The Solar System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Solar System


He discovered that the planets do not orbit in circles, but in ellipses. Kepler's Laws ... Mars has an atmosphere that is mainly carbon dioxide. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Solar System

The Solar System
Observing the Solar System
Ancient Observations
  • The ancient Greeks observed the sky and noticed
    that the moon, sun, and stars seemed to move in a
    circle around the Earth.
  • It seemed that the Earth was not moving and
    everything in the heavens revolved around the
  • As it turned out, it was very difficult to prove
    that the planets did not revolve around the Earth
    without leaving the planet.

Wandering Stars
  • The Greeks also noticed that while the stars move
    across the sky, their patterns do not change.
  • But five points of light did move among the
  • The Greeks called these objects planets, which
    means wandering star.
  • They made careful observations of these planets,
    which we call Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and

Geocentric Theory
  • Ancient Greeks such as Aristotle believed that
    the universe was perfect and finite, with the
    Earth at the exact center.
  • This is the geocentric theory, which has the
    planets, moon, sun, and stars revolve around the

  • In 140 CE the Greek astronomer Ptolemy (85-165CE)
    revised the geocentric model to explain all the
    planetary motions.
  • This was necessary as at times the planets seem
    to move backwards in the sky.
  • His model had the planets move in little circles
    that also moved in bigger circles.
  • This belief persisted for about 1400 years.

Ptolemaic Discrepancies
  • Retrograde motion At times the planets would
    stop their movement in the sky, turn backwards
    for a few days, and then resume their forward
  • Jupiter's Moons Galileo first saw evidence that
    objects revolved around something besides the
  • Galileo also saw that Mercury and Venus went
    through phases, just like our moon, but the outer
    planets did not.

Copernicus (1473-1543)
  • In the early 1500s the polish astronomer
    Copernicus developed the heliocentric model.
  • Helios means sun in Greek.
  • He placed the sun at the center of the solar
    system and had the planets revolve around the
  • This was a very simple and elegant theory that
    explained all the planetary motions without the
    complexities of the Ptolemaic theory.
  • Scientists prefer simple explanations over
    complex ones.
  • Occam's Razor
  • The simplest explanation is usually the best.

Retrograde Motion
  • The apparent temporary backward motion of a
  • This is caused when a faster moving inner planet,
    say the Earth, bypasses a slower moving out
    planet, say Mars.

Planetary Phases
  • Only planets that are always closer to the sun
    will show phases when viewed from the Earth.
  • Planets orbiting further from the sun than the
    Earth will always appear full.

Heliocentric Theory Prevails
  • Since Galileos theory clashed with the religious
    views of the time, he underwent many trials and
    tribulations, eventually being sentenced to house
    arrest for his remaining years.
  • But his view has withstood the test of time.
  • Today we talk about our solar system, not our
    Earth system

Tycho Brahe
  • (1546-1601CE) A Danish astronomer who was not
    happy with the accuracy of the astronomical
    observations of his and earlier times.
  • Created his own instruments and made very
    detailed observations of the heavens for over 20

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
  • German mathematician who used Brahes data to
    compute the actual orbit of the planets.
  • He discovered that the planets do not orbit in
    circles, but in ellipses.

Keplers Laws
  • Keplers three laws enabled astronomers to
    figure out the orbits of the planets.
  • But while he could now predict where a planet
    would be on a given day, he had no idea what made
    them move in almost circular paths.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)
  • Famous for his three laws of motion and the Law
    of Universal Gravitation.
  • Newtonian physics is used today to send the
    shuttle into orbit, space probes to the stars,
    and the Apollo astronauts to the moon.
  • Was the first to show how objects could be put
    into orbit around our planet.
  • If I have seen further than others, it is by
    standing upon the shoulders of giants.
  • One of the greatest scientists in history.
  • Studied light and optics, astronomy, motion,
    thermal dynamics, and many other things.
  • When he couldnt find mathematics powerful enough
    to solve his gravity and planetary orbit
    problems, he created his mathematics, which we
    call calculus today.

