Title: Time Dependent Valuation TDV for Energy Standards
1Time Dependent Valuation (TDV)for Energy
- Statewide Codes Standards ProgramPrepared for
CEC Workshop April 2, 2002Presentation by
2TDV Project History
- 1998-99 CEC/PGE Study Dollar-Based
Performance Standards - 1999-2001 PGE/SCE/SoCalGas further development
of Time Dependent Valuation - TDV Cookbook - economics methodology
- Engineering model enhancement
- Demonstrations of compliance outcomes
- Complete present proposal to CEC
3TDV Project Team
- CEC staff - advise and comment
- PGE - development lead
- SCE SoCalGas - support, review, advise
- Consultant team - lead by HMG
- Economics E3
- Engineering Eley, BSG
- Other stakeholders consulted CBIA, NRDC, public
4TDV Issues Map
5TDV Goals - Statewide
- Bldg population with lower peak demands
- Lower peak costs for electricity system
- Insurance against future blackouts
- Long-term demand reduction
- Cheapest to do with new construction (rather than
6TDV Goals - Compliance
- Replace flat rate energy basis
- Transparent to compliance end-user
- Credit for measures that perform on-peak, less
for off-peak measures - Better signals to designers
- Method tied to CEC weather tapes and ACM
performance calcs
7TDV Policy Choices
- Change savings valuation in Title 24
- Abandon source energy flat valuation
- Replace with time dependent valuation
- Change source energy
- Abandon electricity source energy (mult 3)
- Replace with TDV energy (hourly factors) based on
CEC forecasts of costs - Distinguish between natural gas propane
8TDV Policy Choices (continued)
- Adopt economic valuation methodology
- Publicly available (mostly CEC) data sources
- Repeatable over time
- Easily adjusted as forecasts changebut not
expected to update frequently - Adopt engineering analysis upgrades
- Hourly HVAC equipment models
- Hourly analysis of measures
- Others...
9TDV Policy Choices (continued)
- Uses of TDV
- For optional performance trade-offs
- For new compliance options
- For demonstrating cost-effectiveness of new
standards requirements
10TDV Policy Choices (continued)
- Methodology Choices (our recommendations)
- Use 1992 Standards valuations? (no)
- Use current CEC forecast? (yes)
- Use temp-dependent allocation of TD? (yes)
- True up to overall revenue requirements? (yes)
- Use environmental externalities? (yes)
11Why Not Use Rates?
- There are many different rates (which?)
- Rates average the high cost periods and dilute
the price signal - Rates change with policy/political choices
- TDV reflects long-term system costs
- CEC 30 year generation forecast
- Utility TD cost experience
- Overall revenues to run utility system
12How TDV Works (electricity)
Energy value
13Building up the Electric TDVs
1. Start with the CEC Forecast Commodity Costs
2. Add the marginal TD delivery costs as f(temp)
3. Adjust to bring to revenue requirement (rate
4. Add environmental externality of reduced
pollution (optional)
5. Convert to equivalent energy units (TDV energy
Forecast Costs
TDV Energy Value
Revenue Neutrality Adjustment
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14Building up Gas and Propane TDVs
1. Start with the CEC Forecast Gas Commodity Costs
2. Adjust to bring to revenue requirements (rate
3. Add environmental externality of reduced
pollution (optional)
4. Convert to equivalent energy units (TDV energy
Forecast Costs
Energy Value
Revenue Neutrality Adjustment
15Components of TDV for CTZ 13
16Sources of TDV Economics Data
17How Does TDV Compliance Work?
