Title: Charting the Waters Mapping the Process
1Charting the WatersMapping the Process
- Key Roles
- Setting the Example
- Setting Direction
- Educating Others
- Towards Establishing
Systematic Processes
- Presented by
- Georgette Bonifacio Carroll
- Trina Pulliam
- September 18, 2006
2Objectives Expectations
- September 18
- Review and approve opportunities for next year
- Begin to develop the first two levels of the
action planning using Tree Diagrams - Decide on teams for upcoming year
3High Level View of the Hoshin Process
Develop the Vision Mission
Determine Present State
WHAT Do we need to do?
Prioritize key Vision Mission elements
Determine WHO is involved?
Create the Plan
HOW Should we do it?
Deploy the Plan
Correct (process improvement)
Implement the Plan
HOW Are we doing?
In Process Review
Improve Process
Annual Review
4The Process for Reaching Consensus
5Confirm Our Strategic Initiatives
- Developing Skills for Performance Excellence
- Include behavioral and values, fact based
decision making and actions - Understanding County Oneness
- Each Division and how we fit into the county
operations and our Mission and Vision - Developing Measurements that matter
6Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step One Ask the key question How will we
achieve Understanding County Oneness - Each Division and how we fit into the county
operations and our Mission and Vision Capture all
ideas more is better
7Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Two Group the ideas logically by category.
8Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Three Put in a sequence
9Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Four Test the Plan Walk the Process Flow
- Fill in the missing details
10Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Five Assign Accountability
- Clarify the expectations of the objectives
- Who will be the Leadership Sponsor?
- What section/groups will be involved?
11Create Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Six Establish the Schedule for the next
fiscal year - When do we start?
- How do we communicate?
12Implement Strategies to Achieve The Objectives
- Step Eight Implement the Plan
- Step Eight Systematically Monitor the Plan
- Various methods
- Quarterly Reporting
- End of Program Review
- Knowledge Based Decision Making
13Process Creating a Strategic Objective Action
STEP ONE BRAINSTORM Ask What can we do to
STEP TWO COMBINE Group ideas into logical
STEP THREE SEQUENCE Arrange categories into a
logical order
STEP FOUR TEST Walk the Plan
Add more detail
STEP FIVE ASSIGN Insure accountability through
the assignment of activities
STEP SIX SCHEDULE Establish and Create
implementation schedule
STEP EIGHT MONITOR Systematically checked
14Meeting Message
- Create a meeting message that would say
- What did you accomplish?
- Action Learning Developing Capability
- How will it be delivered?
155 months progress
- How to work as a team
- Set up processes
- Consensus
- High level indicator process
- Establish MVV process
- Vision element self assessment
- Team Rules
- Determine current state process
- Hoshin Strategic Planning Process
- Action Planning Implementation Process
- Mind mapping brainstorming
- How to have a meeting consistent process
- Establishing the Leadership Team purpose
- Deployment Process
- Prioritizing strategic objectives
- Things Accomplished
- Leadership Purpose Key Roles
- Setting Example
- Set Direction
- Educate Others
- Deployment of MVV to all employee groups tom
Team - Established the MVV and received approval of BOCC
- Created Sterling Web Site
- Established high level strategic planning
objectives - Performance Measures that Matter
- Performance Excellence Skills Training
- Creating Oneness
- Sponsors for all Improvement Teams
- Increased employee involvement with 25 team
members - Involved Division Directors for planning feedback
and assessment - Completed IMpact Assessment
- Created our balanced leadership team
- Executive Coaching Team plus others
- Teresa presented MVV to Directors
16Continuous Improvement
What did we do well and what could we add to
improve your knowledge.
- Worked well as a team
- Brought us closer together
- More open
- Learned about different departments
- Learned a lot about process and actually
understood it - Learning how we apply the Sterling process to the
county - Some easier than we thought
- Learned how much we can do with what we have
learned - Less intimidated
- Did not finish the re-rating of the assessment
17Supporting Info
- MindManager is the software and is used to
produce mind maps - For the meeting on Sept 18 this program is used
to replace tree diagram - Strategic planning book Beyond Strategic
Planning Effective Corporate Action with Hoshin
Planning by Michael Crowley