  • Inertia is the property of matter to resist any
    change in motion.
  • An object at rest will remain at rest, while an
    object in motion will remain in motion in a
    straight line at a constant speed until acted on
    by an outside force.

  • Gravity is the force of attraction between any
    two objects with mass.
  • The more mass, the more gravity.
  • The further apart the two objects are, the less

Newtons Law of Gravity
  • Newton realized that the moon should go in a
    straight line forever and ever.
  • But the force of gravity kept pulling it towards
    the Earth.
  • The moon is going fast enough that it keeps
    curving around the Earth.
  • It is constantly falling towards the Earth.

Newton and Kepler
  • Newtons combined Keplers Third Law with his Law
    of Gravity.
  • Now he could figure out the masses of the other
    planets if he knew how far they were from the sun
    and the time it takes them to make one orbit.

Solar System
  • There are nine planets in our solar system.
  • Mercury is 58,000,000-km from the sun.
  • Pluto is 5,913,000,000-km from the sun.
  • These numbers are hard to use!

Astronomical Units
  • We will use AUs to measure distances in the
    solar system.
  • The Earth is about 150,000,000-km (93,000,000
    miles) on average from the sun.
  • So we will call this distance 1 AU.

Planetary Distances
  • Mercury 0.4 AU
  • Venus 0.7 AU
  • Earth 1.0 AU
  • Mars 1.5 AU
  • Jupiter 5.0 AU
  • Saturn 10.0 AU
  • Uranus 19.0 AU
  • Neptune 30.0 AU
  • Pluto 39.0 AU
  • Light travels through space at 300,000-km/s.
  • So it takes about 8 minutes for light from the
    sun to travel 1 AU and reach us.
  • How long would it take light from the sun to
    reach Pluto?
  • 39 x 8 312 minutes, or 5.2 hours!

The Sun
Mass of the Solar System
  • Almost all the mass in our solar system is in the
  • Mass of the Solar System
  • Sun 99.80
  • Jupiter 0.10
  • Comets 0.05
  • Other 8 planets 0.04
  • Total of Sun Planets Comets 99.99

Solar Facts
  • Is just a medium sized star (yellow dwarf). It is
    about 1.4 million kilometers in diameter
  • It would take 10 Jupiters or 109 Earths to fit
    across the Sun!
  • Makes life on our planet possible by giving us
    great amounts of light and heat.

  • The sun is mainly composed of hydrogen and
  • 90 hydrogen
  • 9 helium
  • Small amounts of the elements up through iron.
  • This changes over time as the sun converts
    hydrogen to helium by fusion.

  • The process of combining the nuclei of small
    atoms into one larger atom.
  • This process gives off enormous amounts of
  • Mass is actually converted into energy (Emc2).

Fusion in the Sun
  • It takes enormous heat and pressure to fuse even
    the lightest elements.
  • Our sun can fuse elements up to atomic number 8.
  • It would take larger stars to create elements
    larger than oxygen.
  • Our sun has enough hydrogen to fuse for another 5
    billion years.

The Suns Layers
  • 1. Core This is the center layer of the sun.
    This is where all the sun's heat and light is
    made. 15 million C.
  • 2. Radiative Zone The heat and light move from
    the core into this layer.
  • 3. Convection Zone In this layer, the gases move
    like boiling water. This moves them from the
    inner parts of the Sun to the outer part of the
    sun that we see. About 6400 C.

Suns Outer Layers
  • 4. Photosphere This is the part of the sun we
    see. This layer gives off the heat and light from
    the sun. The cooler parts of this layer make
  • 5. Chromosphere This layer shoots out hot gases.
  • 6. Corona This layer can only be seen during an
    eclipse. It is the atmosphere around the sun.
  • These layers are called the Suns atmosphere.

