Title: Good Design Matters
1Good Design Matters
How usable is your web site or web
application? Pam Birch Brian Minster
- Review usability criteria
- Introduce information architecture strategies
- Access services via the ITG Task Order
3What is Usability?
- Effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with
which a specified set of users can achieve a
specified set of tasks in a particular
environment - International Standards
Organization (ISO) - Measure of the quality of a user's experience
when interacting with a product or system.
4Why it Matters
- Recent usability studies of e-commerce sites
found average user success rate at 56 - Suns intranet redesign saved employees 5 minutes
per week - total savings was 10 million/year - Number of internet users will go from ½ billion
in 2002 to a full billion in a few years
5Why it Matters
- Studies of user behavior on the Web find a low
tolerance for difficult designs or slow sites.
People don't want to wait. And they don't want to
learn how to use a home page. People have to be
able to grasp the functioning of the site
immediately after scanning the home page for a
few seconds at most. Jakob Nielsen - The user experience directly affects sales,
service cost, productive use, customer loyalty
and almost every other aspect of doing
business. - IBM Ease of Use web site
6Web Design Checklist
- What does the interface look like?
- Is there ease of use?
- How well are the tasks supported?
7What does the interface look like? Size up the
- Do the visuals manage users attention and not
distract? - Do the graphics impart critical information?
- Is the type readable?
- Does the design actually help users absorb
8Is there ease of use? Judging an Interfaces
- Is there consistent presentation of basic
functions - Is the cognitive load kept to a minimum
- Does it provide feedback that sends back work
status - Does it have forgiveness actions can be reversed
- Is the logo used as a link home
9How well are tasks supported? Getting to the job
at hand
- Do the users understand the sites purpose and
how to use - Is the purpose stated
- Is what the users need prominently displayed
10Whats Information Architecture?
- The art and science of structuring, organizing,
and labeling information to help people find and
manage information
11Connecting Users to Content
- The structure of information, and components for
searching and browsing information connects
users to content!
12Information Architecture (IA) Objectives
- Clarifies mission and vision for site, balancing
- Business needs
- User needs
- Determines content and functionality
- Specifies how users will find info
- Plans for growth - how will site accommodate
change over time?
13IA Interconnection
14IA Building Blocks
- Organization systems
- Labeling systems
- Navigation systems
- Search systems
- Invisible components
- Content and tasks
15Access to Services
- GeoNorth partner with Wostmann Group
- SOA ITG Task Order Contract CA 99-197-A
- http//www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/ADMIN/info/ta
skorder.html - Available to all State Agencies and affiliates
- Fixed Fee or Time Materials Contracts
- No RFP Requirement
- Deliverables Based
- Very Simple
16ITG Categories Awarded to Wostmann Group
- Category 2 Mid-range System Support
- Category 3 Specialized Server/Middleware Admin
- Category 5 Disaster Recovery
- Category 6 IT Management Consulting
- Category 9 Application Development
- Category 10 Records Management
- Category 12 Systems Analysis Design
- Category 13 Geographic Information Systems
- Category 14 Telecommunications
- Category 15 Miscellaneous Support Services
- Category 16 Project Management
- Category 17 Quality Assurance
- Usability and information architecture services
are included under Category 12 Systems Analysis
17Task Order Process
- Confirm Funds Availability
- Create Draft Task Order (Forms on-line)
- Submit to ITG Ross Writer (ross_writer_at_admin.state
.ak.us) Can request specific contractor
(Wostmann Group/GeoNorth) - ITG Reviews Sends to assigned contractor for
Quote - Quote back to Agency within 5 days
- Agency accepts Quote
- Task Order approved by ITG Procurement (Guy
Crockroft 100K) - Final task order to Contractor for signature
- Work Begins
18State of Alaska Experience
19State of Alaska Experience
20State of Alaska Experience
- Web sites exist for two reasons
- Help organizations save money
- Help organizations make money
- Contact Pam Birch or Brian Minster
- pbirch_at_geonorth.com or bminster_at_geonorth.com
- www.useit.com
- www.webpagesthatsuck.com
- www.usability.gov
- www.3.ibm.com/ibm/easy
- www.nngroup.com
- http//www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/ADMIN/info/ta