Title: Race, Gender and Medicine
1Race, Gender and Medicine
2Race and the Clinic Good Science? Human genome
findings practically erase race as a biological
factor Ricki Lewis, The Scientist 16416,
Feb. 18, 2002 Race is a social concept, not a
scientific one. J. Craig Venter, CEO and chief
scientist, Celera Genomics
3- Concludes Howard L. McLeod, a professor of
medicine at the Washington University School of
Medicine in Missouri, - "There is no clear link between skin pigment and
drug metabolism genes. Skin pigment is a lousy
surrogate for drug metabolism status or most any
aspect of human physiology."
4To confirm that it makes more biological sense to
consider drug-metabolizing genes rather than skin
color in drug choice, James Wilson, David
Goldstein, and colleagues at University College,
London, compared 23 markers for such genes among
354 people representing eight classically defined
races white (Norwegian, Ashkenazi Jews,
Armenians), black (Bantu, Ethiopian, and
Afro-Caribbean), and Asian (Chinese and New
Guinean). Using a technique called hierarchical
cluster analysis, they found that the genetic
markers from four natural groupings that do not
correspond to any of the appearance-defined
5Genetic variations in mitochondria genome (color
differences in map)
6What is Race The Power of Illusionhttp//www.pb
- 1. Race is a modern idea
- 2. Race has no genetic basis
- 3. Human subspecies don't exist
- 4. Skin color really is only skin deep
- 5. Most variation is within, not between,
"races." - 6. Slavery predates race
- 7. Race and freedom evolved together
- 8. Race justified social inequalities as natural
- 9. Race isn't biological, but racism is still
real - 10. Colorblindness will not end racism
7Topic One Discrimination in Medical Practice
- Bad Blood, Bad Faith The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
, 1932 - 1972
8- Black male recruits from Tuskegee with syphilis
intentionally misinformed and untreated for the
sake of scientific studies
9Tuskeegee ExperimentMore than 600
African-American men were part of the secret
syphilis study conducted by the US Public Health
Service in Tuskegee, Alabama, between 1932 and
10Topic Two
- Racial and Gender inequality in medical
professions and health care
11- 1986 78.8 and 84.8 of the medical doctors
are male in Canada and the US respectively. -
- 1996 67 of US medical doctors are white male
(only 37 of the US population are white male). -
- 1986 81 of women subjected to court-ordered
obstetrical interventions were black, Hispanic or
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13- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Faculty
Promotion in Academic Medicine (JAMA 2841085,
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16Topic Three
- Race-Based Medicine?
- On June 16, 2005, the FDA approved BiDil as a
cardiovascular drug to be marketed exclusively to
African-Americans. - BiDil hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate (H/I)
- BiDil was being marketed exclusively to
African-American patients based on a higher
efficacy of BiDil for their race or for targeted
17Taylor, et.al. N Engl J Med. 2004 Nov
11351(20)2035-7. Combination of isosorbide
dinitrate and hydralazine in blacks with heart
- Background We examined whether a fixed dose of
both isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine
provides additional benefit in blacks with
advanced heart failure, a subgroup previously
noted to have a favorable response to this
therapy. - Methods A total of 1050 black patients who had
New York Heart Association class III or IV heart
failure with dilated ventricles were randomly
assigned to receive a fixed dose of isosorbide
dinitrate plus hydralazine or placebo in addition
to standard therapy for heart failure. The
primary end point was a composite score made up
of weighted values for death from any cause, a
first hospitalization for heart failure, and
change in the quality of life. - Results The study was terminated early owing to a
significantly higher mortality rate in the
placebo group than in the group given isosorbide
dinitrate plus hydralazine (10.2 percent vs. 6.2
percent, P0.02). The mean primary composite
score was significantly better in the group given
isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine than in the
placebo group (0.11.9 vs. 0.52.0, P0.01
range of possible values, 6 to 2), as were its
individual components (43 percent reduction in
the rate of death from any cause hazard ratio,
0.57 P0.01 33 percent relative reduction in
the rate of first hospitalization for heart
failure 16.4 percent vs. 22.4 percent, P0.001,
and an improvement in the quality of life change
in score, 5.620.6 vs. 2.721.2, with lower
scores indicating better quality of life P0.02
range of possible values, 0 to 105). - Conclusions The addition of a fixed dose of
isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine to standard
therapy for heart failure including neurohormonal
blockers is efficacious and increases survival
among black patients with advanced heart failure.
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19Distributions of Cystic Fibrosis
20Microbial Flora Meet, Greet their Host Fauna,
J. L. Fox, Microbes, Sep, 2007
- To develop a more systematic profile of resident
bacteria in humans, Larry Forney of the
University of Idaho, Moscow and his collaborators
analyzed vaginal microflora samples from dozens
of women, about half of them Caucasian and half
African-Americans, belonging to three age groups
and living in five different regions in North
America. Based on analysis at the genetic level,
their vaginal microflora sort into 12 groups,
which can be further condensed into 8
supergroups of vaginal microbial communities. - Novel clostridial clade was a near-exclusive
colonizer of black but not white women who
provided samples
21What are the anticipated benefits of
pharmacogenomics?More Powerful Medicines
Better, Safer Drugs the First Time More
Accurate Methods of Determining Appropriate Drug
DosagesAdvanced Screening for Disease Better
Vaccines Improvements in the Drug Discovery and
Approval Process Decrease in the Overall Cost of
Health Care
- Different ethnic groups do, on average, react
differently to different drugs - Cytochrome p450 gene, CYP 2D6 prevents the
transformation of codeine into morphine. - CYP 2D6 leaves about 7 percent of
European-Americans unaffected by codeine, as
compared to 1 to 3 percent among Asian-Americans
or African-Americans.