Exploring the Sun
  • Sunspots look like small, dark areas on the suns
  • They are areas of gas that are cooler than the
    surrounding gases. They dont give off as much
    light, so they look darker.
  • Created by the Suns magnetic field.

Sunspot Activity
  • The numbers of sunspots changes regularly,
    reaching a maximum number every 11.2 years.
  • This coincides with the Suns magnetic field
    reversing every 11.2 years.
  • Could be responsible for short term climate

Solar Flares
  • Enormous explosions on the surface of the Sun.
  • Occur near sunspots when the loops in suddenly
  • Release particles and radiation that can reach
    the Earth.
  • Can interfere with communications and damage

  • Sunspots usually occur in pairs.
  • Prominences are reddish loops of gases that
    follow the magnetic lines.

Little Ice Age
  • During the late 1600s almost all solar sunspot
    activity stopped. For 60 years there was almost
    no sunspot activity.
  • Scientists do not know why this happened.
  • The weather in Europe and North America was much
    colder than usual.

The Inner Planets
Planetary Zones
  • First Zone Contains the rocky terrestrial
    planets Mercury to Mars.
  • Asteroid belt divides the first and second zones.
  • Second Zone Contains the gas giants Jupiter
    through Neptune.
  • Third Zone Goes from the orbit of Neptune out to
    50 AU. Includes Pluto and the ice dwarfs in the
    Kuiper Belt.

The Inner Planets
  • Planets are rocky.
  • Called terrestrial from the Latin word terra,
    which means Earth.

  • Roman name for the Greek messenger god. He wore
    winged sandals so he could fly. Since Mercury
    the planet is the fastest of all the planets this
    is appropriate.

Mercury Data
  • Closest to the sun.
  • Temperature ranges from 427C in daylight to
    -173C at night.
  • Revolves slowly, in two Mercury years three
    Mercury days will have passed.
  • Essentially no atmosphere.
  • Surface similar to the moon, with craters and
    smooth plains.
  • One third the size of the Earth.

  • Diameter one third the size of Earth
  • Distance 0.4 AU
  • Atmosphere no atmosphere
  • Features Craters with smooth plains and most
    extreme temperature range
  • Lifeno life because of atmosphere

  • Named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
    Originally the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Venus Temperature
  • Almost same size as the Earth.
  • Hottest surface in our solar system. The average
    daytime surface temperature is 464C, compared to
    the Earths 15C.
  • This is hot enough to melt lead.

Venus Atmosphere
  • Seen from Earth, Venus is completely cloud
  • Venus has an very thick atmosphere, about 96
    CO2, and 4 N2.
  • The clouds are mainly sulfuric acid.
  • The atmospheric pressure is 92 atmospheres,
    compared to the one atmosphere we experience on
  • This is the pressure you would feel if you were
    under 915 meters of water!

Greenhouse Effect
  • Venus is the classic example of the runaway
    greenhouse effect.
  • Water on Earth helped tie up much of the CO2 in
    rocks. Life also stored CO2 in plants and shells
    of animals.
  • Venus was probably too warm to have much water in
    the liquid state, so the water vapor added to the
    greenhouse effect.
  • As the rocks got hotter, they released their CO2
    into the air also.
  • So the greenhouse effect got worse and worse.

Venus Motions
  • Since Venus takes 7.5 Earth months to revolve
    around the sun and 8 months to rotate once on its
    axis, a day on Venus is longer than its year.
  • Venus also rotate east to west, the only planet
    to do so. This retrograde rotation (backward)
    was probably caused by Venus being struck by a
    large object early in its history.

Venus Surface
  • Since we cant see through the clouds on Venus,
    we use radar to scan the surface.
  • Venus has rocks, mountains, craters, and strange
    dome shape landforms not found on other planets.

Venus Explorations
  • About 20 spacecraft have visited Venus, with more
    either on the way or planned.
  • Some have even landed on the surface and sent
    back pictures for a short while.

