Techniques to Improve Concentration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Techniques to Improve Concentration


This PPT is on Concentration Techniques. The techniques discussed here are well tested on 20 to 22 students from different background. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Techniques to Improve Concentration

Techniques to improve Concentration
  • power point presentation
  • by
  • C. J. Karthik,
  • Senior Trainer ,
  • Soft skills English
  • Jetking Infotrain Mysore.
  • E-Mail
  • Ph 91- 9740926158
  • Dear Readers,
  • This PPT is, on the significance of
    concentration some practical and well tested
    techniques to improve the concentration skills
    with memory i.e. remembering recollecting abilit

  • Introduction.
  • Whats Concentration?
  • Importance of Concentration.
  • Concentration its relation with Memory.
  • Techniques to strengthen the power of
    concentration and Memory (Remembering
    Recollecting skills).
  • Conclusion.

  • One day Sumukh was asked by his mother to bring
    6 types of cereals, 5 kinds of fruits and cooking
    colours. After buying some cereals he called his
    mom. Till finishing the purchase he was keep on
    calling his mother almost 4 times.
  • Rakesh was gifted a wrist watch by his father.
    He was looking the watch for more than 3 minuets,

Introduction Continued
  • was observed by his father, and he asked the
    time. Rakesh again looked the watch then, he
    told the time.
  • Sumukh introduced his friend Karthik to Rakesh,
    telling This is Karthik, My friend. At the
    end of the conversation Rakesh asks Karthik, May
    I know your name?.

Introduction Continued
  • This is not only the problem of Sumukh or
    Rakesh. Even weve also faced the similar
    situations and its due to lack of concentration.
  • So, now weve to find all the possible ways to
    strengthen the ability of concentration. Before
    that, we shall know whats concentration its
    significance etc.

Whats Concentration?
  • Concentration means focus of mind. In simple
    words concentration is nothing but being alert
    and without any diversions in mind.
  • Concentration also means keeping ones mind and
    thoughts on one thing with focused attention on
    the same thing/aspect.

Importance of Concentration
  • Concentration is one of the major tool to achieve
    success in any area. Further the significance of
    concentration is extended to remembering and
    recollecting ability which is nothing but so
    called memory. One who has good concentrating
    ability can remember and recollect better and

Importance of Concentration Continued
  • Concentration is also one of the important weapon
    behind any successful person.
  • The significance of Concentration can be
    described as one who has concentration, can
    learn anything and anything learnt without
    concentration cannot be retained in mind for a
    longer duration.

Concentration its relation with Memory
  • Concentration is needed for a good listening and
    better understanding. Listening is nothing but
    hearing with concentration, for better
    understanding. Anything heard/seen with
    concentration can be recalled accurately. Its
    also called as observation skill, for which
    concentration is the foundation.

Concentration its relation with
Memory Continued
  • Most of the people will assume that theyve poor
    memory, poor recollecting skill etc. In fact it
    isnt a fact its just an assumption!
  • Now a days we can hear a common complaint that
    one cant so easily remember names/faces, even
    other important information etc.

Concentration its relation with
Memory Continued
  • In the introductory slide also weve seen similar
    scenario. Here the fact is theyve not at all
    heard the name or so called important
    information. When, theyve not at all heard the
    matter, how can they remember/recollect? Can
    anyone remember/recollect anything which he/she
    hasnt heard/known? Certainly Not!

Concentration its relation with
Memory Continued
  • When I examined the reason for poor/not
    listening, the first answer which I got is, poor
    attention whichs due to lack of concentration.
  • As concentration is the back bone of all other
    success skills like memory, observation and
    listening skills, one should strengthen his/her
    power of concentration.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration
  • The art of concentration can also be learnt like
    any other skill. To improve the power of
    concentration, one should follow the given
    techniques, as guided and without any
    break/interruptions atleast for 5 to 6 months.
    Infact these techniques are well tested on 20 to
    22 candidates from different academic background
    and status.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Time These techniques can be done any time.
    Preferably before bed. Because, itll be the
    tension free time.
  • Procedure Posture Sit in a relaxed and
    comfortable posture, where theres no disturbance
    with minimum light, preferably green or yellow
    bed lamp because it has strong cosmic vibrations
    towards concentration.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 1 Start to count in ascending
    descending orders, like 1 to 100, 158 to 263 etc.
    Then count in descending order like 100 to 1, 654
    to 432 etc. While counting so, close the eyes and
    visualize the numbers in green/white/black colour
    with yellow background. As yellow is Jupiter's
    colour and other 3 colours cosmic vibrating
    effect will