22Figure 9.2
23Topic Four
- Population landscape of the USA, 1990 2060
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28What This Means
- We need a diverse pool of medical doctors to
serve a diverse population.
29- 1978 Bakke decision
- Alan Bakke The Univ. of California Davis medical
school affirmative action program violated his
right to equal protection. - U C Davis Four purposes
- 1. Reduce deficit of black physicians
- 2. Counter effects of racial discrimination
- 3. Increase number of physicians available to
blacks - 4. Realize the educational benefits of a diverse
student body. -
16 positions held for minority applicantsBakkes
score surpassed all members of this group
84 positions were open to general applicants
Bakkes score was lower than anyones in this
31- California proposition 209, 1996
- The state shall not discriminate against, or
grant preferential treatment to, any individual
or group on the basis of race, sex, color,
ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of
public employment, public education, or public
32- Recent trends in the training of medical
doctors from Underrepresented Minority Groups in
the US
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36Next Steps
- The Demise of Affirmative Action and the Future
of Health Care?
37Narrow use of affirmative action preserved in
college admissions
- Supreme Court ruled in June, 2003 that race can
be a factor for universities shaping their
admissions programs, saying a broad social value
may be gained from diversity in the classroom - In separate decisions the high court struck down
a point system used by the University of
Michigan's undergraduate programs but approved a
separate policy used by the University of
Michigan law school that gives race less
prominence in the admissions decision-making
38On June 28, 2007, a sharply divided Court struck
down the Seattle and Lousville plans for high
schools to use race as an admissions factor .
- The Court found that the school districts had not
carried their heavy burden of showing that the
interest they seek to achieve justifies the
extreme means they have chosen. - Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roberts
stated that accepting racial balancing as a
compelling state interest would justify the
imposition of racial proportionality throughout
American society. - Justices Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence
Thomas joined the plurality opinion. While
Justice Anthony Kennedy joined the final
decision, he disagreed with Roberts assertion
that race should not have been taken into account
in the cases at issue. - Reading his concurring opinion from the bench,
Kennedy said This nation has a moral and ethical
obligation to fulfill its historic commitment to
creating an integrated society that ensures equal
opportunity for all its children. - A compelling interest exists in avoiding racial
isolation, an interest that a school district, in
its discretion and expertise, may choose to
39The Race and Disease Fallacy? Cancer
incidence shows clear correlation with
socioeconomic data, and this correlation is much
larger in magnitude than reputed differentials
between races.
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44A Theological Rationale for Diversity at Wheaton
- Humans were created in the image of a triune God
who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. The one in whose image we are created
establishes the basis for all human relations (Jn
1720-23). - God's first command to the human creatures was
that they should fill and subdue the earth as
God's representative caretakers (Gen
128).Though initially Israel was to be God's
chosen and holy people, from the beginning God
made it clear to Abraham that all the families of
the earth would be the recipients of his blessing.
45A Theological Rationale for Diversity at Wheaton
- But sin had intruded before the call to Abraham
in humanity's desire to be like God (Gen
31-7)strengthening our fallen tendencies to
seek our own ways rather than God's and to serve
ourselves rather than the needs of
otherstendencies that often burrow their way
into human systems and institutions, often as
subtle or overt forms of racism, nationalism,
cultural imperialism, and ethnocentrism (Eph
612). - The reversal of Babel (is) the prevision of a
time in the New City when all peoples shall come
to praise God (Rev 2124-26). The church's
proclamation begins with the announcement that
our justification comes through Jesus Christ
alone. Therefore, we can stop attempting to
justify ourselves in our efforts to establish our
worth on something other than our new identity in
Christ (Gal 328).
46A Theological Rationale for Diversity at Wheaton
- The church is to be a witness to the original
fact that we cannot live and grow independently
of one another and that our God-designated
diversity is inseparable from Christian maturity
(Eph 314-19, 411-16 1Cor 124-26). The church
is to image God's character by showing no
partiality and by responding to others as the
brothers and sisters who they are (Deut 1017,
1618 2Chron 197 Rom 211, Gal 26). - Christians testify to the supernatural source
of their unity by the manner in which they love
one another (Jn 1334-35, 1723-26). The church
point(s) the world to its future order (of
Christs 2nd Coming in) which all Christians
anticipate and the vision of which should guide
us in our daily lived-out witness to the
lordship, not of a culture, race, nation, or
ideology, but of Jesus Christ.
47Creation Mandate
- Genesis 1 27, 28
- God created humankind in his own image,
- in the image of God he created them,
- male and female he created them.
- God blessed them and said to them,
- Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and
subdue it! Rule over the fish of the sea and the
birds of the air and every creature that moves on
the ground.
- Matt. 25 21- 23
- The one who had received the five talents came
and brought five more, saying, Sir, you
entrusted me with five talents. See, I have
gained five more. His master answered, Well
done, good and faithful slave! You have been
faithful in a few things. I will put you in
charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your
master. The one with the two talents also came
and said, Sir, you entrusted two talents to me.
See, I have gained two more. His master
answered, Well done, good and faithful slave!
You have been faithful with a few things. I will
put you in charge of many things. Enter into the
joy of your master.