The Evening Star
  • When in the west at sunset, Venus will be the
    brightest object in the sky.
  • This is because Venus has the highest albedo
    (0.76) of all the planets. Albedo is the percent
    of light reflected by an object.
  • Our moon has an albedo of 0.07, so it reflects
    very little of the light that strikes it.
  • Also called the morning star when it is in the

  • Diameter 0.9 Earth
  • Distance 0.7 AU
  • Atmosphere 96 carbon dioxide at 0.01
  • Features hottest surface in solar system.
    Retrograde rotation.
  • Life Very doubtful, the pressure and
    temperatures are too high. Sulfuric acid in
    atmosphere does not help either.

  • Diameter 1 earth
  • Distance 1 AU
  • Atmosphere 78 Nitrogen, 21 Oxygen
  • Features water world, moderate temperature and
  • Life teeming with life. Planet is just right
    for life as we know it.

  • Mars is the Latin name for Ares, the Greek god of

Mars Atmosphere
  • Mars has an atmosphere that is mainly carbon
  • It is very thin, only 0.01 atmospheres at the
  • Mars even has clouds, but they are thin also.
  • The winds can create dust storms that cover much
    of the planet and last for months.

Mars Volcanoes
  • Mars surface has a wide variety of landscapes.
  • Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in our solar
    system. Its base would cover the state of
  • It is three times taller than Mt. Everest.
  • There are many other volcanoes on Mars, but none
    seem to be active at this time.

Mars Canyons
  • Valles Marineris is an enormous canyon on the
    equator of Mars. It is over 4000-km long. This
    would reach from Los Angles to Chicago!

Mars Landscape
  • Mars seems to have dried river and lake beds,
    deltas, and other features that make scientists
    think Mars had abundant water early in its
  • If there was water it is possible that life could
    have existed on Mars, and still might.

Mars Data
  • Mars is about half the size of the Earth.
  • A 100 pound sixth grader would weigh 39 pounds on
  • It is very cold on Mars, with the average
    temperature ranging from -140 C to 20 C.
  • Mars has two very small moons, Phobos and Diemos.
  • They are named after the horses that pulled
    Marss chariot.
  • The larger Deimos is only 23-km in diameter.

Mars Missions
  • There have been many missions to Mars, starting
    with the Viking craft in 1976.
  • There are currently two orbiters and two rovers
    collecting data on Mars.
  • Manned missions are also currently being planned,
    around 2025 or so.

  • Diameter 0.5 Earth
  • Distance 1.5 AU
  • Atmosphere 96 carbon dioxide at 0.01
  • Features large canyons, volcanoes.
  • Ancient dried up lakes, streams, rivers, and
  • Life Possibly ancient life when there was liquid
    water on the planet. Could still exist under the

The Outer Planets
Gas Giants
  • Separated from the 1st zone by the asteroid belt,
    the 2nd Zone contains the gas giants.
  • Made of the lightweight elements Hydrogen,
    Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.
  • All are much larger than the Earth, with 15-300
    times the mass, and 4-11 times the diameter.
  • Not believed to have solid surfaces.
  • Have rings and many satellites.

Gas Giants Atmospheres
  • Since they have so much mass, their strong
    gravity can keep even light gases from escaping.
  • Atmosphere tends to resemble the sun (75 H, 24
    He, 1 other gases).
  • No well defined surface. Gases just get denser
    and denser as you go deeper. Becomes liquid
    metallic hydrogen, which has properties of
    liquids and metals. Exist only under high
    pressure. Causes Jupiter's magnetic field.

