Title: Abstract
Cascades Elementary Salmon Biology
Oregon State University GK-12 Program
The Rural Science Education Program is a
partnership between Oregon State University
researchers and educators and science teachers,
for enhancing science education in rural
classrooms. The university places graduates and
undergraduate Fellows in the classroom for
developing and implementing inquiry-based science
education. In addition to teaching inquiry-based
lessons, the program encourages OSU students to
focus curriculum on their areas of expertise.
Students at Cascades Elementary School in
Lebanon, Oregon have been learning about salmon
biology through a partnership with the Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife Salmon-Trout
Enhancement Program. Lesson topics included
stream ecology, predator/prey relationships, the
salmon life-cycle, and water quality. Salmon were
raised in the classroom and released in the South
Santiam River late December 2004. Through this
program, students at Cascades have gained a
greater understanding and appreciation for salmon
and their habitats.
Raising Salmon in the Classroom
Learning About Salmon
Stream Ecology
OSU NSF Fellow Ian Courter explains the inner
workings of the salmon incubator
GK-12 Program Background
Student drawing of a salmon friendly stream
Releasing Chinook Salmon at Waterloo Park
118 projects across 41 states
Acknowledgements National Science
FoundationEnvironmental Protection AgencyOregon
Department of Fish and WildlifeCascade Vending
ServiceJim Bowman
OSU NSF Fellow fields questions at a nearby
elementary school
This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant No.
0139372. Additional support of biotechnology
activities was provided by the Toshiba America
Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation or the Toshiba America