Title: Angeline Bakkila
1Angeline Bakkila is a Mary Kay beauty consultant
2Angeline Bakkila is an established Mary Kay
beauty consultant. Mary Kay is a well-known
company that sells branded skin care products.
All the products of Mary Kay are excellent and
give outstanding results. Angeline Bakkila
suggests people to use Mary Kay beauty products
as all the products make your skin look more
fresh and younger.
3Mary Kay products range from cleansers,
moisturizers, lip care products, age fighting
crèmes, etc. All these products are suitable for
all skin types and give excellent results.
Angeline Bakkila suggests age fighting Mary Kay
products such as TimeWise Trial Miracle Set for
people who have normal to dry skin and TimeWise
Trial Miracle Set for combination to oily skin.
4Cleansing is very important for the skin and so
Angeline Bakkila tells people to use TimeWise
3-In-1 Cleanser for normal to dry skin
and TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleanser for combination to
oily skin. For lip and eye care, Angeline
Bakkilas favorites are Satin Lips Lip Balm,
Mary Kay Concealer, and TimeWise Firming Eye
Cream. She exclaims that by using Mary Kay
products, anybody can feel much more confident,
younger, and healthier than ever before.
5Angeline Bakkila likes spending her free time by
indulging in walking, swimming, skating, skiing,
hiking, and river rafting. Â She has a great
passion for reading, doing art craft projects,
cooking, sewing, and photography. Her
contribution to the animal shelters to stop abuse
and cruelty reveals her benevolent and kind
6About Angeline Bakkila
Angeline Bakkila is a Mary kay beauty consultant
for the past two years. She has been recommending
various products to her customers to improve
their apperances. As a regular user of Mary Kay
beauty products, Angeline has experienced utmost
satisfaction. She finds Mary Kay products one of
the best for all beauty needs.
7Thank You