Gas Giants Cores
  • Gas giants are believed to have solid cores made
    of rock,, ice, frozen carbon dioxide, and other
  • Cores would be several times the size of the

Jupiter, King of the Roman Gods
  • Named for Jove, the King of the Roman Gods.
  • Roman name for the Greek god Zeus.
  • Often the term Jovian is used to describe things
    pertaining to Jupiter. Example the Jovian

  • Believed to be a failed star, lacking the mass to
    become a small star.
  • Most massive planet in solar system.
  • Has over 60 satellites.
  • Density is 1.33g/cm3.
  • Rotates every 10 hours.
  • Takes 12 years to orbit the sun.
  • Gravity almost 2.5 times that of the Earth.

  • Diameter 11 earth's
  • Distance 5 Au
  • Atmosphere mainly hydrogen with a some helium
  • Features active weather with storms that last
    for 100s of years
  • Lifenone

Jupiter Atmosphere
  • Mainly hydrogen with some helium.
  • Very active weather systems.
  • Forms colorful bands and swirls.
  • Has hurricanes that last for 100s of years.

Great Red Spot
  • The red spot is a huge storm that has been
    continuously going on Jupiter for over 400
    years.  Winds inside this storm reach speeds of
    about 270 mph.  With a diameter of 15,400 miles,
    this storm is almost twice the size of the entire

Jupiter's Moons
  • Galileo discovered the four largest. Io,
    Ganymede, and Callisto are larger than our own
  • Europa has a icy crust and is believed to have
    liquid water oceans below the frozen surface.
  • Io has many active volcanoes.

Missions to Jupiter
  • http//
  • http//

Shoemaker Levy 9
  • In July 1994, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided
    with Jupiter with spectacular results (left). The
    effects were clearly visible even with amateur
    telescopes. The debris from the collision was
    visible for nearly a year afterward with HST.
  • Captured by Jupiter's strong gravity, the comet
    was torn into over 20 fragments that struck
    Jupiter, each with a force of millions of
    megatons of energy.
  • This has renewed NASAs interest in tracking
    objects that might get close to Earth one day.

Saturn the God
  • Saturn was the Roman God of the Harvest and of
  • Father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto.
  • The Roman name for the Greek god Cronos.
  • Saturnalia was the mid-winter festival in Saturns
    honor. It lasted seven days, and there was much
    merrymaking. Public business was suspended and
    schools were closed. Parents gave presents to
    their children.

Saturn Facts
  • 2nd largest planet in solar system.
  • A day on Saturn is a little over 10 hours long!
  • It takes 29 years to orbit the sun.
  • Almost 10 times larger than Earth.
  • Most visible rings of any planet.
  • Density is 0.69 g/cm3.
  • If a large enough ocean could be found, Saturn
    would float in it!

Saturn Atmosphere
  • Similar to Jupiters, mostly hydrogen with some
  • Storms not as large or as long lived as
  • Clouds are thicker, blocking views to lower
    layers. Explains the lack of banding compared to

Saturns Rings
  • Very spectacular. Not at all solid.
  • Made of tiny bits of ice, dust, and rock. A few
    are up to a kilometer across.
  • Only about a kilometer thick.
  • The Cassini space probe actually passed through
    the outer ring as it slowed down to enter orbit.

Saturns Moons
  • Has over 40 moons, 15 or so that are large enough
    to be called major moons.

  • Titan has an atmosphere made of about 99
    nitrogen and 1 methane.
  • Has a pressure of 1.6 atmospheres.
  • Completely covered by thick clouds that are
    similar to smog on Earth.
  • The second largest moon, it is larger than Pluto
    and Mercury.

  • The Huygens probe actually parachuted into the
    atmosphere of Titan on 14 January 2005.
  • It took pictures and collected data all the way
    to the surface. It survived the landing and sent
    back pictures of the surface it landed on.

  • Diameter 9 times larger than Earth
  • Distance 10 Au
  • Atmosphere 96 Hydrogen 4 Helium
  • Features Has short storms, rings orbit it that
    are made up of bits of ice, dust, and rock
  • Lifeno life

Uranus the God
  • URANUS Great primeval God of the Sky. Born of
    GAIA, the Earth, he covered the world in the form
    of a vast bronze dome and ruled over everything.