- Used for performance trade-offs(instead of old
source energy trade-offs) - Compliance runs done per usual
- Compliance software enhanced to do hourly
base/proposed calculations - TDV value for each hour multiplied by hourly
energy, totaled for annual savings - Same compliance report printed out
18Changes to Title 24 for TDV
- Delete definition of SOURCE ENERGY
- Add definition of TDV ENERGY
- Adjust ACM rules for engineering enhancements
- Adjust rules for propane natural gas
- Adjust ACM output reports
19Questions and Commentson TDV Economics
20TDV Engineering Enhancements
- Goal Credit air conditioning systems that
perform better on-peak - Hourly equipment model for residential
- Improved performance curves for nonres
- Goal Improved treatment of water heating
- Hourly hot water usage profiles
- More complete distribution options
- Goal Credit other measures that perform better
on-peak (e.g. cool roofs, daylighting)
21Residential TDV Modeling
- Air Conditioners
- Heat Pumps
- Duct Systems in Attics
Engineering ACM Enhancement to better implement
22Residential Air Conditioners
- Historical perspective
- Sensible loads
- SEER as Seasonal Efficiency
- 2001 Standards changed
- Conservative EER/SEER assumption
- Temperature and installation adjusted SEER
- as seasonal efficiency
232001 EER/SEER assumption
242001 Temperature adjusted SEER
25TDV Air Conditioner Model
- NAECA SEER primary input
- 2001 EER/SEER assumed at 95 degF
- Efficiency above 95F based on PGE tests
- Optional EER input
- Constant 62 WB indoors
26TDV AC Efficiency vs. Outdoor Temp
27TDV Indoor Air Handler Fan
- Adjust SEER and EER to remove fan
- Fan is defaulted not tested
- 365 w/1000 CFM assumed
- 510 W/1000 CFM actual (Proctor)
- Model fan power separately
- Assume 300 CFM/ton, 510 W/1000 CFM
- Allow inputs for field verified CFM and W
28TDV Heat Pump Model
- HSPF is primary input
- Default COP at 47F 0.4 x HSPF
- Capacity at 47F
- Default to Rated Cooling Capacity
- DOE2 hourly model
29TDV Default Heat Pump COP47
30TDV Hourly Duct Efficiency
- For ducts in attics
- Adjusts ACM Seasonal Efficiency on an hourly
basis for heating and cooling - Roof Sol Air Temperature driven
- Includes effects of all current options
- Invisible to ACM user
31Residential Water Heating
- Engineering ACM Enhancement
- to better implement TDV
32Load Dependent Energy Factor (LDEF) Annual
33Load Dependent Energy Factor (LDEF) Hourly
34Load Dependent Energy Factor (LDEF) Coefficients
35Distribution System Multipliers(Being Revised)
36Hourly Loads
- Make consistent with current method
37Loads from Multifamily Study
38Example Loads from EPRI/LBNL Study
39Redefining Nonresidential Equipment Performance
Engineering ACM Enhancement to better implement
40Nonres Performance Background
- Use ACM software for whole-building trade-offs
- Requires two energy simulations
- proposed design
- budget building.
- The rules tightly defined by the ACM manual.
- The default curves were developed in the 1970s
some were updated with the 1993 supplement. - Propose changes to the ACM manual
- allow users to input data for particular HVAC
equipment - update of the default curves to reflect
performance of modern equipment.
41The Five DOE-2 Curves
wet, dry bulb temperature
cooling capacity
wet, dry bulb temperature
cooling energy input ratio
part load ratio
energy input ratio
dry bulb temperature
heating capacity
dry bulb temperature
heating EIR
42 Our Initial Approach
- Investigated the technologies for 150 different
rooftop package units from several manufacturers - Tried to draw conclusions between the
technologies and performance. - No statistically robust methods of predicting an
actual performance curve based on the data
43Current Approach Three Sets of Curves
- The current DOE default curve (from ACM)
- Best-fit curves
- The most accurate representation of the data set
for each particular equation determined with
least-squares regression - Found divergences between the current defaults
and actual performance - P15 curves
- Lowest performing 15 of the data set..
- In general, equipment that performed poorly did
so at all temperatures. - Performed a least-squares regression on the worst
performing subset to create the P15 curves.
44 Recommended Changes to ACM
- User Options
- 1) Input the performance data of their particular
equipment directly into the compliance software.
- Best captures the details of the units
performance - 2) Do not input data - revert to the P15
performance curves. - Because these units represent the worst
performers in the population, the user is
motivated to use equipment with better
performance and input it into the model. - The reference building will use the best-fit
performance curves for each piece of equipment.
45COOL-CAP-FT - dependent on outside drybulb and
entering wetbulb temperatures
46 but to aid discussion, we reduce it to two
dimensions as shown below.
47As expected, P15 Curves diverge from the current
defaults and best-fit at higher temperatures.
48COOL-EIR-FT - normalized cooling efficiency as a
function of dry and wet bulb temperatures.
49Actual equipment performance is much worse than
the current DOE2 defaults at high temperatures.
best fit
current defaults
50HEAT-CAP-FT - normalized heating capacity as a
function of outside dry bulb temperature
There is little divergence in the data for this
51HEAT-EIR-FT - normalized heating efficiency as a
function of dry bulb temperatures.
The worst performers significantly higher EIRs
below 37.
52COOL-EIR-FPLR - normalized cooling efficiency as
a function of part load.
- Not recommending any changes to the current
defaults - Lack of scientific data
- Current manufacturer and scientific data was
either non-existent or unavailable for study. We
attempted a proxy based on Integrated Part Load
Values (IPLV), but we did not have the defendable
research to justify our modeling assumptions. - DOE-2 modeling issues.
- Losses due to the cycling of compressors is a
large factor in the overall part load performance
of the equipment. - Losses could not be quantified due to a lack of
data - Losses could not be modeled due to the non-linear
discontinuities in the performance curve that are
formed when a compressor cycles on or off.
