Title: EMBRACING DIVERSITY in the Modern Work Environment
1EMBRACING DIVERSITYin theModern Work Environment
2What is Workplace Diversity?
- Valuing and Respecting Differences in Individuals
and Groups, where these differences make a
Contribution to the Success of MY Organization
3Why is Diversity Important?
- We must include ALL people
- U.S. is a migration MELTING POT
- U.S. businesses are now GLOBAL
- CULTURES are interactive and interdependent
- Diversity allows us to LEARN and SHARE our
cultural differences
4Demographics/ U.S. Dept of Labor
- 1988
- Caucasian-Americans 50
- Women, immigrants, non-whites 50
- 2000
- Women, immigrants, non-whites 75
5Demographics/ U.S. Dept of Labor
- 2010
- Spanish-speaking Americans will be the largest
minority group - 2050
- The number of minorities will equal the number
of whites in the U.S.A
6- Opportunities for Cultural Diversity
- and Intercultural Communication
- Diversity works best when Commun-ication between
persons of diverse cultural backgrounds, are
allowed to interact from their cultural view
point (ET. Hall)
7Cultural Diversity andIntercultural Communication
- Being Aware of Differences
- Physical features, appearances
- Cultural race, ethnicity, religious, social
- Perceptual seeing things differently
- Experiential having different experiences
- Emotions gender and cultural differences
- Linguistic different language / vocabulary
8Hindrances to Diversityand Communication
- Derogatory Hot Buttons
- Towel heads . you people
- Sand people . nice slanted eyes
- Dot heads . nice colored folks
- The N word . the wheelchair guy
- Slave driver . the short fat one
- Red necks . the light sweet one
- Crackers . I dont see you as..
- Wet backs . the Red Skins
9Contrasting Cultural Tendencies
- English conservative, polite, formal
- French trusting, romantic, artistic
- Italians talkative, emotional, bold
- S/American laidback, patient, deals
- Asians soft spoken, polite, xeno- phobic,
non-confrontational, dutiful - Caribbean respect knowledge, author -ity, will
mix business w/pleasure
10Contrasting Cultural Tendencies (Cont)
- Hispanic/Latino - strength in groups, family
tradition are important - Indians hard working, values friend- ship in
the w/p, emotional, will bargain - Nigerians loyal to tradition, high regard for
authority (elders) - Greek blunt, looks for hidden meanings in
contract conversation -
11Cultural Habits Behaviors
- Chronemics - differences towards time
- Chromatics - different use of colors
- Proxemics - space physical distance
- Oculemics differences in eye contact
- Olfactics - differences in smell / scents
- Kinesics body movements / posture
- Haptics - touch types
12Diversity Knowledge
- What is Diversity Helping US
- to Achieve?
- Effective Communication
- More Cultural Awareness
- More Cultural Interaction
- Improved understanding
- Adaptation NOT Assimilation
13Diversity KnowledgeCultural Diversitys Daily
To Do List
- 7 Intercultural Constructs
- 1. Today I will be a Global Thinker
- 2. Today I will be communicator and
- communicatee (listener)
- 3. Today I will be an asset to my comp-
- any by including everyone
14 Diversity Knowledge To Do List 7
Intercultural Constructs
- 4. Today I will see differences as
- opportunities for success
- 5. Today I will be tolerant of constraints
- imposed by differences
- 6. Today I will value the contribution of
- all cultures
- 7. Today I will value the contribution of
- my own cultural diversity
15Ways to IncreaseDiversity Knowledge
- Available Tools
- Books . Websites . CDs Tapes
- Courses . Workshops . Music . Movies
- Ethnic festivals . Cultural exhibits
- Foods . Diversity day . Consultants
- Diversity Teams . Diversity Evaluations
- Management Support . Culture maps
16Initial Dimensions of Diversity
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Religion
- Age
- Family Lineage
17Todays Dimensions of Diversity
- Single parenthood . Weight
- Political affiliation . Education
- Cultural prioritization . Language
- Differently able . Appearance
- Marital status . Nationality
- W/B collar Job . Music / Foods
- Smoke/non-smoke . Neighborhood
- Intelligence (accent) . Immigration-
- Sexual preference status
18Six Myths About Diversity
- It is for women minorities only
- Diversity is a new phenomenon
- Its about deficiency- lowering standards
- Diversity is divisive -separates people
- Diversity is to be feared
- Diversity will go away
19What Really Causes Cultural Differences?