Uranus Facts
  • Diameter is like 4 Earths.
  • Mass is 14.5 Earths.
  • Takes 84 years to revolve around the sun.
  • Day is a little over 17 hours long.
  • Has more than 20 moons.

Uranus Axis
  • Uranus is considered unusual because the planet
    is tipped on its side. The poles actually point
    towards the Sun. This is due to the fact that its
    magnetic field is tilted 60 degrees from the axis
    of rotation.
  • It is believed that Uranus was struck by a large
    object that knocked Uranus on its side.

Uranus Seasons
Uranus Atmosphere
  • First, there is absolutely no detail in the cloud
    cover. Only when pushed to the maximum level of
    color enhancement and contrast on computers do
    scientists start to see small swirls in the

Uranus Moons
  • 5 large and many small moons.
  • Titania is the biggest moon of Uranus. It is
    about half the size of our moon. Titania is
    covered by many small craters, a few huge impact
    basins ice cliffs, and fault lines.
  • Ariel The brightest moon of Uranus. Youngest
    surface of Uranus' moons, the least cratered. Has
    long valleys and canyons.

  • Diameter4 Earths
  • Distance19 Au
  • Atmosphere82 Hydrogen 15 Helium
  • Features extreme seasons because axis is tipped
    on its side and no detail in cloud cover
  • Lifeno life, too cold, atmosphere and surface
    would not allow life as we know it.

  • Diameter 3.6 times larger than Earth
  • Distance 19 Au
  • Atmosphere 82 Hydrogen 15 Helium
  • Features extreme seasons and axis is tipped on
  • Lifeno life

Neptune the God
  • Neptune is the Roman god of the sea.
  • The Romans modeled him after the Greek god

  • Neptune revolves on its axis every 18 hours.
  • It takes 165 years to revolve around the sun
  • Has the mass of 17 Earths.
  • Has 13 moons.
  • Diameter is almost 4 times larger than Earths.
  • Blue-green color is from the methane in the
  • At times it is the furthest planet from the sun.

Neptune Atmosphere
  • 80 hydrogen, 19 helium, and 1.5 methane.
  • Has icy clouds and enormous storms.
  • Has the fastest winds in our solar system.

  • Neptune's largest moon is named Triton. Triton is
    much larger than any of the planet's other moons.
  • Triton is a very cold place, so the moon is
    covered with ice. Even though Triton is cold
    there is a lot going on there. It has geysers
    like the ones at Yellowstone Park on Earth.
  • The geysers shoot ice 8 km (5 miles) high into
    Triton's thin atmosphere! There may be water
    under the ice at Triton. It is even possible that
    there might be life in that water. The interior
    of Triton is probably geologically active.

Neptunes Rings
  • Neptune's rings are much darker than Saturn's
    bright rings.
  • Saturn's rings are made of ice, which reflects
    lots of light. Neptune's rings are probably made
    of rocks and dust.
  • Rocks and dust don't reflect as much light.

  • Diameter 4 times the size of Earth
  • Distance 30 Au
  • Atmosphere 80 Hydrogen 19 Helium 1.5 Methane
  • Features At times it is the furthest planet from
    the sun. Icy clouds and enormous storms
  • Lifepossible life on one of its moons called

Pluto the God
  • Pluto was the Roman name for Hades, the Greek god
    of the Underworld.

Pluto Facts
  • Usually the furthest planet from the sun.
  • 2/3rds the size of our moon.
  • Has one moon, Charon.
  • So cold that oxygen and nitrogen in its
    atmosphere is frozen solid.
  • Only planet not visited by a spacecraft.
  • Pluto takes 248 years to make one orbit around
    the sun!

