How To Make Money With Facebook Fan Pages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How To Make Money With Facebook Fan Pages


How anybody with a facebook account can easily make 100-500 per day. Step by step method that is free and easy to use. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How To Make Money With Facebook Fan Pages

Welcome To How To Make Money With Facebook Fan
Pages In Less Then 48 Hours
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Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages!
What exactly is a facebook fan page? Well a
facebook fan page is page on facebook that allows
people to promote anything from a business to a
community or cause. It has no friend limit unlike
regular facebook pages. The greatest thing about
fan pages is you are able to get what are called
LIKES and the more likes or fans you get the
more people you have to promote to and ultimately
the more money you will make. Now what I am
going to do here is give you a step by step
method on how to build your very own facebook fan
page and show you how to get fans and how to turn
those fans into paying customers no matter what
business or industry youre in. Ok with that said
lets get right to it.
Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • To begin you need to have a facebook account. Not
    to worry. If you head over to
    and sign up you can get one for free. Very easy
    to do. After you get your personal facebook page
    up you will need to visit
    reate.php. This is where you will create your fan
    page. Now before we move on I want you to look
    over the categories and choose the one that best
    fits you or your business and tick
  • the agree box and continue.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan PagesIt should
look like this image below
Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Now after that you will see a screen like this

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Now that we have created our fan page its time
    to dress it up and make it pretty.
  • The first thing youll want to do is add a
    picture. Now you can put anything you want in
    here. You can add your business logo or a picture
    of your ebook etc. Just hover over the question
    mark and click Change Picture or you may just
    click the Upload an Image link to the right of
    the question mark. After you do that wait a
    second and facebook will format the image and
    presto your image is now live. I will show you an
    example on the next page.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Next you want to click Edit Page on the right
    of the screen. To the left you will see a few
    tabs. Lets start with your settings. Read both
    sets of information. I generally leave both
    clicked. Then save changes. Next is Manage
    Permissions. If you dont want the world to see
    your page till its finished then click the top
    box Only admins can see this page. Go ahead
    and pick country you service or countries. If you
    have any age restrictions then choose the desired
    age setting. Next set is all based on preference
  • your likes and dislikes. Some people
    want conversation and videos and links on the
    wall and

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Others just dont prefer it. If you want
    discussions about different topics then its a
    good idea to check all 3. I prefer all to be
    available as I like customer interaction. But
    its completely up to you.
  • Next you have the Moderation Block list. This
    allows you to block any words or terms you do not
    want posted on your wall. Separate all by a coma.
    Next you can choose the strength level of
    profanity you want to allow. Generally I would
    say block profanity.
  • Then save changes.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • The next step in creating your Facebook Fan Page
    is including the basic information about you or
    your company. The more information you add the
    more a potential customer will take you as a
    serious individual, company, or small business.
    Keep that in mind. If you have a website then add
  • Next you will want to Manage Admins. A good rule
    of thumb is to add at least 1 more admin other
    then yourself. Only for the fact that if for some
    reason you
  • lose account access youll have somebody
  • will still have access to all the data.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Next we want to go to the Apps tab. This is a
    highly important section so reread this if
    necessary. As youll see you already have these
    added to your page. What I tend to do is click
    each one where it says edit settings and where
    it says Available click the add in quotes. Look
    through each app and decide which ones you want
    and which ones you dont want. Very soon Facebook
    will be discontinuing the use of Static FBML. So
    depending on when youre reading this it may not
    make a big deal. Everything will soon be changed
    to iframes. Now after you have set all that up I
    am going to show you
  • where and how to get content for your page.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Content for your fan page can be from anywhere.
    If you have a fan page set up for your business
    then you may want to include some services you
    offer or some youtube videos that show off your
  • An example may be a Pizza Restaurant may want to
    add what the serve on the menu. This way
    potential customers can see what kind of dishes
    the make.
  • You may want to add some content from other blogs
    in your niche. Remember whatever content or
    pictures you add make it relevant to your target
    audience. You want to connect with people and
    Like Your Page. The more Likes You have the

