Title: 2. Choosing Topics and Questions for Biblical
12. Choosing Topics and Questions for Biblical
Theological Research
- Theological Research Methods
- APTS RES 536
22.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.1 OT Studies
- Ancient Near Eastern Studies Epigraphy,
ANE Languages, Art Architecture. - Second Temple Era Persian, Greek,
development of Judaica, Greek Roman Religions,
etc. - Textual Studies Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic,
Qumran Hebrew, Samaritan Hebrew, Latin, etc.
32.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.2 NT Studies
- Textual Studies
- Intertestamental Period
- Apocrypha Pseudepigrapha
- Josephus Philo
- Judaica Qumran
42.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.3 Biblical Theology
- OT
- NT
- A Specific School of thought or Scholar.
- Theological Topic.
52.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.4 Systematic Dogmatic Theology
- Systematic topic
- A Specific School of Thought or
Theologian. - Philosophical Support, etc.
62.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.5 Church History
- Pentecostal History
- History of Doctrine
- History of Interpretation
72.1 What areas of research are there?
- 2.1.6 Practical Theology
- Counseling
- Church Growth
- Christian Education
- Faith, Growth and Development
82.2 What do you want to accomplish with your
- 2.2.1 Submit a paper for a class to fulfill its
requirements so that you can graduate. - 2.2.2 Investigation into a field in which you
desire to contribute something to the field
itself. - 2.2.3 Investigate a new teaching, etc.
92.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- HBD James Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible,
Dealing with Its Language, Literature, and
Contents, Including the Biblical Theology. 4
Volumes (1898-1902, 1904)
102.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- ABD D. N. Freedman, The Anchor Bible Dictionary.
6 Volumes (1992, CD-Rom 1997) software ed. - ISBE G. W. Bromiley, The International Standard
Bible Encyclopedia. 4 Volumes (1979-88) software
112.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- IDB G. A. Buttrick, The Interpreters' Dictionary
of the Bible. 4 Volumes (1962). K. R. Crim,
Supplement (1976). - N.B. Software ed.
122.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious
Knowledge, Embracing Biblical, Historical,
Doctrinal, and Practical Theology and Biblical,
Theological, and Ecclesiastical Biography from
the Earliest Times to the Present Day. 12 Volumes
(1908-14, reprint 1949-50 with sup.) - N.B. http//www.ccel.org/s/schaff/
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142.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- W. J. McDonald, The New Catholic Encyclopedia. 14
Volumes. (1967, online at http//newadvent.org/cat
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162.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- C. Roth, Encyclopedia Judaica. 16 Volumes.
(1971-2, CD-Rom 1998) software ed.
172.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- J. M'Clintock, Cyclopaedia of Biblical,
Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10
Volumes (1867-97, reprint 1968-70) - N.B. Software ed.
182.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- Mircea Eliade, The Encyclopedia of Religion. 14
Volumes (1987). - F. L. Cross, Oxford Dictionary of the Christian
Church. - K. Rahner, Sacramentum Mundi. 6 Volumes (1968-70)
192.3 Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- E. Fahlbusch, The Encyclopedia of Christianity. 6
Volumes (1999-?) n.b. 3 volumes as to 2002
202.4 The Use of Bible Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- General Summary of the topic.
- Summary of major schools of thought.
- Selected bibliography.
212.5 Browsing the Internet
- Search Engines
- Robot
- Registered
- Specialty Engines
- Links
222.5 Browsing the Internet
- Several Search Engines
- http//altavista.com/
- http//google.com/
- http//ask.com/
- http//searchenginewatch.com/
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272.6 Important Introductory Sites
- The Catholic Encyclopedia http//newadvent.org/ca
then/ - Okeanos http//faculty.washington.edu/snoegel/oke
anos.html - Research Resources at Fuller Theological
Seminary http//www.fuller.edu/library/internet_r
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312.6 Important Introductory Sites
- Wabash Center Internet Guide http//www.wabashcen
ter.wabash.edu/Internet/front.htm - Resources Page for Biblical Studies
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342.6 Important Introductory Sites
- APS Guide to Resources in Theology
http//www.utoronto.ca/stmikes/theobook.htm - Internet Theology Resources Church History and
Historical Theology http//www.csbsju.edu/library
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372.6 Important Introductory Sites
- Librarians Index to the Internet
http//lii.org/ - Infomine A Guide to Scholarly Internet
Resources maintained by UC Riverside
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402.7 Defining the Rationale
- 2.7.1 Step One Name Your Topic
- I am learning about/working on/studying
_________________. - 2.7.2 Step Two Suggest a Question
- I am studying X because I want to find out who/
what/ when/where/ whether/ why/ how
412.7 Defining the Rationale
- 2.7.3 Step Three Motivate the Question
- I am studying X in order to understand how, why,
or what ___________________.
422.8 More Helpful hints on Topics
- Choose a subject you can handle in the time
available to you. - Choose a subject about which you have a measure
of prior experience. - Choose a subject that enables you to make a
contribution no one else can make but you no one
else has access to your experience. - Choose a subject that will satisfy your mentor
he sic is your best friend and your severest
432.8 More Helpful hints on Topics
- Choose a subject that promises available data to
do justice to its complexity. - Choose a subject you can handle methodologically
you are sure you can gather and evaluate the
data. - Choose a subject that allows for academic
treatment tightly reasoned thought carefully
442.8 More Helpful hints on Topics
- Choose a subject that is capable of theoretical
depth involving theology, anthropology, church
growth, etc. - Choose a subject that has structural unity not a
series of essays but a developed theme.
452.8 More Helpful hints on Topics
- Choose a subject that can be subjected to
scientific appraisal - that is, empirical
analysis be concerned with problem solving. - Choose-a subject you are eager to put your heart
into then you'll be proud of it years from now. - SCHOOL OF WORLD MISSION DISSERTATION MANUAL
Fuller Theological Seminary, p. 29