Instructed to read each sentence out loud beginning with top sentence
Patient is to stop after each sentence and not proceed to next sentence until so instructed
Examiner times patient as sentence is read and notes any errors
Patient continues reading until he/she cant make out the print
Encourage patient to guess even when he/she believes a word is unreadable
36 Scoring Mnread
Locate print size in logmar units on X axis
Size progresses from right to left, largest to smallest
Locate time in seconds on Y axis on left side
Mark intersection of two axis
Repeat for all lines read
Connect lines to shown progression on graph
37 Reading Speed Time in seconds to complete sentence Largest print Smallest print Print Size 38 Physicians Shorthand V OD 20/200 OS 20/100 CC or CC OD right eye OS left eye 39 Important Reasons For Knowing Acuity
Determine the level of visual impairment for billing services
ICD-9 codes are assigned to each level of impairment and in many states serve as the primary diagnosis for billing
Snellen or metric acuity can be used to determine minimum diopters needed to read standard 1M size print
40 Contrast Sensitivity Function
a.k.a. low contrast acuity
Measures ability to see an image as it degrades in contrast from its background
Provides critical information about edges and borders and variations in luminance
Important to measure because most environment features are low contrast
Decreases with any deterioration of macular function
41 Peli Robson Test
Provides logarithmic score of CSF
Sloan letters in groups of 3 ranging from 100 to 1 contrast
Scored letter by letter
42 LeaNumbers Low Contrast Chart
Designed for clinic
Durable and portable
Children and adults
Symbols and numbers
Measures CSF between 25 - 1.2
Performance on test is interpreted more subjectively
43 Test Procedure
Patient wears reading glasses and sits 40 cm from chart
Chart should be well illuminated
Patient is instructed to read first symbol on each line
If patient does not see a symbol at first, encourage patient to focus on the symbol for a while and see if it appears
44 Visual Field Evaluation 45 Perimetry Testing
All testing involves three components
Sustained fixation on a central target
Presentation of a second target of a specified size/luminosity in a designated area of the field
Acknowledgment of the second target without breaking fixation on the central target
46 Static vs Kinetic Test Strategy
Target appears in a specified location without moving to that location
Target is moved into a specified area of the until it is detected and acknowledged
47 Testing Defines the Visual Sensitivity of the Field
Every point within the retinal visual field has a specific visual threshold
Defined as the weakest test stimulus just visible in that location under the specific test conditions
Indicates the sensitivity of the photoreceptors to stimuli
Threshold levels vary within the field
Hill of vision concept
Lowest at the fovea
Highest at the periphery
48 Circles represent isopters in the field diagram 49 Threshold vs. Screening Test Strategy
target is presented in specific location in field and increased in intensity until it becomes visible
Very accurate, discrete measurement
Target is presented one time at supra-threshold value is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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