Title: Applications or Recombinant DNA Technology
1Chapter 13
- Applications or Recombinant DNA Technology
2Rec. DNA techniques very powerfulwhat can we
do?? We will discuss
- Mutagenesis in vitro
- RFLP Mapping
- Reverse Genetics
- Expressing eukaryotic DNA in bacteria
- Rec. DNA in eukarya
- Transgenic eukaryotes
- Yeast
- Plants
- Animals
- Gene Therapy
- Using Rec. DNA to detect disease alleles directly
3- In vitro mutagenesis designer genes.
- Create any mutation you wish in a cloned DNA
target - Uses oligonucleotides (oligos) with desired
mutation to hybridize to a given target - Oligo primes DNA pol synthesis to duplex form and
transform into bacterial cell - Grow up and sequence clones to find your
mutation. - Possible to make point mutant, deletion,
4Targeted mutagenesis
5Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
Some individual variation of genomic sequence in
population easy to see with RE on Southern
blots of genomic DNA.
- NOTE Treat RFLPS like alleles
- -Presence of a RE site is a plus
()-Absence of a RE site is a minus (-) - RFLPS are pretty common!
- How to find? Hit or miss process of hyb. Random
clones to RE digested DNA from individuals at
random or in a single family. WHY USE RFLPS? - RFLPS can define a locus that is heterozygous
morph can be used as a neutral marker in chrom.
Mapping. - RFLPs are useful diagnostic tools with genetic
diseases if you can find a RFLP that always seems
to associate with the disease allele, the RFLP
can be diagnostic marker for that particular
genetic disease. - Comparing RFLPs measures genetic
diversification, hence evolution
Person A
Silent change (point mutant) at this site Site
2.3 KB
Person B
Genome B
Genome A
MW markers
This defines two morphs, one is 2 kb other is
2.3 kb
6- Good example of inheritance of a RFLP showing
linkage to dominant disease allele D - Note RFLP maps based on recombination analysis
of mating. - RE maps based on physical analysis of DNA
7Reverse Genetics vs. Genetics
Genetics mutant phenotypemutant alleleDNA
seq.ptn seq. Reverse ptn seq. DNA
seq.mutate allele evaluate mutant
phenotype Ptn in search of a functionGene in
search of a phenotype
8- Example of Reverse Genetics at work
- ORF (from computer) In vitro mutagenesis back
in organism Results?? - Amino acid sequence back translate ORF to DNA
make probe to find gene clone it, mutate put
back to see results - Important tools in the process Gene disruption
or gene knock outs.
9How to get a vector inside a cells to make a
transgenic organism?
10Tools to allow expression of eukaryotic genes in
bacteria. Expression Vectors factories for ptn
production in a robust system (like E.
coli) (Defines the term biotechnology which is
commercialization of recomb. DNA) -Patented life
forms now possible. -Good example T7 RNA pol.
2 step overexpression system for Factor VIII.
2 plasmids Induce Rpol with IPTG inactivates
the lac repressor
Very high copy plasmid
11Many other examples of overexpression of useful
gene products in bacterial systems
12Another variation This represents a great way
to get the ptn OUT of the bacterium
13Recombinant DNA in Eukaryotes
14Basic Cloning established in bacterial systems.
Now applicable to eukaryotes. Eukaryotic
expression systems high value since E. coli is
NOT ideal for higher organism expression
since -Post Tln modification not possible -Ptn
degradation -Problems with extraction/yields and
purification -bacteria may be a hostile
environment An excellent system Baculovirus.
A DNA insect virus
15Very large genome of 50 kb
Coat gene promoter very robust, expressed LATE
in infection (therefore not essential for
productive infection)
16Transgenic Eukaryotes
- DNA introduced in Euk. Cells in many ways (13-10)
- Integration typically (a few ARS exist)
- Good for promoter analyses
- Plants, animals, fungi large commercial value
with all these species. - Great increases in scope of field
17Saccharomyces cerevisiae (aka bakers yeast)
- The most exciting and sophisticated euk. Model
system - Fully sequenced genome
- Good understanding of transmission genetics and
life style - Many Many strains, plasmids, mutants, cool stuff,
etc. - Specific plasmid 2 micron plasmid (6.3 kb
natural plasmid) forms basis of most vectors in
yeast - Plasmid can be an ARS or integrative (targeted)
- Targeted integration BIG value added in yeast
- NEXT details of 2 u plasmids
18Yeast 2 uM Plasmids
Simplest integrates into genome, derived from
bacterial plasmids (single or dbl crossover).
Bacterial vector based, so no replication
possible forces integration (selection with a
marker, like ura
- Shuttle vector pass through yeast AND E. coli
and have high utility in routine cloning - ARS do not ALWAYS segregate to daughters at M
thus, add a yeast centromere as shown in c
(attachment site for nuclear spindle ensures
proper partitioning and behaves like a
chromosome). - To make a real chromosome should linearize DNA
and add telomeres at ends to give a YAC (d). - YACs behave like minichrom. In yeast and show a
22 segregation from diploids.
The basic 2- uM vector basis for shuttle in a.