Title: National Adolescent Health Information Center
1National Adolescent Health Information Center
- Millar Award Recipient, 2006
- Society for Adolescent Medicine
2Hilary E.C. Millar, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.,
M.F.C.M Chief, Health Services Quality Branch,
Division of Clinical Services, HRSA/MCHB
3NAHIC - Overview
- Woodie Kessel, Audrey Nora, Joann Gephart,
Juanita Evans, David Heppel, Peter van Dyke
Trina Anglin - leaders at MCHB over the 12 years - MCHB/HRSA funded in 1994
- Goal To provide a central place for the
synthesis of adolescent health information to
educate health professionals and policy makers - Virtual center
5Collaborators Over the Years
- American Medical Association
- University of Minnesota
- Leadership and Education in Adolescent Health
- Association of Maternal Child Health Programs
- National Network of State Adolescent Health
Coordinators - National Center for Education in Maternal and
Child Health - National Center for Youth Law
- Center for Adolescent Health and the Law
- George Washington University
- Johns Hopkins University
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16Resource Project New Curriculum, in
collaboration with our sister center, the Public
Policy Analysis Education Center for Middle
Childhood, Adolescent Young Adult
Health http//policy.ucsf.edu
17W E B S I T E
18National Adolescent Health Information Center
WEB SITE http//nahic.ucsf.edu/ BY
EMAIL nahic_at_ucsf.edu BY PHONE 415.502.4856
19Many Thanks to Our ColleaguesM. Jane ParkTina
Paul MulyeElizabeth Valitchka David
KnopfElizabeth OzerShana Millstein Michael