Title: ITU Activities in Remote Sensing
1International Telecommunication Union
ITU Activities in Remote Sensing
Alexandre VASSILIEV Study Group Counsellor
Radiocommunication Bureau Phone 41 22 730 59
24 E-mail alexandre.vassiliev_at_itu.int
Wind Scatterometer (active sensor)
2Why the ITU?
ITU related parts (ICT)
spectrumradio techn.
World Weather Watch System(World Meteorological
Organization (WMO))
information technogies
3Tsunami Detection and Prediction System
- Deep-ocean Assessment and Report of Tsunami
(DART) system
4ITU Overview 192 Member States 700 Sector
Plenipotentiary Conference
World Telecommunication Development Conference
World Standardization Assembly
Helping the World Communicate
Radiocommunication Assembly World
Radiocommunication Conference
5ITU and Remote Sensing
- Plenipotentiary Conference 2006 (PP-06) -
Resolution 136 The use of telecommunications/info
rmation and communication technologies for
monitoring and management in emergency and
disaster situations for early warning,
prevention, mitigationĀ andĀ relief to support
.. the use of telecommunications/ICTs (e.g.
remote sensing)
6Development Sector and Remote Sensing (1)
- World Telecommunication Development Conference
2006 (WTDC-06) - Resolution 34 The role of
telecommunications /information and communication
technology in early warning and mitigation of
disasters and humanitarian assistanceRelated
Study Question ITU-D 22/2 Utilization of ICT for
disaster management, resources, and active and
passive space-based sensing systems as they apply
to disaster and emergency relief situations
7Development Sector and Remote Sensing (2)
- assists developing countries in the use of remote
sensing information for disaster prediction,
detection and mitigation - represents ITU at different forums related to
disaster management and the use of ICT - organizes seminars and workshops on the use of
ICT in general and remote sensing in particular - ITU-D Study Group 2 carries out studies and
develops report on the use of remote sensing for
disaster prediction, detection and mitigation
(see at http//www.itu.int/ITU-D/study_groups/SGP
_2006-2010/SG2/SG2-index.html) - etc.
8Telecommunication Standardization Sector and
Remote Sensing
- Telecommunication Standardization Sector
- Developing Recommendations related to the use of
telecommunicaiton networks for disseminating
information including remote sensing data. ITU-T
developed Recommendation ITU-T X.1303 (see at
http//www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.1303/en) on the
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). CAP was agreed in
2004 as an international standard.
9Bandwidth and Remote Sensing Precision
Sri Lanka East Coast after tsunami 26 December
2004 Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) image
SARs provide Earths images (through clouds
too). SAR resolution (as well as precision of
many sensors) depends on bandwidth. For example
- 1 meter resolution at 30? incidence angle
requires 300 MHz.
10XV World Meteorological Congress, 2007
- In Resolution 3
- Re-affirmed the crucial importance of RF bands
for meteorological and related environmental
operations and research, and for disaster risk
reduction - Stressed that some RF bands are a unique natural
resource for passive sensing that deserve
absolute protection - Urged all Members to do their utmost at national,
regional and international levels to ensure the
availability and protection of suitable RF bands - Appealed to ITU and its Administrations to ensure
the absolute protection of the passive sensing RF
bands, and to give due consideration to the WMO
requirements for RF allocations and regulatory
11Radiocommunication Sector and Remote Sensing (1)
- Recognizing that the radio frequency spectrum is
a critical resource for remote sensing the World
Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07) - considered (with positive results) 4 main issues
directly related to remote sensing (including
extension of bands for some active sensors) - approved 5 new Resolutions concerning new studies
relevant to remote sensing - included 4 items in the draft of WRC-11 Agenda on
the use and further development of remote sensing
12Radiocommunication Sector and Remote Sensing (2)
- allocates (through WRC) necessary radio-frequency
spectrum and provides regulatory protection to
remote sensing systems - carries out studies and develops ITU-R
Recommendations, Reports and Handbooks (together
with WMO) on remote sensing (ITU-R SG 7 see at
groupslinkrsg7langen) - participates in different conferences, seminars
and workshops on remote sensing - cooperates with other UN organizations
(especially with WMO), international and national
space and meteorological agencies - etc.
13Cooperation with Other Organizations
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs
(OCHA) and other UN offices - Group on Earth Observation (GEO)
- International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
- Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG)
international and national space agency group - International and national space and
meteorological agencies/organizations - Partnerships with international and national
satellite organizations/operators/companies
(INMARSAT, ICO, Thuraya, etc.).. - etc.
- Remote sensing is the essential tool for
prediction, detection and relief from natural and
man-made disasters - Remote sensing systems are key global assets that
serve the world as a whole - It is very important to provide and protect
necessary spectrum, as well as radio and
telecommunication infrastructure, for obtaining
and disseminating remote sensing data - ITU plays a major role in developing technical
and regulatory background for further evolution
of remote sensing systems, as well as promoting
their use for the interests of all countries