Title: Health Insurance in Low Income Countries
1Health Insurance in Low Income Countries
- Shiyan Chao
- Health Economist
- The World Bank
- Health Financing Options in Low Income Countries
Challenges - Main Issues of Community Health Insurance
- Bangladesh Experiences
- Options for Ghana
3 Challenges in Low Income Countries
- Low tax revenue collection
- Inadequate administrative capacity
- Irregular income
- Lack of health services resources
4Objectives of community insurance
- Improve access to essential services
- Mobilize resources
- Improve efficiency and equity
- Facilitate community participation
5Common Features
- Insurers as well as providers
- Voluntary membership
- Prepayment contributions
6- Similar objectives
- Increase access to health services
- Benefit the poor
- Social mobilization
7Key Issues -- Risk Pooling
- Size of the pool
- population coverage
- Benefit coverage
- hospital care Vs. primary care
8Key Issues -- Risk Pooling (cont.)
- Risk sharing
- sick and healthy
- rich and poor
- young and old
9Key Issues -- Resources Mobilization
- Ability and willingness to pay
- Premium collection irregular income
- Utilization and actuarial costs of covered
10Key Issues -- Administrative Capacity
- Viable administrative structures
- Management of Funds
11Key Issues -- Social Objectives
- Reaching the poor
- Community participation and ownership
- Increasing access to care
- Poor mechanism for risk-sharing
- Limited capacity in mobilizing funds
- Useful tool for community mobilization
- Better than user fees in promoting equity and
13Lessons Learned -- Addressing Adverse Selection
- Join in groups
- at least a whole household membership
- social or economic groups
- villages
- Waiting period for participation
14Lessons Learned -- Provider Incentives
- Based on performance indicators. reward
productive and high quality providers - Professional recognition certificates, training,
career path - Financial incentives
15Lessons Learned -- Increasing Sustainability
- Enrollment renews automatically unless canceled
- Discount for renewal
- Discount for prompt payment of premium (e.g. last
month is free)
16Lessons Learned -- Increasing Sustainability
- Convenient premium collecting time (e.g. after
harvests) - Referral or coverage of hospitalizations in
secondary hospitals - Covering essential services (e.g. emergency
transport for obstetrical complications)
17Health Financing in Ghana
18Major Financing Issues
- Underfunding of the Health Sector
- Inefficient Allocation and the Use of Resources
- Unequal Benefits Distribution
19Toward Financing Framework
- Strategy for Resource Mobilization
- Increasing Efficiency
- Improving Equity
20Policy Options
- User Fees Reform
- Health Insurance Schemes
21Ghana Health Financing Strategy
- The National Health Insurance
- Community Insurance
- The Multi-scheme Social Insurance System
22Scheme Design
Multi-scheme Health Insurance System
District Health Insurance
Social Insurance
Voluntary Insurance
Formal Sector
Rural Population
Urban Inform Sector
23District-based Social Health Insurance
Source of Funds Govt. Donors
Providers Govt. Mission Private
District Health Funds
Service Provision
District Health Board Communities District
Health Management Team
24Key Elements for District Health Funds
- A mechanism for channeling donor funds
- Covers only the most essential services and
limited referral services - Contracting with mission and private sector
25Next Steps
- Further develop the designs
- Pilot schemes to refine and test promising models
- Evaluation of results (financial and impact on
poverty alleviation) - Operations research to improve design