Title: Community Development
1Community Development Natural Resource
Management Managing Limited Water Resources
Katharina Ganz, Geography (M.Sc.) Phone
41-41-367 49 14 Email Katharina.Ganz_at_hslu.ch
- Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
2Managing Limited Water ResourcesDrinking Water
Management in Amaravathy, Kumily Panchayat
- Contents
- Kerala An Introduction
- Geography, Socio-Cultural Aspects, Water
Management Regulations - Amaravathy An Introduction
- Locality, Water Scarcity, Water Supply
- 3. PDS Rainwater Harvesting Programme
- Planning Development - Implementation
- 4. Lessons Learned
3Kerala, South IndiaAn Introduction
- Geography
- Area 38,863 km2
- North-South 580 km
- East-West 35 120 km
- Latitude North 818 - 1248
- Longitude East 7452 7222
- Climate Humid Equatorial Tropics
- Temperature 25C (Winter),
- 33C (Summer)
- Two Monsoon Seasons
- S-W June Aug., N-E Sept. - Nov.
- Annual Rainfall 1250 5000 mm/Year
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
4Kerala, South IndiaAn Introduction
Demography Human Development Index
(HDI) Population 31,838,619 Citizens
(2001) Density 819 Persons/km2 (2001) High
HDI Literacy Rate 90.9 Life Expectancy 73
years Infant Mortality Rate 11/1000 Birth,
Hospital-Delivered 95 Rural Poverty
Rate 12.7 Religion Hinduism, Christianity,
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
5Kerala, South IndiaAn Introduction
- Economy
- Per Capita Income Rs. 19,461 (2001)
- 1. Agriculture
- 50 of the States Population depends upon
Agriculture. - 2. Industry
- Kerala remains an Industrially Backward State.
Emphasis on Traditional and Small-Scale
Industries. - 3. Service Sector
- Source of Economic Growth particularly
Transport, Trade, Tourism, Telecommunication
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
6Kerala, South IndiaAn Introduction
- Decentralisation -
- In the water sector
- 9th Five Year Plan (1997 2002)
- 1. Decentralisation of Planning
- ? Empowerment of the Local Bodies
- 2. Decentralisation of Responsibility
- ? Management of the Resources
- ? Maintenance of the Schemes
- 3. Decentralisation of Funds
- ? Devolvement of 35-40 of the States
- Plan Fund to the Local Units
- ? Conflicts
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
7Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatAn Introduction
- Socio-Cultural Situation
- Heterogeneity
- 1. Religious Heterogeneity
- 2. Different Migrant Groups
- Generations
- Socio-Cultural Hierarchies
- Strong (Informal) Social Hierarchies
- ? Informal vs. Political Structures
- Poverty
- Majority of People below Poverty Line
- Alcoholism Violence
- 1. Average Age of being introduced to
- Alcohol (boys) 11 Years
- 2. Domestic Violence very Prevalent
- 3. High Suicide Rate among Women
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
8Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatWater Scarcity
- Some Reasons for Water Scarcity
- 1. Climate Change
- ? Change in Water Cycles
- 2. Deforestation Unsustainable Land Use
- Practices
- ? Change in Soil Quality Capacity
- ? High Run Off
- 3. Lack of Storage Capacity
- 4. Increased Water Use Demand
- 5. Ill-Management Lack of Maintenance of
- the Existing (Public) Water Supply Systems
- 6. Quality Lack of Treatment Plants
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
9Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatWater Supply
- Water Supply
- Strength Weaknesses
- a) Public Water Supply
- - Responsibility
- - Reliability
- b) Private Water Supply Systems
- - Responsibility
- - Reliability
- c) Individual Water Supply
- - Responsibility
- - Reliability
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
10Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatPeermade
Development Society - Rainwater Harvesting
- Rainwater Harvesting Programme
- 1.
- 1997/98 Watershed Project
- (Central Government / CIDA)
- Safe a Family Plan Project
- Poverty Alleviation Programme
- 2.
- 1999 Extended Watershed Programme,
- Including Soil Conservation Programme
- Water Management Measures
- 3.