Plutos Atmosphere
  • When Pluto comes close enough to the sun, the
    surface of solid Nitrogen sublimates to produce a
    substantial atmosphere with winds and clouds.
  • Because the planet is so small, however, it does
    not have enough gravity to bind an atmosphere for
    very long. Thus Pluto's atmosphere is being
    rapidly produced and rapidly lost at the same
  • This means that the atmosphere is not in

  • Pluto has the most eccentric orbit of all the
    planets in the solar system. Its orbit takes it
    to 49.5 AU at its farthest point from the Sun.
    And its orbit takes it as close as 29 AU to the
  • That means that Pluto's orbit draws within the
    orbit of Neptune, as can be seen in this drawing,
    making Pluto the 8th planet rather than the 9th
    planet for roughly 20 years at a time.
  • Pluto was the 8th planet from January 1979 to
    February 1999. Neptune is now the 8th planet for
    over 200 years!

  • Named for the boatman who ferried the dead into
    the Underworld.
  • Surface seems to be covered with water-ice
    instead of Plutos nitrogen-ice.
  • Largest moon compared with its planet.

Pluto Debate
  • Is Pluto really a planet?
  • Pluto is small that many scientists now consider
    Pluto just another Kuiper Belt object, which are
    small icy worlds in the third zone.
  • Many have been discovered so far, and it is
    believed there are thousands more out there.
  • In July 2005 a KBO larger than Pluto was
    discovered. Named Sedna after the Inuit goddess
    of the ocean.

  • Diameter 0.2
  • Distance 29 Au
  • Atmosphere Oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere
  • Features most eccentric orbit
  • Lifetoo!

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
  • 20-5

  • Comets are chunks of ice and dust whose orbits
    are very long, narrow ellipses.
  • Often thought of as dirty snowballs.

Comet Orbits
  • Most comets are on very eccentric orbits that
    seldom pass near the Earth.

Comet Structure
  • Nucleus main solid core of the comet.
  • Tail gas and dust particles released by the
    comet. They are pushed by the soar wind away
    from the sun.
  • Coma gases and dust released by the comet when
    energy from the sun heats the comet and causes
    the solid materials to turn into a gas.

Periodic Comets
  • Comets that repeatedly orbit into the inner solar
    system are periodic comets.
  • Comet Halley is a famous, short period comet. It
    appears every 76 or so years.
  • Nucleus of Halleys comet taken by the Giotto

Halleys Comet
  • Last appeared in 1985-86. Should appear again in
  • Like most comets it has a very eccentric orbit.

  • Asteroids are rocky or metallic objects, most of
    which orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt between
    Mars and Jupiter. A few asteroids approach the
    Sun more closely. None of the asteroids have
  • Asteroids are also known as planetoids or minor

Comet Clouds
  • Most comets are from one of two clusters, the
    Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.
  • The Kuipier Belt is close to Pluto, from 30 to 50
    AU from the sun.
  • The Oort Cloud is material left over from the
    formation of the solar system and is more than
    100,000 AU from the sun.

Asteroid Belt
  • The asteroid belt is a doughnut-shaped
    concentration of asteroids orbiting the Sun
    between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, closer to
    the orbit of Mars.
  • Most asteroids orbit from between 186 million to
    370 million miles (300 million to 600 million km
    or 2 to 4 AU) from the Sun.
  • The asteroids in the asteroid belt have a
    slightly elliptical orbit. The time for one
    revolution around the Sun varies from about three
    to six Earth years.

Number of Asteroids
  • There are about 40,000 known asteroids that are
    over 0.5 miles (1 km) in diameter in the asteroid
  • About 3,000 asteroids have been cataloged. There
    are many more smaller asteroids.
  • The first one discovered (and the biggest) is
    named Ceres it was discovered in 1801.

Asteroid Size
  • Asteroids range in size from tiny pebbles to
    about 578 miles (930 kilometers) in diameter
  • Sixteen of the 3,000 known asteroids are over 150
    miles (240 km) in diameter.
  • Some asteroids even have orbiting moons.

