Title: Montanas Uninsured
1Montanas Uninsured
- Steve Seninger, Ph. D. Economist
- Bureau of Business and
- Economic Research
- The University of Montana-Missoula
- May 7, 2003
- PURPOSE Report preliminary findings on uninsured
Montanans, employers, key informants, focus
groups - Bureau Team Steve Seninger, Health Economist
John Baldridge, Survey Development Jim
Sylvester, Survey Operations Daphne Herling, Key
Informant Interviews
3BBER Data Collection AnalysisCurrent Status
- Household survey (n4,113) with over-sampling of
transitional hardcore uninsured - Employer survey (n358)
- Focus groups (4 of uninsured/at risk 2 small
employers all completed) - Key informant interviews (16 completed)
4Current Response RateHousehold Survey
- Total household contacts
- Refusals
- Non-interviews
- Perpetual appointments
- Completions
- Analyzed data in this report
5,200 950 99 38 4,113 2,941
Response Rate 79.1
5Insurance Coverage by Type, Montana Preliminary
May 7, 2003 (n2,941)
6Insurance Coverage by TypeMontana Residents 0-64
Years OldPreliminary May 7, 2003 (n2,348)
7Montana Uninsured by Age GroupPreliminary May 7,
( range from 2, 3, 7)
8AT RISK of No Health Insurance
- 1. Hardcore uninsured ...no insurance -public
or private- all year? - 2. Uninsured at interview but covered at some
point during past year - 3. Insured at interview butnot covered sometime
in past year - At Risk 1 2 3
9At Risk of Being UninsuredMontana Residents 0-64
Years OldPreliminary May 7, 2003n2,348
10At Risk of Being Uninsured by Size of Employer
Montana Residents 0-64 Years OldPreliminary May
7, 2003n2,348
11Medical Debt Montana Residents 0-64 Years Old
Preliminary May 7, 2003n2,348
12Insurance Coverage by AgeMontana Residents 0-64
Years OldPreliminary May 7, 2003n2,348
13Insurance Coverage by Employment Status of
Primary Wage EarnerMontana Residents 0-64 Years
Old Preliminary May 7, 2003n2,319
14Insurance Coverage by RaceMontana Residents 0-64
Years Old Preliminary May 7, 2003n2,348
15Insurance Coverage by Household SizeMontana
Residents 0-64 Years Old Preliminary May 7,
16Household Income ComparisonBBER Sample 2000
17Insurance Coverage by Household IncomeMontana
Residents 0-64 Years Old Preliminary May 7,
18Factors Determining Patterns of Montana Uninsured
- Income?especially low income
- Employment?small businesses
- Household size?single larger (5)
- Personal choices?costs major determinant forcing
people to be uninsured
19Preliminary Findings from Employer Survey
- Target of 500
- All industries with employees
- Over-sampling of small employers
- Completed by May 25
20Current Response RateEmployer Survey
- Total business contacts
- Refusals
- Completions
376 18 358
Response Rate 95.2
21Percent of Employers Offering Insurance byNumber
of EmployeesPreliminary May 7, 2003n358
22Why Firms Do Not Offer Health Insurance
CoveragePreliminary May 7, 2003n209
23Why Eligible Employees Do Not Use Firms Health
Insurance CoveragePreliminary May 7, 2003n220
24Monthly Health Insurance PremiumMontana Small
Businesses Preliminary May 7, 2003n201
25Key Informant Interviews
- 16 interviews completed, 11 in central eastern
Montana, 5 in western Montana - Represent business, hospitals, community health
organizations, public health agencies - Additional interviews to include farming/ranching
sector, insurance sector, advocates business - Final report ?June 25, 2003
26Key Informant Preliminary Findings-Major Points
- Healthcare costs 1 OBSTACLE to health insurance
for consumers for business - Current system cannot be fixed by band- aid
solutions of past 20 years - Single payer system as long term solution
27Key Informant-Preliminary Specific Points
- Loss of safety net for low income people major
barrier to healthcare access - Lack of competition in Montana insurance market
barrier to diversity in insurance products - Oral and mental health needs of uninsured are
major problems
28Focus Group
- Six focus groups in Miles City (2 groups),
Billings, Havre, Polson, Missoula completed - At Risk Consumers28, businesses 12
- Final Report, June 25, 2003
29Focus Group Initial Findings
- Payoff of medical debt/bills of uninsured serious
family budget hardship - Pre-existing conditions obstacle to insurance
coverage for family members - Mental health care, especially for kids, a real
problem - Premium costs 1 obstacle to health insurance
30Concluding Observations on Montanas Uninsured
- Low income small business employer base
negative impacts on insurance coverage - Real hardships from uninsured including medical
debt and unmet health needs - Band-aid approaches failing to provide coverage
- Some strong opinions for single payer as solution