Title: HandsOn Projects for STEM Enrichment
1- Hands-On Projects for STEM Enrichment
- Fred Martin
- Associate Professor, Computer Science,
- UMass Lowell
- Sam Christy
- Executive Director,
- Machine Science Inc.
2iCODEWhat is iCODE?
- Collaboration between UMass Lowell and Machine
Science Inc. - Funded by the National Science Foundation
- STEM teaching resources that are available right
3iCODEWhat have we developed?
- On-line curriculum and programming tools
- Physical materials for hands-on activities
- Structured after-school and summer enrichment
4On-line SystemWhat's available on-line?
- Step-by-step project instructions
- Built-in web-based programming tool
- Community-building features student project
database and discussion forums
5Physical MaterialsWhat do students build?
- Beginner Simple Circuit Games, LED Frisbee,
Holiday Lights - Intermediate Fortune Teller, Simon, Sumo Robot
- Advanced MP3, GPS, Wii Game Controller
6Enrichment ProgramsHow are activities structured?
- Weekly after-school sessions
- Weekend exhibitions, competitions, and career
events - Two-week summer camps
7Enrichment ProgramsWho are we serving?
- Ten schools and community centers in Boston and
Lowell - About 150 students have participated
- Nearly 80 Black, Latino, and Asian
- Almost half of year 1 students returned in year 2
8Student OutcomesHow do students benefit?
- Builds engineering process and workforce skills
- Increases knowledge of STEM-related careers
- Closes STEM attitude gap between girls and boys
9ContextWhy focus on microcontrollers?
- Embedded computing is driving innovation
- Microcontroller projects engage students
- Activities involve science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics
10ContextMicrocontrollers are everywhere.
11ContextMicrocontroller projects are engaging.
- Students respond to hands-on challenge
- Physical inventions make programming concepts
come alive - Creativity can be expressed in code and design
12Context Projects provide STEM teaching
13DemonstrationHow does it all work?
- Overview of the project guides
- Close up view of one guide
- On-line programming demonstration
- Quick look at the open project database
14Getting StartedWhat do schools need?
- Computer facilities PCs or Macs
- Instructor/mentor No engineering experience
needed - Cost Guides are free kits range from 50 to
200 - Web site guides.icodeproject.org