Title: The Next Generation in Water Treatment
1 The Next Generation in Water Treatment for Your
Business, Home and Family!!
2- The Problems
- Over Acidity is Prevalent in the Body
- Poor Food/Diet/Lifestyle Choices
- Creates Unhealthy Environment in Body
- Water Quality Treatment
- a) Existing Technology Reverse Osmosis
- Designed for Contaminant Removal
- Produces Acidic Mineral-free Water
- Flat unpleasant taste
- b) Current Alternative PLASTIC bottles
- Leaches Petro-chemicals into Water
- Biphenyl A Others
- Disposal is Eco-Disaster
- Billions Thrown-Away Annually
3The next generation
IonLife Alkaline Water Ionizers
- What is an Ion? An Ion is a charged particle
- Water ionizer water technology that
electrically activates or charges the ions in
water while enhancing the essential alkalizing
- This process alters water in two primary ways
- Alters the electrical property
- This alteration creates functional water
4A look at our collective Health in the US.
Nearly 1 in 2 Americans (133 million) has a
chronic condition -Chronic Care in America
a 21st Century Challenge, Johns Hopkins University
One in three U.S. adults has, or will have,
high blood pressure up 30 over the past decade
- NewsTarget Sunday, 12/5/04 by Mike Adams
New Type 2 Diabetes Cases Have Doubled in 30
Years - Dr. R. Rizza, President of the
American Diabetes Assn, Prof. Mayo Clinic
Currently, more than 64 of US adults are
either over- weight or obese - a 36 increase
from 1980 - 1999-2000 National Health
and Nutrition Exam Survey (NHANES).
5The importance of the acid/alkaline balance
- Our body is slightly Alkaline by design. The
most important fluid blood - is slightly
alkaline at pH7.36
- More and more practitioners and researchers now
believe that chronic degenerative disease
flourishes in an acidic environment.
- Our body naturally buffers acidic states.
..but its ability to balance pH has been
6 Can our bodies still handle this balance?
We have turned an evolutionary corner. We simply
do not handle acid waste the way we used to.
- Dr. Lynda Frassetto, Researcher,
University of California, Berkeley
Her research showed the sheer volume of acid
waste our body has to handle has forced it to
take drastic war style action to preserve its
strategic buffering reserves in the kidney and
liver - our major essential detoxifying organs.
7How important is the acid / alkaline balance?
The cells and fluids in most peoples bodiesare
overly acidic. This can cause a lot of health
problems. It prevents your body from neutralizing
and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and
leaves you more susceptible to the cell-damaging
free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and
other diseases. - Dr. Robert Atkins, author of
The Atkins Diet
There is only one cause of all sickness and
disease, the over-acidification of the tissue -
Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle
8The worlds healthiest water natures answer
Hunza Water, Lourdes, Trinity Water
Research has shown these waters to have common
- They are high alkalinity (pH) and beneficial
- They carry a strong negative electrical charge
An IonLife water ionizer recreates these
characteristicsin the water that comes right
from your tap.
9How effective is this type of water?
International studies show that populations with
little or no history of illness, such as cancer,
drink higher (pH) alkaline waters. After all
potential risk factors were considered and
factored out, it became evident that they had
been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.
- Dr. L. Horowitz, author of Aids and
10How alkaline or acidic are the beverages you
11Antioxidants and Free Radicals
Scientists now believe that free radicals are
causal factors in nearly every known disease and
aging - Dr. Lester Packer, University of
- Free Radical an O2 (oxygen) with a missing
- Free Radicals cause oxidation or rust
deteriorating the surface they attack
- Oxidation, in our body weakens our tissues
- Antioxidant something that reduces oxidation
(by donating the missing electron)
- Highly ionized water has more antioxidants than
a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice
- Antioxidant potential can be measured (in
millivolts or mv )
Negative (-) reading reduces oxidation
Positive () reading causes oxidation
13You are not sick, you are thirsty - F.
Batmanghelidj, MD
Brain 80-85 Kidneys 83-88 Muscles 73-78 Blood
90-93 Bones 13-22
14The Effects of Dehydration
Mild Chronic Dehydration Headache Low
Energy Low Mental Acuity Low Back
Pain Digestive Disorders Constipation Weight
Acute Chronic Dehydration Asthma
Allergies Arthritis Type II Diabetes Hyperten
sion Obesity
The effects of chronic dehydration are
likerunning a car on too little oil it will
run, but not very well.
15How Dehydration Can Impact Health
Every cell has a specific function it performs
through Metabolism
- Water is the medium of metabolism
- 1 drop in cellular hydration net 10 loss of
metabolic efficiency
- The cells function is impaired
- When dehydrated, the body prioritizes the use of
water to vital organs
- The digestion disorder example
Info from Your Bodys Many Cries For Water F.
Batmanghelidj, MD
16Micro-clustering and Hydration
Typical water 11-16 molecules per cluster
After ionization 5-8 molecules per cluster
The microclustering effect and the (-) charge
make ionized water up to 6x more hydrating than
other waters
17The Perceived value of Healthy Water
- Chlorination, fluoride and other contaminants
- If contaminants are bad wouldnt pure water be
good then?
- The healthy natural minerals are removed
- Large cluster size and () electrical charge
- The 9-stage Biostone Filter System leaves your
water up to 99.9 contaminant free giving you
clean and healthy water
18Ionization in Asia
- Alkaline Ionizers have been in Asia for approx 30
- Asian cultures tend to be more holistic and
proactive in their approach to health.
The World Health Organization rankings
Japan US Per capita
spending 9
1 Longevity
1 24 Healthcare systems
10 37
19Jupiter Sciences Japanese RD/Manufacturing
Making Ceaseless Efforts in Research and
- Twenty PhD level scientists on staff (Full
RD/Production Oversight). - Our Research and Development office in Japan
employs the most competent people to produce our
cutting edge high technology electrolysis
products. - Researchers carry out a variety of different
research resulting in publication in different
academic disciplines.
20IonLifes Exclusive Manufacturer
- Jupiter Science is the worlds largest
manufacturer of ionization technology with
worldwide sales over 50,000 units per month
- Leads the industry in RD with over 30 design
registrations and patents
- Has been in the ionization industry for over 25
21Acidic Water a Valuable By-Product
- Ionization produces two types of water
Alkaline AND Acidic - Acidic Water Characteristics
- Low pH and Oxidizing
- Uses of Acidic Water
- Cleaning Surfaces
- Skin/Scalp Care Astringent-effect
- Chemical-free Mouthwash
- Foot baths
- Hemorrhoids
22Summary Water From an IonLife Water Ionizer
- Up to six times more hydrating than purified
- Higher in dissolved oxygen
- Rich in beneficial alkalizing minerals - helps
balance the acid / alkaline levels in your body
- Helps detox and rid the body of acidic waste
- Acidic water too!