Title: United Against the Globalization of Big Tobacco
1 - United Against the Globalization of Big Tobacco
- SAYS _at_!!! NO to
- Camel No. 9 cigarettes
- Not on Our Watch!!!
2RJReynolds IntroducesBarbie Camel Cigarettes
3Camel No. 9 the Virginia Slims of this Millennium
- The Youve Come Along Way Baby marketing
campaign increased Virginia Slims market share
1168 - Since 1987 lung cancer in women surpasses breast
4Ads for Camel No. 9 have appeared in magazines
popular with girls, including Vogue, Glamour,
Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and InStyle.
5Camel No. 9 Advertisements
6(No Transcript)
7Promotional Postcard
8Cell Phone Jewelry
9Purses, gift bags, napkins, etc.
10"Rocker girl" wristbands and fake tattoos
11More Wristbands
12Fashion Related Trinkets
13Pink "Vinyl Record" Purse
14Rhinestone-encrusted lighter and branded cocktail
15Dont Think Camel No. 9 Promotions Happen in San
16Events sponsored by Camel and advertisements of
their products can be found in the SF Weekly, SF
Bay Guardian, and East Bay Express
Camel No. 9 inserts in weekly San Francisco
17Camel No. 9 event that took place on December 10,
18Baubles, Bling, and FREE Cigarettes
19Goody Bag
20(No Transcript)
21Diamonds are Forever and so is
Lung Cancer
22The Beautiful Bauble They Gave Out
23Deadly Glitter
24ID Scan and Photo What do they do with all of
your personal information
25Get Your Make-Up Done B/4 U get your free smokes
26Whats Deadlier Than a Smoking Gun
27A Smoking BUS except they call it a
lounge Isnt that illegal??
28Smoking lounge
29Inside the Smoking Bus
30Inside the Den of Death
31Help STOP Camel No. 9 in its tracks! Help
protect the precious lives of our daughters,
nieces, friends, and love ones. Visit
www.cus-united.org to join the fight!