Title: Scientific Marvels in the Quraan Presentation
1Scientific Marvels in the QuraanPresentation 2
- ??? ???? ?????? ??????
- ??????? ?????? ?? ??????
Excursions into the Revelations of the Almighty
2Say "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to
gather together to produce the same as this
Quraan they could not produce the same thereof,
even if they backed up each other with help and
- ??? ???? ?????? ??????
- ???? ?????? ??????????? ??????? ?????????? ?????
???? ???????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ??
????????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ??????????
???????? ????????( ?????? 88)
34. The Mountains
- ?????? ???????? ???????? ???????? (6)
??????????? ????????? ( ?????? 7)
Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And
the mountains as pegs?
4?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? (30) ????????
??????? ???????? ???????????? (31) ????????????
?????????? ( ???????? 32)
And the earth, moreover, He extended (to a wide
expanse) He extracts out there from its water
and its pasture And the mountains He firmly
5Mountains are sources of Fresh Water Integral
Part of the Hydrocylce Energy Biodiversity Raw
materials Forest and Agricultural
Products Recreation and tourism Cultural Diversity
6Based on a UN study, mountains are home to 600
million people and are source of water for half
of the worlds population. http//www.peopleandp
There is now increasing recognition that
mountains are fragile ecosystems, which are
globally important as the source of most of the
Earths freshwater, repositories of rich
biological diversity, popular destinations for
recreation and tourism and areas of important
cultural diversity, knowledge and heritage.
Covering about one quarter of the worlds land
surface, mountains provide a direct life-support
base for about 12 per cent of the worlds
population, as well as essential goods and
services to more than half of humankind.
Excerpt from the UN International Year of
Mountains, 2002 Report distributed on July 11,
Current world population is more than 6.3 billion
people and is increasing at the rate of about 80
million per year (two to three per second)
7Earths Interior
The Crust 5-100 km (average of 6 km at ocean
floors, average of 40 km on continents)
predominantly rocks (iron rich basaltic and
gabbroic rocks) The Mantle 2890 km with
temperature range of 1300 C at the crust to 4000
C at the base and is fluid silicate rocks. Outer
Core 2260 km fluid iron Inner Core 1220 km
solid iron
8Plate Tectonics
Earthquakes from 1/1987-1/1997 with magnitudes
greater than 3.5 and depths shallower than 60 km.
Coastlines are shown for reference.
- Plate velocities range from 1 to 200 mm/year
- Overriding of one plate on top of another forms
mountains resulting in formation of mountains
such as the Himalayas
9How do mountains form? Mountains form as a
result of plate tectonics movements and volcanic
activities. The existence of roots under
mountains was not known until 1855 when Sir
George Airy proposed the theory that root
structures of lower density must exist under
mountains to maintain static equilibrium.
10?????? ????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????????
????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ???? ???????
?????? ??????? ?????? ???? ????? ????????
???????????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?????????????
?????? ???? ????? ?????? ??????? ( ????? 10)
He created the heavens without any pillars that
you can see He set on the earth anchors
(mountains) standing firm, lest it should sway
with you and He originated through it creatures
of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and
produce on the earth every kind of noble
creature, in pairs.
11?????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ??????
????????(17)??????? ?????????? ??????
????????(18)??????? ?????????? ??????
????????(??????? 19)
Do they not look at the Camels, how they are
created And at the Sky, how it is raised high
And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm?
12?????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???????? ??????
????????? ???????????? ?????? ????? ????????????
?????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ???????
????????? ?????????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????
???????? ??????????????( ????? 3)
And it is He Who spread out the earth, and set
thereon mountains standing firm, and (flowing)
rivers and fruits of every kind He made in
pairs, He draws the night as a veil over the day.
Behold, verily in these (creations) there are
signs for those people who think!
13??????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ???? ???????
?????? ??????????? ?????? ???????? ??????
??????????? ???????????( ????????31)
And We have set on the earth anchors )mountains(
lest it should sway with them, and We have made
therein broad pathways (between mountains) for
them to pass through that they may receive
14?????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??????
????????? ????????????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????
??????? ( ? 7)
And made therein towering anchors (mountains)
and provided for you water that is sweet (and
15?????? ???????? ???????? ????????(25) ?????????
?????????????(26) ??????????? ?????? ?????????
?????????? ????????????????? ????? ????????(
???????? 27)
Have We not made the earth (as a place) to draw
together The living and the dead And made
therein created towering anchors (mountains) and
provided for you water that is sweet (and
16??????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????
????????? ?????????? ???????? ????? ?????????
???????? ?????? ????????????? ???????? ????????
???? ??????? ???? ???????????? ?? ??????????? (
Or, who has made the earth firm )to live in( and
made rivers in its midst and set thereon anchors
(mountains), and made a separating bar between
the two seas, (Can there be another) god besides
Allah? Nay, in fact most of them do not know.
17????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ???? ???????
?????? ???????????? ????????? ????????????
??????????? ( ????? 15)
And He has set up on the earth anchors
)mountains( lest it should shake with you and
rivers and pathways that ye may be guided
18Beyond Science
??????????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??????????
?????? ???????(105) ??????????? ??????
?????????(106) ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ????
???????(?? 107)
They ask you (O Muhammad) about the Mountains
say, "My Lord will uproot them and scatter them
as dust "He will leave them as plains smooth and
level "He will leave them as plains smooth and
19????? ???????? ????????????(1)??????
????????????? ?????????(2)?????????
?????????(3)????? ??????? ????????
??????(4)????????? ?????????? ??????(5) ?????????
??????? ??????????(??????? 6)
When the Event Inevitable cometh to pass, Then
will no (soul) Entertain falsehood concerning its
coming. (Many) will it bring low (many) will it
exalt When the earth shall be shaken to its
depths,And the mountains shall be totally
crumbled becoming dust scattered abroad,
20?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????(9) ?????????
?????????? ???????(10) ???????? ??????????
????????????????(????? 11)
On the Day when the firmament will be in dreadful
commotion. And the mountains will fly hither and
thither Then woe that Day to those who
disbelieve (the Truth)
21?????????? ???????? ???????????? ??????????
??????? ?????????( ?????? 14)
When the earth and the mountains are carried and
they are spread out at one stroke,
?????? ???????? ????????? ???????????? ?????????
?????????? ???????? ???????(?????? 14)
One Day the earth and the mountains will shake.
And the mountains will be as a heap of sand
poured out and flowing down.
22????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????(1)?????????
??? ???????? ????????????(2)??????? ??????????
??? ?????(3)?????????? ?????????
????????????(4)??????? ??????? ???????
?????(5)?????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????
????????? ?????????????(6)?????? ????????
????????? ??????? ??????? ?????(7)?????? ????????
????????? ??????? ?????? ?????( ??????? 8)
When the Earth is shaken to its (utmost)
earthquake, And the Earth gets rid of its
burdens, And man cries (distressed) 'What is the
matter with it?, On that Day it will declare its
tidings that thy Lord will have given her
inspiration. On that Day people will proceed in
different sorts, to be shown their Deeds. Anyone
who has done an atom's weight of good, will see
it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of
evil, shall see it.