fun, free and healthy weekend lifestyles

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Greek Life
  • Prides itself on Academic success, philanthropy
    work, and social responsibilities
  • Greek Councils philanthropies include
    Adopt-a-Family and Winter Clothing Drive

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Campus Ministry
  • Weekly Service Sights
  • Retreats
  • Search Self-Identity retreat
  • Escape Freshmen retreat
  • Wilderness Nature retreat
  • Project Mexico
  • In Tijuana global outreach
  • Native American Experience
  • In New Mexico mission trip
  • Project Appalachia
  • 5 different locations during spring break
    habitat trip

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Service Opportunities
  • Hand In Hand
  • Day when mentally challenged children/adults come
    to SJU for fun, games and friends
  • Up till Dawn
  • Benefits St. Judes Children Hospital
  • Last year raised approximately 85K
  • Service Learning Classes
  • Learn curriculum through interaction in needy
    Philadelphia neighborhoods

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Counseling Center
  • Located in the Merion Gardens Penthouse
  • Confidential Counseling for students
  • Location changed from Campion to Merion Gardens
    if noticed problems exist with students please
    advice to visit the counseling center

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Residence Life
  • Jesuit mission exemplified through policies,
    staff and programming
  • Living Learning Floors
  • English
  • Fine Arts
  • Freshmen Learning Community
  • Honors
  • International Affairs
  • Politics and Law
  • Business
  • Science
  • Foreign Language
  • Promotes healthy and safe living environment
  • Fosters committee of men and women who work and
    live with and for each other

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Student Code
  • The University has revised its student handbook
    for the 2005-2006 academic year in order to
    accommodate a growing concern for student health
    in regard to alcohol consumption.
  • The new policy emphasizes a concern for the
  • There were 37 hospitalizations last year
    involving alcohol. There have been 8 this year

Spirit Intellect Purpose
  • 18 varsity sports (men, 9 women, 9), NCAA
    Division I, Atlantic 10, Big 5
  • 30 intramural and recreational activities,
    variety of fitness programs
  • Recently remodeled fitness center with all new
  • 1 Olympic size swimming pool, an indoor 4 lane
    220 yard track, 4 racquetball courts
  • Great way to fulfill the mind, body, spirit
    mission of the Jesuits

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Plan 2010The Path to Preeminence
  • Initiative VII.
  • -Build effective community partnerships that
    enhance the environment of the university and its
    local neighborhoods.

Spirit Intellect Purpose
Why are we here?
  • The human spirit must be cultivated in such a way
    that the result is a growth in its ability to
    wonder, to understand, to contemplate, to make
    personal judgments, and to develop a religious,
    moral and social sense.
  • Vatican Council II, Gaudiam Et Spes

Spirit Intellect Purpose
The Hawk Will Never Die!
  • SIP, SIP..

Spirit Intellect Purpose
The Hawk Will Never Die!
  • Fall in love, Stay in love, and it will decide
  • - Pedro Arupe, SJ, Superior General of the
    Society of Jesus, 1961-1984

Spirit Intellect Purpose
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