Title: ABC
1A Abraham Lincoln -First president to be
assassinated -His party was republican
2B Bibliography -A list of the written sources
of information
On a subject -Generally appear as a list at
the end.
3C Colonization -To go and live permanently in a
foreign land that didn't have many people
before. -Started as early as the 10th Century
4D Declaration of Independence -Contains the
natural rights, which are life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. -Benjamin Franklin and
Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of
5E Enlightenment -Movement where philosophers
believed in a man's ability to think or
reason -In the 18th century
6F Federalism -The sharing of power between a
central government and the states it is comprised
of. -Made it so one state couldn't become over
7G Great Compromise -An agreement made at the
Constitutional Convention -Made it so a state's
population would determine how many people
represent the state in the lower house of
8H Harriet Tubman -In 1857 she lead her parents
to freedom. -Married John Tubman, a free black
9I Indigenous Tribes -An ethnic group who are
first to inhabit an area -Many more in central
and South America
10J Jim Crow Laws -Laws passed to control blacks
and keep them separated from the whites. -Jim
Crow is not a real person, and is believed to be
taken from a character in a popular minstrel
11K Ku Klux Klan -A secret society that used
terror and violence to keep African Americans
from obtaining civil rights -The robes worn
resemble those worn by medieval Catholic penitents
12L Longitude and Latitude -Longitude is measured
from the Prime Meridian, with positive values
going east and negative going west. -Latitude is
measured from the equator, with positive values
going north and negative going south.
13M Monarchy -Supreme power or sovereignty held by
a single person -Most monarchies have been
elective originally, but dynasties early became
14N Native Americans -The original inhabitants of
North American and South America before white
settlers from Europe came -By 1840 all eastern
tribes were forced to move west of the
15P Pilgrim -Founded the colony of Plymouth, Mass.
-Half of the original Pilgrims died the first
16R Raw goods -Unprocessed natural product used in
manufacture. -Examples Coal, gold, timber,
silver, tobacco, sugar.
17Sons of Liberty -Group of Patriots who worked to
oppose British rule before American Revolution.
-Began in 1765
18T Topographic Maps -Include contour lines to
show shape and elevation of area. -Lines that are
close together show steep terrain, and lines that
are far apart show flat terrain.
19V Valley Forge -Where Washington and the
Continental Army camped over the winter
1777-1778. -Conditions were very rough and many
people died, but they still trained.
20Y Battle of Yorktown -Last major battle of the
American Revolution -Captured Lord Cornwallis