Employment Based Health Insurance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Employment Based Health Insurance


Employment Based Health Insurance David A. Hyman Professor of Law and Medicine University of Illinois A March 3 internal Verizon memo on the impact health-care law ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Employment Based Health Insurance

Employment Based Health Insurance
  • David A. Hyman
  • Professor of Law and Medicine
  • University of Illinois

What Does the Public Think about Health Care?
  • They dont think about it, by and large
  • Generally like their own doctor but serious
    doubts about the health care system and its
  • Very worried about rising costs, gouging and
    their ability to keep their insurance.
  • Think pharmaceuticals, insurance profits,
    fraud/waste/abuse and malpractice are key drivers
    of increased costs.
  • Dont talk about costs with their doctors.

Consumer Perceptions vs. reality of costs
Source BCBSA and Wall Street Journal Online /
Harris Interactive Health Care Poll Vol 3,
Issue 13 July 19, 2004
Where Does The Money Come From?
  • Total 2.34 trillion (17 of GDP)
  • Private 53
  • Public 47
  • Medicare 444B
  • Medicaid 190B 198B (state)
  • 8.4 of GDP
  • Expected to increase above 50 in 2011

Health Policy Brief Medicare Advantage Plans,
Health Affairs, July 9, 2009 http//www.healthaff
Who is Likely to Get EBC?
  • Employees of large firms
  • Employees of unionized firms
  • People who dont work in agriculture or retail
  • People who have full-time jobs (not temporary or
  • Older/higher income/better educated
  • Those who opt-in

(No Transcript)
Why is Insurance Bundled With Employment for 162M
  • History
  • Tax subsidy
  • Potential efficiencies
  • Solution to adverse selection problem
  • Efficiencies of bulk purchasing/aggregation
  • The Key Question How does health reform change
    the significance of these factors?

Health Policy Brief Medicare Advantage Plans,
Health Affairs, July 9, 2009 http//www.healthaff
Challenges in the EBC Market
  • Affordability
  • Mismatch in worker/employer perspectives
  • Worker unhappiness with coverage and choices

Health care is personal. . .
Challenges in the EBC Market
  • Lose your job, lose your coverage
  • Job lock
  • Mismatch of preferences/budget

Impact of a 1 Point Increase in Unemployment on
State Revenues, Medicaid, CHIP Uninsured


Decrease in State Revenues
Increase in National Unemployment Rate
Increase in Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment (million)
Increase in Uninsured (million)
Source John Holahan and Bowen Garrett, Rising
Unemployment, Medicaid, and the Uninsured,
prepared for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid
and the Uninsured, January 2009.
Mismatch in Perspectives Who Pays For EBC?
  • Employers write the checks
  • 3,891 for individual 9,773 for families
  • 81 of individual and 70 of family cost of

Average Annual Worker and Employer Contributions
to Premiums and Total Premiums for Family
Coverage, 1999-2010
Estimate is statistically different from
estimate for the previous year shown (plt.05).
Source Kaiser/HRET Survey of
Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 1999-2010.
Average Percentage of Premium Paid by Covered
Workers for Single and Family Coverage, 1999-2010
Estimate is statistically different from
estimate for the previous year shown
(plt.05). Source Kaiser/HRET Survey of
Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 1999-2010.
Mismatch in Perspectives Who Pays For EBC?
  • But employees foot the bill
  • 83100 percent of the costs of health insurance
    are shifted to employees through reduced wages.
  • Rising health-care costs are partly to blame for
    stagnant wages. . . In effect, about half the
    money you should be earning for being more
    productive is being sucked up by ever more
    expensive health-insurance premiums.