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Here is an example of a successful Fan Page

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • One thing you need to remember is you always want
    to be adding relevant content to your fan page
    and continue to add information that may be of
    use to your fans. Content and updates will appear
    in your fans feeds and will be read by them so
    keep them engaged.
  • Now I want to talk with you about how to get
    Fans to your page and get as many Likes as
    you possibly can. Head on over to a website
    called Fiverr Its a site where
    people will do jobs for 5. See next page for
    site. You can literally get
  • people to do anything on this site. Take a

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Screenshot Of The Website Fiverr

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • What you want to do is type in the search box in
    the top right of the page facebook 10,000 or
    facebook 20000 or facebook 30000. This will load
    gigs that show people that will send your link to
    your fan page to this number of people to get you
    fans. Now what I do is look further into there
    offer. See what experience others have had with
    them. This site is like and people are
    graded on the performance they give to buyers. So
    a higher thumbs up the better. Read what others
    have to say before you buy the gig. This is the
    cheapest way I know how to get fans on the
    internet. I will include some other
  • site that offer the same services as fiverr.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • In order to make money from your fan page you
    need to sign up as an affiliate which is
    completely free at companies like.
  • These companies offer digital and shipped
    products. I recommend you use clickbank cause
    they offer digital downloads which gives the
    customer immediate satisfaction. These are
    affiliate companies that pay you for a
    converted sale.
  • Next I will show you some good CPA programs
  • can offer your fans.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Other sites you can use ate
  • These sites offer so much for so little. Make
    sure you make use of the services these people
    offer. You can get anything you need to start
    making money with facebook fan pages.
  • Now that you have a healthy fan base on your fan
    page you want to start to monetize it. You may be
    wondering how do I make money from this page?
  • I will show you how on the next page.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • CPA means cost pre action. Here you get paid for
    someone committing an action. That may be
    inputting an email address or zip code for an
    offer. Or filling out a form or buying a trial
    product that they only have to pay shipping and
    handling. These offers are much easier to convert
    when you dont need the person to buy anything.
    Imagine getting paid even when people dont have
    to buy a product. Its the best model on the
    internet. I personally know people making 5,000
    -10,000 per day with this model and it fits very
    well with the facebook fan page method. I will
    show you some killer networks to join on the next
  • page.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • One thing you should understand is that when
    joining cpa networks there are some required
    information you need to know. First off when
    applying to cpa networks I suggest you have your
    own website already built. Have a professional
    email address and not a gmail or yahoo email
    address. These affiliate managers check this
    stuff out. Also what I have noticed they ask your
    preferred method of advertising. What I say in
    the application process is I do PPC, Media Buys
    and Social Marketing. Also they will ask how many
    visitors you get to your site per month. I will
    usually say 1000-3000 visitors per month. After
    you complete this application you will receive a
    call from the affiliate manager. Make sure
  • you tell them the same information you typed
    in your
  • application even if its not true. You just
    need to be

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • accepted. Now that you have been accepted you
    need to apply to as many of these companies as
    you can. They include .

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Now know that you will not be accepted to every
    network you apply to but you will be accepted to
    some. These networks supply you with all the
    links you will promote to your fans on facebook.
    I suggest you promote things that will appeal to
    everybody. Such as laptops, Apple products,
    anything that is free and only requires an email
    or address submit.
  • I will show you some examples on the next page.

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Email Submits

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Zip Submits

Hidden Wealth In Facebook Fan Pages
  • Now that you have your links its time to post
    the to you fan page and make some money. I
    suggest you post 5 content rich information to
    your fans then post an offer like an email submit
    for The New Ipad 2. This will peek the interest
    of all your fans and get you the most clicks and
    importantly the most money. No this will not
    apply to other businesses but you can use this
    strategy as well for extra income. I truly hope
    this information helps you succeed with your
    facebook fan page and allows you to maximize your
    profits online as well.
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  • To Your Success
  • Jimmy Pullars
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