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Strengthen ones mind power.
  • Technique 2 Now, take a comb where you can
    find, its easy to count the sticks in the comb.
    Count the number of sticks. If you find it
    difficult or any disturbance, once again start to
    count from the beginning.
  • Caution While doing this practice in the
    initial stage there might be some

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Head ache, Just ignore and continue. Do this
    practice for 3 to 4 times.
  • Technique 3 Now relax for a minute and inhale
    and exhale. Do this for 4 to 5 times.
  • Now once again start to count the numbers as
    guided here.
  • 1, 1 2, 1 2 3, (one, one two, one two
    three, one two three four, like that.) Do this
    up to 100 and then vice versa i.e. in descending

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • order (hundred.. Ninety nine.. Ninety eight..)
    like that.
  • Note While performing these techniques always
    focus only on numbers. Dont go for chanting
    Gods name etc. Even though Im a theist, I
    suggest not to chant the name of the God in
    initial stage, because while chanting Gods name
    therell be the possibility of diversions in
    chanting, distractions etc. Further as its easy
    to chant Gods name, internal mind will be
    repeating the Gods name and external mind will
    be thinking some thing else. Of course it doesnt
    mean chanting, name of the God is less effective.
    To do the practice of chanting the Gods name,
    one should have good concentration and to
    strengthen concentration one must practice these
    exercise. Most of the meditation/relaxation
    techniques failed because, in the beginning
    itself theyve started the divine chanting. Hence
    itd be better to avoid chanting the name of any
    God in initial stage.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 4 This can be done even before
    studies. Take a book and select any chapter in
    which you arent so familiar. Keep the book in
    reverse order and read. Its not so easy and
    itll automatically focus the mind to
    concentrate, consequently no distractions/diversio
    ns. Just read 2 or 3 paragraphs per day and its
    more than enough.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 5 Its scientifically proved that,
    left hand is associated with right brain. So
    before starting studies write 8 to 10 lines from
    your left hand, so you can easily refresh the
    right brain, which results in effective

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 6 This technique, helps to improve
    ones recollecting ability.
  • Remember 10 to 12 peoples name. While doing so,
    close your eyes and remember their faces with
    their voice.
  • Note There is a universal complaint on
    forgetting names and faces. This technique will
    help a person, not only to remember names and
    faces but also their voice. Dont remember the
    same faces every day and also avoid remembering
    film actress or nude/sexy people, as it perturbs
    the process of concentration.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 7 Recollect the taste of 2/3 dish with
    its smell. Dont recollect the same every day.
  • Technique 8Select some objects. It may be
    anything like book, pen a fruit or a ball.
    Observe it properly. Then close your eyes
    examine/visualize the objects as it is and as
    youve observed.

Techniques to Strengthen Concentration Continue
  • Technique 9 This technique is very much helpful
    to the students who has the problem in
    recollection especially during Examinations.
  • Sit in a calm place and recollect morning to
    night, whatre the things youve done, people you
    met, places you visited etc.

  • If one starts to speak on a topic which we like,
    our mind becomes concentrated on it. It means one
    can concentrate upon those topics/areas which one
    loves and one love those topics/areas, where one
    can concentrate his/her mind. So interest is the
    foundation of concentration.
  • If weve interest we can concentrate,
  • If we can concentrate we can listen/observe,
  • If we can listen/observe we can
  • Remember/recollect easily.

  • One who seriously follows the techniques for 5
    to 6 months mentioned in this PPT, can surely
    strengthen his/her concentrating ability.
  • In fact these 9 techniques are, not only
    practically oriented but also well tested on
    20-25 candidates from different background like
    students, junior trainers, marketing HR
    executives, house wives etc.
  • Wish you all the Best by C J Karthik
  • E-Mail
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