Cumulative Changes in Health Insurance Premiums,
Inflation, and Workers Earnings, 1999-2009
Note Due to a change in methods, the cumulative
changes in the average family premium are
somewhat different from those reported in
previous versions of the Kaiser/HRET Survey of
Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits. See the
Survey Design and Methods Section for more
information, available at http//www.kff.org/insur
ance/7936/index.cfm. Source Kaiser/HRET Survey
of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 1999-2009.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price
Index, U.S. City Average of Annual Inflation
(April to April), 1999-2009 Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Seasonally Adjusted Data from the
Current Employment Statistics Survey, 1999-2009
(April to April).
  • Is General Motors an automobile manufacturer
    that provides healthcare benefits for its
    workers? Or is it a health insurance provider
    that also happens to make cars?. . . At the
    company's annual meeting in Detroit last week,
    CEO Rick Wagoner told shareholders that health
    benefits add a staggering 1,500 to the price of
    every vehicle GM makes.
  • Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, June 16, 2005

  • Its strange. When I joined GM 28 years ago, I
    did it because I love cars and trucks. I had no
    idea Id wind up working as a health care
  • Rick Wagoner, GM CEO, interviewed by George Will,
    May 1, 2007

A health insurance provider that also happens to
make cars. . .
  • 2005 5 billion/year in medical costs 47
    billion in retiree costs
  • Medicare spending lt 5 billion/year (2005)
  • Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut,
    Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho,
    Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota,
    Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New
    Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
    Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South
    Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia,

Problems with the tax subsidy
  • Over-consumption
  • Horizontal inequity
  • Vertical inequity
  • Estimates of average tax benefit
  • Make less than 20k - 319
  • 20-40k - 1,002
  • gt150k - 2,823
  • How should we fix these problems?
  • Level up or down? Tax credit?
  • Cap?

Why Does it Matter Who Pays For EBC?
  • Obscures trade-offs
  • Cheap (and expensive) moralizing
  • Blame employers for not providing better coverage
  • Mandates (pay or play - Money for nothing v.
    on-budget taxes
  • Do you want to index minimum wage to health care
  • International competitiveness
  • Health care costs add 1,525 to the price of
    every General Motors vehicle. The company spent
    4.6 billion on health care in 2007, more than
    the cost of steel. As a result of these crushing
    health care costs, American businesses are losing
    their ability to compete in the global

Dysfunctions in Two Markets
  • Financing-side dysfunctions
  • Selective and skewed tax subsidy
  • Employment-based coverage (EBC)
  • Fragmented/thin risk pools for non-EBC
  • Cost-increasing regulation
  • Delivery-side dysfunctions
  • Highly fragmented system
  • Compensation bears no relationship to quality or
  • High variance in cost/treatment patterns, with
    little evidence of benefit.
  • Health care v. health

What did Health Reform Do?
  • Individual Mandate
  • Employer Mandate
  • Exchanges
  • Subsidies
  • Regulation of Insurance
  • Elimination of annual and lifetime caps
  • No preexisting conditions
  • Limitation on premium differentials
  • Price controls with premium rebates
  • Tax on High Cost Plans (starting in 2018)

What did Health Reform Do?
  • IPAB (spending reduction proposals)
  • CMI (payment and service delivery models)
  • Outcomes Research Institute (Comparative clinical
  • Various demonstration projects on
    bundling/quality/payment reform

What effects will health reform have on EBC?
  • Its tough to make predictions especially
    about the future
  • Yogi Berra

CMS, Estimated Financial Effects of the PPACA
(Apr. 22, 2010)
Impact of PPACA on EBC
  • Current issues
  • Grandfathering of old plans
  • Medical loss ratio calculation - what counts as
    clinical services, quality improvement,
  • 85 for large plans 80 for small
    group/individual plans
  • Financial impact on firms (retiree benefits)
  • Medicare Part D

Among All Large Firms (200 or More Workers)
Offering Health Benefits to Active Workers,
Percentage of Firms Offering Retiree Health
Benefits, 1988-2010
Tests found no statistical difference from
estimate for the previous year shown (plt.05). No
statistical tests are conducted for years prior
to 1999. Note Data have been edited to include
the less than 1 of large firms who report yes,
but no retiree responses in 2010. Historical
numbers have been recalculated so that the
results are comparable. Source Kaiser/HRET
Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits,
1999-2010 KPMG Survey of Employer-Sponsored
Health Benefits, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998 The
Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA),
First Quarter Charges for Retiree Drug Benefits
  • ATT 1B
  • Verizon 970M
  • Deere Co. 150M
  • Boeing 150M
  • Caterpillar 100M
  • Prudential Financial 100M
  • Total gt 4.5B for companies in SP 500

  • Charges are premature and irresponsible (Gary
    Locke, Secretary of Commerce, WSJ
  • Assertions are a matter of concern
    Hearing/Investigation by House Energy Commerce
    Committee (Reps. Waxman Stupak)

Not with a bang, but with a whimper. . .
  • Hearing cancelled the day before it was
    scheduled to be held, after documents reviewed by
  • Staff finding The companies acted properly and
    in accordance with accounting standards in
    submitting filings to the S.E.C. in March and
    April. These one-time charges were required by
    applicable accounting rules.
  • What wasnt in the staff memo?

