Title: Martin BELCHER
1- Martin BELCHER
- TMS Consulting United Kingdom
Road Safety Audit in the UK
2Format of talk
- Road Safety Audit in the UK
- Examples of road safety issues
3TMS Consultancy background
- established in 1990
- based in Coventry, England
- road safety engineering
- traffic management
- training courses
4Road Safety Audit at TMS
- since 1991 TMS has completed more than 6,500 Road
Safety Audits - almost 1,000 in 2006
- 15 experienced Road Safety Auditors
- more than 200 training courses for Road Safety
Auditors - mbelcher_at_tmsconsultancy.co.uk
5Road Safety Audit in the UK
- A systematic process for checking road safety
implications of new schemes and highway
improvements (but not on existing roads) - Schemes range from new motorways to minor
improvements - Carried out at formal stages during design and
after construction - Requires independent staff with experience of
road safety engineering to undertake Safety Audits
6major by-pass scheme - Ireland
7major new junction - Ireland
8new section of motorway - UK
9new tram scheme - UK
10new mini-roundabout - UK
11new pedestrian crossing - UK
12Road Safety Audit in the UK
- Started in the 1980s by road safety engineers in
local highway authorities - Formalised in the 1990s
- Since 1991 Road Safety Audits have been mandatory
on all new schemes and improvement schemes on the
trunk road network - Road Safety Audits routinely carried out on
schemes on local roads by local authorities or
their consultants
13Road Safety Audit in the UK
- The latest Standard (HD 19/03) lays down specific
qualifications and experience for Road Safety
Auditors - Basic road safety engineering training (10 day
course) - Continuing professional development (2 days per
year) - Practical experience by observing Audits
14Road Safety Audit in the UK
- 4 Stage process
- Stage 1 preliminary design
- Stage 2 detailed design
- Stage 3 when scheme has been constructed
- Stage 4 monitoring after 1 and 3 years
- Stages 1 and 2 may be combined for small schemes
15Road Safety Audit in the UK
- The process
- carried out by a team consisting of two suitably
experienced Safety Auditors - site visit at all stages
- examine scheme plans during design stage audits
(Stages 1 and 2) - drive, walk (cycle) the site in daylight and in
darkness at Stage 3 - check accident data at Stage 4
- formal report at all stages
16Road Safety Audit in the UK
- The Safety Audit Report describes the safety
problems - who can be hurt and in what way?
- and provides a recommendation
- how the risk can be removed or reduced
- Report is produced for the scheme client
- Client decides how to respond to the
recommendations - If recommendations not accepted Client prepares
an Exception Report
17Methodology for developing Road Safety Audit
- Examine current best (relevant) international
practice in order to develop guidelines - Decide how to train and accredit safety auditors
- Develop institutional support for the process so
that it is sustainable
18Road Safety Issues
- Some examples of typical problems
19lamp column in front of safety fence - UK
20or behind the fence with insufficient clearance
to allow the fence to deflect - UK
21pole in traffic lane - Ireland
22pedestrian trip hazards at a pedestrian crossing
- UK
23pedestrian trip hazards at a pedestrian crossing
- Ireland
24pedestrian trip hazards at a pedestrian crossing
- Italy
25pedestrian trip hazards at a pedestrian crossing
- Belgium
26wheelchair users a particularly vulnerable group
27how would they cross this access in the UK?
28or this junction in London?
29or this road in Brussels?
30(No Transcript)
31blocked footway - UK
32blocked footway - Italy
33poor cycle route - UK
34poor cycle route - UK
35poor cycle route - UK
36confusing signs - Ireland
37confusing signs - UK
38is there a sign here?
39there it is!!
40confusing signs - UK
41sign too low - UK
42too many signs causing confusion - Ireland
43too many signs causing confusion - Italy
44Final remarks
- Road Safety Audits are an accepted part of the
highway and traffic design process in the UK - Learn from our mistakes
- Good luck!!