Title: Managing the global workforce: Challenges and strategies
1Managing the global workforce Challenges and
????? ??? Cara Chen
- ??Steve Prestwick
- ??RD project in Singapore
- ??put together a team with all the experts
needed to get the new facility up and running
smoothly in its first two years. - ??focus on Cara
- What can Steve do?(to be continued)
4Survey Interview
- Survey??1.three criteria(firms)
- -????
- -????
- -??GHRM????
- 2.senior managers
- Interview8 firms,24 professionals
- four questions
- -key global pressures
- -HR issues
- -leading edge
- -knowledge(for
5Challenges Strategies
- Three Challenges
- -Deployment
- -Knowledge dissemination/Innovation transfer
- -Talent Identification and Development
- Four Strategies
- -Aspatial Careers
- -Awareness-Building Assignments
- -SWAT Teams
- -Virtual Solutions
- ??????(????)
- ???-???(????,??,??)v.s.????
- ????
- ???? v.s. local nationals
- ????
- ???
- cross-cultural ignorance
- Getting managers to stop relying on physical
transfers and to think globally about resources
is not easy.
7Knowledge dissemination/Innovation transfer
- ??????
- -information(center v.s. everywhere)
- -valuable market and production technology
information are being produced outside the parent
location. - ??MS(????)
- Cross-functional communication
- language compounded the trust problem
8Talent Identification and Development
- ??GM Corp.
- GHRM???????who
- 1.identification
- 2.selection(cultural biases)
- ??Amoco Corp. in Norway
- 3.motivation
9Strategies-Aspatial Careers
- Who
- Globally oriented, highly mobile people,with
proven ability and company loyalty - What
- Corps of experts with borderless careers on
long-term overseas assignment -
10Awareness- Building Assignments
- Who
- High potential employees early in their
careers - What
- 3 to 12 month assignments
11SWAT Teams
- Who
- Technical specialists
- What
- Short-term,project-length assignments
12Virtual Solutions
- Who
- Non-rotating employees who need overseas
connections - What
- Electronic communications
13Diagnosing the Challenges(strategyAspatial
- DeploymentGeographically relocate employees with
high level skills and rich cross-cultural
perspective - Knowledge DisseminationEmployees with id-depth
global experiences networks in leadership
positions across sites - Talent ID DevelopmentRotation as development
14Diagnosing the Challenges(strategyAwareness-Buil
ding assignments)
- DeploymentTechnically competent, high potential
employees - Knowledge DisseminationCross-cultural immersion
to produce global perspective - Talent ID DevelopmentScreening for ability to
function out of own culture
15Diagnosing the Challenges(strategySWAT Teams)
- DeploymentSpecialized skills on an as-needed
- Knowledge DisseminationTransfer of technical
processes systems - Talent ID DevelopmentSpecialized skills honed
through varied frequent applications
16Diagnosing the Challenges(strategyVirtual
- DeploymentVideoconferencing E-mail allow
virtual deployment - Knowledge DisseminationWeb pages, bulletin
boards, intranets, distance learning
interactive training disperse information across
locations - Talent ID DevelopmentGHRIS, electronic job
posting, video virtual interviews ID and screen
for assignments
17Implementing the Strategies(Aspatial careers)
- Encourage company over country culture
- Assign within culturally homogenous regions
- Use pan-region selection meetings
- Evolve selection criteria that are shared across
countries - Provide cross-cultural training for families
- Recognize family life-cycle realities
18Implementing the Strategies(Awareness Building
- Rotate employees with demonstrable
competence(?????) - Use to develop local nationals
19Implementing the Strategies(SWAT Teams)
- Best SWAT team member has single contributor
mindset - Use to spread acultural innovation
- Good at smaller locations or at start-up
- Recognize clear limitations
20Implementing the Strategies(Virtual Solutions)
- Encourage virtual friendships
- Couple with cross-culture awareness training
- GHRIS works best with standardized information
- GHRIS trade-off between standardized information
universal access - Global job posting for clearly defined jobs
- Dont expect instant results
- What can Steve do?
- four strategiespost jobs on an internal
bulletin boardset up web pagescouting for a
local national - My opinion