Title: Managing Trust in a Global Network
1Managing Trust in a Global Network
- Maria Beebe
- Center to Bridge the Digital Divide
- Washington State University
- Conceptual underpinning of Networks and Trust
- Background, Context and Disclaimer
- Manifestations of trust or lack of trust in
NetTel - Implications for Leadership
- Relationships that provide opportunities for
mutual benefit and results beyond what any single
organization or sector could realize along
(Drucker Foundation, 2002 )
45 Characteristics of Successful Networks
- Shared Vision and Trust
- Independent Members
- Voluntary Links
- Multiple Leaders
- Clearly Defined Roles
- - Lipnack and Stamp (2002)
5Requirements for Successful Networking
- Building Trust
- Being a Co-Equal Partner
- Willingness to Function with Open Decision Making
Processes - Engagement in Collaborative Problem-Solving
- - Kamensky (2002)
6What is Trust?
- The reliance on a property or a virtue of a
person, or the conviction that a given premise is
true (Oxford Dictionary) - The properties of a person that one is willing to
believe -- reliability, honesty, worthiness, and
capability (Modern Greek Dictionary)
7Organizational Trust Inventory
- Belief that another individual or group
- "makes good-faith efforts" to honor commitments
both explicit and implicit - is honest in negotiations that preceded those
commitments - does not take excessive advantage of another
even when such an opportunity to do so exists. - - Cummings and Bromiley (1996)
8Difference between Trust and Trustworthiness
- Trust is a willingness to be vulnerable to the
actions of another party - Trustworthiness is a judgment about the other
partys - Competence
- Benevolence
- Integrity
- -Mayer et al (1995)
- NetTel is a transnational network for capacity
building and knowledge sharing in ICT and
telecommunications policy, regulation, and
applications. - The overall goal of NetTel is to make the
provision of ICT more efficient and ubiquitous to
all African citizens. - Achieving this goal requires improved policy and
regulation as well as increased private sector
- The effective teaching and learning process
combined with digital content and local tutor and
community support along with global community
11Transnational Interdisciplinary
- Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda,
United States, Uganda - Computer Science, Finance and Economics,
Engineering, Communications and Social Science
12What People Say to Convey Trust
- Together we can do this.
- I know you will not let me down.
- I know I can rely on you.
- I trust we will all do the right thing.
- She knows what she is talking about and admits it
when she doesnt
13What People Say to Convey Distrust
- They are letting me down
- I am not sure they have the best interest of the
network - They do not do what they say they will do
- They are cutting me out of the decision-making
- They are only interested in their own program
14Attempts to Mend Broken Trust
- I was not clear about my expectations
- Its great to see I am not the only one suffering
- How can we make this work
- I am beginning to understand what is going on,
here is what I can do
15NetTel Coordinators Source of Trustworthiness
- Personal traits of the individuals adopting them,
like attributed competence and motives - Role-based trust, a form of depersonalized trust
because it is predicated on knowledge that a
person occupies a particular role - - Kramer (1999)
16The NetTel Coordinators Dilemma
- Managing third-party expressions of distrust
- What to do with the information?
- To whom to convey?
- How can trust be mended or sustained?
17The NetTel Coordinators Role
- To nurture trust-enhancing behavior through
continuous sharing of relevant information - Clarification of mutual expectations
- Facilitating the meeting of expectations
- Enabling mutual influence
18 Three Implications for Leadership in a Networked
- How best to use information communication
technologies to approximate face to face
19 Three Implications for Leadership in a Networked
- How best to nurture the network so that it will
evolve toward a state of balance in which people
are bound by strong relationships as well as have
similar judgment of trustworthiness of others
20 Three Implications for Leadership in a Networked
- How best to translate trustworthiness in network
partners to trustworthiness of web applications
developed by the network partners, such as the
online learning management system not just for
content management but also for reliability of
online assessment