- 1999-2001
- Rainwater Harvesting Programme
- Community Development Programme
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
11Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatPh.D. Katharina
Ganz Rainwater Harvesting Programme (RWHP)
- Analysis of the socio-cultural structures
- 1. 2nd / 3rd Generation Migrants
- ? Good Access to Water Sources
- Land
- ? Politically Well Represented
- ? Christian Hindus
- 2. 1st Generation Migrants, Keralites
- ? Access to Water Sources Land
- ? Interdependencies
- ? Christians Hindus, few Muslims
- Tamils, Seasonal Migrants
- ? Labourers
- ? Hindus, Low Cast
- Strong Social Structures Hierarchies
- Leaders, Decision-Makers, Key-Persons
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
12Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatOrganisation of the
Rainwater Harvesting Programme (RWHP)
- Organisation
- 1.
- The Beneficiaries are organised in a Watershed
Association. - 2.
- A Watershed Committee of 25 Members monitors the
Programme decides about the Continuation of the
Agenda. - (Womens Reservation of 33)
- 3.
- The Committee is headed by an Executive
Committee, a Group of 7 members.
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
13Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatOrganisation of
Participation in the Community in the RWHP
- Type of Participation
- 1. Executive Committee Meetings
- 2. Watershed Committee Meetings
- 3. Association Meetings (Plenary Session, once a
year) - 4. Meetings with each Group and its Leaders /
Key-Persons (Bilateral) - 5. Meetings with the Representatives of all
Groups - 6. Meetings with Groups in Conflict (Mediation,
Solution Finding Processes)
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
14Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatRainwater
Harvesting Structures, as Part of the RWHP
- Rainwater Harvesting Scheme(s)
- 1. Groundwater Recharge
- ( Soil Conservation)
- - Stonewalls
- - Mud-Walls
- - Water Pit Constructions
- 2. Groundwater Recharge
- ( Improved Soil Structure)
- - Afforestation
- 3. Water Harvesting Structures
- - Individual Storage Tanks
- - Overhead Tanks
- ? Low-Cost Technologies
- ? Local Material
- ? Local / Traditional Knowledge
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
15Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatCommunity
Development Programme RWHP
- Accompanying Measures
- a) Agriculture
- Poultry Goat Breeding
- 2. Innovative Farming
- Organic Farming, Composting
- Seedling Orchards
- (Cardamom, Vanilla)
- b) Economic Development
- 5. Microfinance Measures
- 6. Micro Small Enterprises
- c) Empowerment Programmes
- 7. Womens Empowerment Programme
- 8. Empowerment Programme for Minorities
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
16Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatIntegrated RWHP -
Lessons Learned
- Positive Aspects
- High Level of Participation
- Involvement of all Socio-Cultural Groups into the
Planning Implementation Process - ? High Level of Continuity
- Acceptance
- Cooperation with the Local Bodies
- ? Political Acceptance
- - High Level of Maintenance as a result of
Co-Finance - High Level of Innovation
- Self-Dynamics
- Improved Water Situation, especially during the
Dry Months (Summer) -
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
17Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatIntegrated RWHP -
Lessons Learned
- Negative Aspects
- Lack of Women in the Executive Committee and the
Watershed Committee - ? Restrictive Organisational
- Structures
- ? Restrictive Social Structures
- Selection of Beneficiaries
- ? Preference of Friends and Family
- Members, Influential Members of the
- Community
- ? External Controlling needed
- Enormous Complexity Heterogeneity
- Time Intensive
- Critical Aspects
- Strong Influence of Local Key-Persons
- ? In Return High Level of Acceptance
- Cooperation
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
18Amaravathy, Kumily PanchayatSummary
- We have achieved
- Raised Awareness
- 2. Motivation
- 3. Innovation
- 4. Initiative
- BUT, it went in Association with
- 1. An enormous Intensity of Work
- 2. An enormous Work Load
- 3. We required more Time for Planning
- Implementation than in other Projects
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India
19Managing Limited Water ResourcesDrinking Water
Management in Amaravathy, Kumily Panchayat
- The End
- Thank You very much
- for Your Attention
Drinking Water Management in Amaravathy, Kumily
Panchayat Kerala, India