Origin of the Asteroid Belt
  • The asteroid belt may be material that never
    coalesced into a planet, perhaps because its mass
    was too small.
  • The total mass of all the asteroids is only a
    small fraction of that of our Moon (about
  • A less satisfactory explanation of the origin of
    the asteroid belt is that it may have once been a
    planet that was fragmented by a collision with a
    huge comet.

Near-Earth Asteroids
  • Asteroids whose orbits bring them within 1.3 AU
    of the Sun are called Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA)
    or Earth-Approaching asteroids.
  • These asteroids probably came from the main
    asteroid belt, but were jolted from the belt by
    collisions or by interactions with other objects'
    gravitational fields (primarily Jupiter).

NEA Concerns
  • About 250 NEAs have been found so far, but many,
    many more exist.
  • The largest known NEA is 1036 Ganymede, with a
    diameter of 25.5 miles (41 kilometers).
  • According to astronomers there are at least 1,000
    NEA's whose diameter is greater than 0.6 miles (1
    kilometer) and which could do catastrophic damage
    to the Earth.
  • Even smaller NEA's could cause substantial
    destruction if they were to collide with the

Demise of the Dinosaurs?
  • An asteroid impact with the Earth may have caused
    the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  • The Alvarez Asteroid Theory explains the huge K-T
    mass extinction 65 million years ago by a large
    asteroid hitting the Earth off the Mexican
    Yucatan peninsula.
  • This impact would have caused severe climactic
    changes leading to the demise of many groups of
    organisms, including non-avian dinosaurs.

  • Meteoroids are small chunks of dust and rock in
  • Usually come from comets or asteroids.

  • When a meteoroid enters the Earths atmosphere
    friction will cause it ti heat up.
  • It will leave a bright streak of light across the
    sky as it burns up.
  • Are called meteors when they brightly fall to the
  • Often occur in showers, with several sightings a

  • While the vast majority of meteors burn
    completely up, ones that are large enough pass
    through the atmosphere and hit the surface.
  • Most look like stones, so they are not noticed.
    Some are easy to identify as they are made of
    iron or nickel.

  • Meteorites create craters when they strike the
    surface of a planet.
  • Our moon is covered with craters caused by
    meteorites, asteroids, and comets.
  • Meteor Crater in Arizona is a famous crater found
    in the USA. Occurred 50,000 years ago.
  • Hit with the force of 150 Hiroshima A bombs.

Is There Life Beyond Earth?
  • 20-6

Extraterrestrial Life
  • Life from or on other planets.
  • Life not from this Earth.
  • A meteorite recently found in Antarctica has tiny
    fossilized shapes that might be fossils, the
    remains of ancient life. And this meteorite came
    from Mars!

The Goldilocks Conditions
  • Scientists refer to life as we know it.
  • Most life on Earth requires liquid water and a
    suitable temperature and atmosphere.
  • That is its not too hot, its not too cold,
    its just right!

Just Right!
  • If the Earth were much hotter, water would always
    be water vapor, a gas.
  • If the Earth were much colder, water would always
    be ice, a solid.
  • But water can exist in all three states, because
    our temperature is just right!

Life on Earth
  • Scientists are not sure if all life would have to
    be like life on Earth.
  • Life on Earth exists even in hot springs and near
    volcanic vents.
  • Maybe life can survive outside the Goldilocks

Life on Mars?
  • Since Mars is similar to earth it is an obvious
    place to start looking.
  • Spirit and Opportunity have both found signs that
    show Mars once had a fair amount of liquid water.
  • If Mars once had water, maybe life evolved there

Life on Europa?
  • While Europas surface is frozen, it appears that
    there might be liquid water below the surface.
  • Heat from inside Europa could keep the water
  • Where there is liquid water, there might be life.

  • Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
  • Astronomers listen for radio signals from space.
  • Intelligent races should have radios, so might
    try to contact others.
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