A March 3 internal Verizon memo on the impact
health-care law said new taxes on insurance
companies and health-care equipment manufacturers
will be passed onto employers through higher
prices. Facing such increased costs, employers
like Verizon may consider exiting the
health-care market and send employees to the
exchanges, the memo says. . . The Verizon memo
said, the fines for not providing coverage
would be modest compared to providing coverage
for employees.
If you like your health insurance, you can keep
it. . .
  • In a March 25 e-mail, John Deeres director of
    labor relations, Kenneth Hugh, said, We ought to
    look at denying coverage and just paying the
    penalty we would need to figure out which one
    was more expensive. Whether or not companies
    are being forced to rescind employee coverage,
    they may need to raise insurance premiums, the
    documents show.

  • A Caterpillar executive made a similar point in
    an e-mail message to colleagues, saying the tax
    changes could drive many employers to just drop
    coverage for retirees altogether, and let the
    government foot the whole bill.
  • ATT will be evaluating prospective changes to
    the active and retiree health care benefits
    offered by the company.

Dont say you werent warnedAmerican Benefits
Council Letter (12/11/09)
  • Taxing the subsidy means that more companies
    will eliminate or reduce the coverage, and more
    retirees will shift to Medicare Part D, which
    will create more cost for both the government and
    the retirees.
  • Further, this change would result in large
    earnings statement reductions due toincome tax
    accounting rules, which would require employers
    to immediately account for the present value of
    this tax increase.

Problems that are here/coming soon
  • Richer benefits/coverage of higher cost risk pool
    what effect on premiums?

  • It has come to my attention that several health
    insurer carriers are sending letters to their
    enrollees falsely blaming premium increases for
    2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable
    Care Act. I urge you to inform your members that
    there will be zero tolerance for this type of
    misinformation and unjustified rate increases.
  • HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius letter to Karen
    Ignagni, AHIP

Problems that are here/coming soon
  • Asymmetry of coverage subsidy
  • Demand for broader availability/potential for
    erosion of EBC for lower-paid workers
  • Potential for dramatic growth in exchange, with
    associated on-budget costs for subsidies

Horizontal Vertical Inequity Redux
Problems that are here/coming soon
  • Deferral of excise tax and absence of cost
    constraints ? Déjà vu all over again

Universal Coverage ? Cost Control
  • If we don't address cost, I don't care how
    heartfelt our efforts are, we will not get this
    done. If people think we can simply take
    everybody who is not insured and load them up in
    a system where costs are out of control, its not
    going to happen. We will run out of money.
  • President Barack Obama, March 5, 2009 press

Among Firms Offering Health Benefits,
Distribution of Firms Reporting the Likelihood of
Making the Following Changes in the Next Year,
Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not Too Likely Not At All Likely Dont Know
Increase the Amount Employees Pay for Health Insurance 21 20 14 44 lt1
Increase the Amount Employees Pay for Deductibles 16 20 18 46 lt1
Increase the Amount Employees Pay for Office Visit Copays or Coinsurance 15 25 19 41 lt1
Increase the Amount Employees Pay for Prescription Drugs 14 23 19 43 lt1
Restrict Employees Eligibility for Coverage 4 5 8 83 lt1
Drop Coverage Entirely 2 6 6 86 lt1
Offer HDHP/HRA 5 15 19 59 1
Offer HSA-Qualified HDHP 6 16 24 54 lt1
Among firms not currently offering this type of
HDHP/SO. Source Kaiser/HRET Survey of
Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 2009.
The salary is excellent and the benefits are
outstanding. So. . . Which would you prefer?
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