Title: Remote Sensing and disaster management in Africa
1- Remote Sensing and disaster management in Africa
- 10- 11 December 2007
- ITU (Geneva - Switzerland)
- Dr. Tesfaye Korme,
- Director for Remote Sensing, GIS and Mapping
Section - Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for
Development (RCMRD), Nairobi-Kenya
2Outline of Presentation
- About the Regional Centre (RCMRD)
- Remote Sensing as a Tool
- Major Disasters in Africa
- Recent efforts and future perspective in Disaster
management in Africa
3II. About Regional Centre for Mapping of
Resources for Development (RCMRD) In Nairobi-
- RCMRD was established in Nairobi - Kenya in 1975
under the auspices of the United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa. -
- It is a non-profit making Inter-governmental
Organization. -
- Currently the Centre has 15 contracting member
States namely Botswana, Comoros, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia,
Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland,
Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. - The countries affiliated to the Centre are
Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Burundi,
Madagascar, Djibouti, Eritrea, Zaire and South
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6 Mission and Vision of the Centre
- Its Mission To promote the standardization,
harmonization and - development of geo-spatial data and
information and strengthen - the capability and capacity of the member
States in the use of - geo-spatial information for sustainable
development. - Its Vision To become a Centre of Excellence in
Geo-information in Africa.
7Achievement Highlights
- Helped in the establishment and capacity of
building of mapping - agencies in its member States.
- Trained over 4,500 technical / professional
officers from its member - States and other African countries in the
fields of Surveying, Cartography, - Remote Sensing and GIS.
- Implemented numerous (450) mapping and
resource assessment projects - on behalf of its member States and development
partners. -
- Provided advisory and consultancy services in
surveying, mapping, - engineering, environmental assessment,
planning and management. -
8II. Remote Sensing as a Tool
(USA-P) - IRS-1C KVR-1000
Landsat 7
TERRA - (India) (Russia)
(USA) -
- METOP OrbView-4
QuickBird Spot-5
(USA-P) (France)
9Advantages of Remote Sensing
10In disaster / risk management
Remote Sensing data is needed for
- Disaster preparedness
- Disaster mitigation
- Disaster monitoring
- the current situation
- before,
- during and
- after occurrence of Disaster.
11III. Major Disasters Frequently Occurring in
- Droughts
- Flooding
- Landslides
- Fire
- Volcanic Hazards
- Epidemic Diseases
- Land Degradation
121. Drought
- Has become a recurrent phenomenon affecting
millions of people in Africa each year
13- It is mainly related to climate change and
variation - Meteosat and NOAA are used for weather
forecasting and - impact of weather on crop/animal production.
- Low/high resolution data has been and continue
to be used in - assessment and monitoring of crop/biomass
hectarage and - condition.
14- Satellite based rainfall estimation
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16Identification of Hotspots
17Ground Confirmation of hotspots
18Ground Confirmation of areas with better
192. Flooding
- High resolution satellite data (SPOT, Landsat 7,
Ikonos) have - been extensively used in
- the assessment of the impacts of floods on the
local populace - monitoring floods
- modeling floods
- Examples Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia,
western Africa, - Nile flooding in Khartoum.
- Warning, tracking, damage assessment
Flooded Dwellings
Extensive flooding
Tree tops
IKONOS 1-Meter Panchromatic
IKONOS 4-Meter Multispectral
Flooded Agricultural Fields
21Hydro-meteorological conditions monitoring in
support of Early Warning of floods in Kenya
March May, 2003 rainfall season, Nzoia floods,
USGS and RCMRD team visited the area to validate
the Stream Flow Model notice the recent damage
and loss of property and livelihood
22- Production of flood inundation maps useful for
response and contingency planning (case of Nzoia
233. Landslides
Satellite data provides rapid data for
development of DEM and Land cover which are
necessary for landslide vulnerability assessment
and monitoring. Several historical landslide
scars were mapped from Landsat Images in Kenya
and Ethiopia Examples Western Kenya,
Ethiopia, Malawi
244. Fire
- Multi-temporal infrared satellite data provides
very important - information in forest fire detection.
- In Africa every year thousands of hectares of
tropical forest and - scrub are consumed by fire
- The frequency of occurrence of forest fire has
increased due to - the overall increase in temperature and aridity
- Examples Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Angola, South
25MODIS Data ANGOLA, AFRICA This remotely sensed
image was captured on May 5, 2004 by the Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on
the Terra satellite. This photo shows numerous
fires throughout the countryside.
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275. Volcanic hazards
High resolution satellite data has been used in
the assessment of the extend and impact of
volcanic activities. Examples The application
in Goma in DRC and Mt. Etna, Italy
28Nyiragongo Volcano lava flow DR Congo, 31 Jan 2002
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30 (Landast-7, Terra and Space Shuttle)
Goma Volcanic Eruption, January and
July, 2002
316. Epidemic diseases (predicting outbreaks of RVF
in GHA)
327. Land Degradation
- Land degradation directly affects food
productions and the - earths environmental wellbeing.
- Satellite data and GIS has extensively been
used in land - degradation assessments and monitoring i.e
- - Forest depletion
- - Soil erosion hazard
- - Desertification hazard
- - Coastal denudation
- Example RCMRD has used these technologies in
forest - depletion assessment, soil
erosion mapping, etc.
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34IV. Recent efforts by RCMRD in Disaster
management in Africa
1. Real-time data acquisition and the DDS (ESA -
- DDS (Data Dissemination System) is an efficient
microwave (Ku and C-bands) data transmission
system has been installed in some of the regional
centers . - It is mainly used in uploading and downloading
data - The type of data transmitted via this system
includes - ENVISAT MERIS and ASAR data
- MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) data,
- Processed data such as LAI, NDVI, FPAR, etc.
- Other data such as ASTER and MODIS if upgraded
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362. Establishment of SERVIR Africa Node
- Capacity building for the Centre
- In data acquisition, archiving and dissemination
- Data Processing and
- Development of various applications
- Landslide mapping
- Epidemic diseases forecasting
- Flooding early warning
- Food security
- Land management
- Etc.
37- In Human resource capacity
- Training in long and short-terms
- Exchange of skills with other sister institutions
- Provide support for SDI imitative
- In developing standards and policy
- In developing metadata and archiving mechanism
- Remote Sensing and GIS technologies have a high
potential for use in - Disaster management in Africa if the following
are fulfilled - Putting in place the right policies and
infrastructure - Build human capacity in rapid processing and
interpretation of data - required in disaster management
- Make adequate budgetary provisions for timely
acquisition and - processing of appropriate satellite data and
RS software and - equipment
- Creation of national and regional partnerships
in disaster - management. for data and information sharing.
- Development of National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI) - for easy data and information sharing.
- Thank you for your attention!!
- Merci Pour Votre Attention!!