- Culture those distinct traditions, practices,
attitudes, behaviors, rituals, customs,
priorities, and values belonging to a particular
group of people
20Some Causes of Cultural Differences
- a) Different government systems
- United States - Federal Republic
- England - Constitutional Monarchy
- Canada - Parliamentary Democracy
- Saudi Arabia - Regional Emirs
- Iran - Religious Council
- b) Different educational systems
- U.S. et al k-12 free compulsory
- Germany K-U free, U non-compulsory
- Iran - 7-12 years, Islam, male only
21Some Causes of Cultural Differences
- C) Different family systems
- United States
- Dating (socialization) starts at 13
- Nuclear family (dad, mom, 2 ½ kids)
- 1/3 single parent households
- Japan
- Men are breadwinners, mothers run homes
- Groom pays for all wedding expenses
- Divorce rate is low
22Cultural Differences Caused byFamily Systems
- Caribbean
- Children come-of-age at 21-years
- Parents involved in childs marriage
- Brides family pay wedding expenses
- Spanish Origin
- Nuclear family includes extended family
- A good family is a large family (4 kids)
- Family responsibilities come first
23Semantic Differences
- U.S.A Others
- Hood Bonnet /England
- Truck Lorry /England
- Fords Fiera ugly woman /Sp
- Chevy Nova no go /Spanish
- Look out! Look outside / Fr
- Stop sign (stop) Stop (suggestion)
- Soda pop Soft drink
- I love you tu or usted
24American Semantics Frequently Misunderstood by
Other Cultures
- Asleep at the switch . Back off
- Doggie bag . Cold turkey
- Park in driveway . Bling-Bling
- Miss the boat . Rock bottom
- Piece-a-cake . Laid off
- Ball park figure . Bottom line
- Red tape . Ring a bell
25Diversity SkillsWhat are they, and How do I get
- Diversity skills are competencies that allow
people to interact with others in ways that
respect value differences -
26Diversity Skills For Success
- 7-Ways to develop Diversity skills
- Flexible thinking
- Be open-minded
- See the individual, not her group
- Be aware conscious of otherness
- Do not use hot-buttons (negatives)
- Reach out, but be yourself
- Evaluate yourself
27Inadequate Diversity SkillsA prescription for
- A strain on interpersonal relations
- Inability to join teams at work
- Feeling challenged insecure
- A target for discrimination law suits
- Constant suspicion among coworkers
- and with customers
- A hostile environment
- Company loses business
28The Costs of Inadequate Diversity Skills
- 1994 Dennys restaurant corporation paid a 45M
settlement in a discrim-ination case - 1995 KFCs lack of diversity skills and cultural
awareness in China became a social liability
finger lickin good was translated enjoy eating
your finger off
29The Costs of Inadequate Diversity Skills
- 1996 Texaco paid 176M in damages due to a secret
recording of racist remarks made by its
executives - Mitsubishi paid 34M, 20 fired, for sexual
harassment involving 350- women - ATT management forced to acknow-ledge
apologize for derogatory racist advertisement
30Inadequate Skills and Culture ClashWhen things
dont go as planned
- Ways to resolve Culture Clash
- A. Clash recognition
- B. Communicate (talk)
- C. Circumvent (avoid)
- D. Confront (assertively)
- E. Compromise (give a little)
- F. Commit (give a lot)
- G. Consensus (win-win)
316-Barriers to Diversity Embracement
- 1. Perception selective limited
- 2. Ethnocentrism acting superior
- 3. Stereotyping grouping, labeling
- 4. Prejudice inflexible opinions
- 5. Prejudice - plus power
- Discrimination the act of unequal
- treatment of
32How to Overcome Diversity Barriers
- Realize that barriers do exist
- Enhance your knowledge (self/others)
- Alter your opinion of others
- Let everyone have an opportunity
- Treat others fairly equally
- Otherness is American, profitable
- Replace negatives with positives
- Start today, start now