- Changes to the ACM manual and default curves are
needed to most accurately model present-day HVAC
equipment - Recommended approach is the best compromise
between usability, accuracy, and consistency
54Nonresidential Schedules
Engineering ACM Enhancement to better implement
55Current Schedules
- Daytime Schedule
- 24-Hour Schedule
56Recommended Schedules
- Continue to use the daytime and 24-hour schedules
for LCC analysis and as a default - Permit alternate schedules when the building use
is known for offices, retail, schools and
assembly - Base the alternate schedules on the NRNC database
60Cooling Temperature
61Heating Temperature
62TDV Technical Analysis What happens to measures
and compliance trade-offs under TDV?
63TDV Measures Analysis Method
- Perform annual energy simulation of building with
existing compliance tools - Residential - MicroPas
- Non-residential - EnergyPro
- Multiply hourly energy consumption for each fuel
by its TDV value for that hour - Sum hourly results over 8,760 hours
- Compare base case to proposed case
64TDV Measures Analysis Graphs
- Comparison of source energy method and TDV energy
method (two bars) - Measures reported as savings (y-axis)
- Savings divided by total source energy or TDV
energy of standard building - Measures can be directly compared
65Residential Analysis
- Four example houses provided by Consol
- Small house - 1290 sf, 1 story, 16.5 glazing
- Medium house - 2190 sf, 2 stories, 20.2 glazing
- Large house - 3278 sf, 2 stories, 25.8 glazing
- Townhouse - 1697 sf, 2 stories, 18.6 glazing
- 24 measures vs. to base configuration
- Climate zones 6, 12, 13, 14
- Compliance margin comparisons
66Residential Measures
- 01 Windows U0.50, SHGF0.65
- 02 Windows U0.65, SHGF0.40
- 03 Windows U0.35, SHGF0.35
- 04 No radiant barrier
- 05 Radiant barrier
- 06 R38 ceiling
- 07 R30 ceiling
- 08 R19 ceiling
- 09 Wall R13
- 10 Wall R13 w/ foam R17.2
- 11 Wall R19
- 12 AC TXV (thermal expan valve)
- 13 AC SEER 12
- 14 AC SEER 14.4
- 15 Furnace AFUE 90
- 16 Duct R6
- 17 Duct R8
- 18 Tight ducts
- 19 ACCA standard ducts
- 20 DHW EF0.60 50 gal tank
- 21 DHW EF.62 40 gal tank
- 22 DHW pipe insulation
- 23 Glass area -10
- 24 Glass area 10
67Large Home - CZ 14 - Part 1
68Large Home - CZ 14 - Part 1
69Min/Max Comparisons
70Nonresidential Analysis
- Two sample buildings
- Office - 117,000 sf, 6 stories, built-up VAV
- Retail - 50,000 sf, 1 story, packaged VAV
- Six measures
- Electric vs gas chillers
- Increase cooling efficiency
- Add economizer
- Add cool roof
- Lower SHGC on south and west
- Reduce lighting LPD by 20
71Office - CTZ 14
72Retail - CTZ 14
73Externalities Analysis Results
- Consistency with CPUC measure valuation
- Adding externality costs have little effect on
trade-offs between measures - Slight effect on measures that reduce peak
electricity demand - Main effect is on evaluating the
cost-effectiveness of measures that have a
benefit/cost ratio close to 1.0
74Externalities - CZ 14 Residential
75Externalities - Retail CZ 14
76Compliance Outcomes
- Any electricity saving measure is more valued by
TDV than by source valuation - Difference between flat and TDV indicates demand
impact of measure - Gas measures - minimal difference between flat
and TDV gas - Propane - TDV gives greater value to propane than
to natural gas
77Likely Winners/Losers
- Losers
- Propane (smaller advantage over elec)
- Economizers
- Other off-peak
- No Change
- Insulation
- Res. water heating
- Winners
- Peak air conditioning (SEER/EER issue)
- Fenestration (more directional)
- Gas cooling
- Cool roofs
- Other on-peak
78Questions for a TDV Regime
- Does TDV appropriately increase valuation of peak
measures? (yes) - Does TDV maintain similar stringency as current
standards basis? (depends) - Does TDV create pathological cases? (none
found yet) - Possible to game TDV in ACM? (depends)
- Are engineering modeling changes ready? (mostly)
79Why Change?
- Helps economy - least cost energy design
- Saves for everybody
- Right signals to designers(best way to do this)
- Right signals on costs(economists developed
80Why Change?
- Flat, source energy is clearly incorrect
- Electricity demand crisis in CA
- Compliance process wont change
- Evolutionary change to standards
- Market-wide adjustments to building design and
equipment selection - Unique time in history to do this
81For More Information
- Project Web Site www.h-m-g.com
- PGE Gary Fernstrom
- 415-973-6054
- gbf1_at_pge.com
- HMG Douglas Mahone
- 916-962-7001
- dmahone_at_h-m-g.com