Title: Make APA Work For YOU
1Make APA Work For YOU!
2Advancing psychology as a science, as a
profession, and as a means of promoting health,
education, and human welfare
3Make a Difference in Psychology!
Identify with others Share knowledg
e and expertise
Advocate for important issues
4www.apa.org With millions of hits and u
sers a month, APA's Web site is for anyone
interested in psychology.
5 Science (www.apa.org/science) Pract
ice (www.apa.org/practice) Education (www.a
pa.org/ed) Public Interest (www.apa.org/pi)
Visit APA Online
6Benefits of APA Membership
Identification Information
APA provides a forum for all facets of
psychology, including science, academia,
practice, public interest applications, and
public policy.
8 APA's online databases, journals, books,
newsletters, and Web site offer the latest
information across a broad spectrum of
psychological interests.
9 APA programs and initiatives help bring
the discipline's knowledge and expertise to so
ciety and provide the means and materials to make
a difference in every community.
10 Dues-supported periodicals Monitor on
Psychology and American Psychologist J
ournal and book discounts
Online databases
APA Student Affiliate Benefits
11APA Student Affiliate Benefits
(continued) Membership in the American
Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS) (Graduate
Student Affiliates are automatically
APAGS members undergraduate students may
join APAGS for a nominal fee.)
12APAGS Benefits www.apa.org/apags
Fee-supported subscription to the APAGS
magazine, gradPSYCH Eligibility for APAGS sch
olarships and awards Members-only access to t
opical APAGS LISTSERVS Information resources
created by and for students Professional Liab
ility Insurance from the APA Insurance Trust
13Student Resources Online www.apa.org/students
Undergraduate Resources Getting Into Gr
aduate School The Graduate School Years
Postdoctoral Information
14Student Resources Online www.apa.org/students
Scholarships, grants, and funding opportunit
ies Career resources Best-selling books
for students Electronic databases PsycINFO,
PsycCRITIQUES, and research tools
15Career Resources APA's career resources will ge
t you started, keep you informed, and support
you throughout your career. www.apa.org/s
tudents www.psyccareers.com www.apa.org/
16More Online Resources www.apa.org/eproducts
APA offers the most comprehensive online psych
ology resources in the world.
E-packages are available 24 hours a day, 7 day
s a week.
17Electronic Resources are Accessible in Several
Ways Members-only access Institutional
Commercial online services
18Popular Databases Comprehensive access to the psy
chological literature Packages targeted to meet
your needs PsycINFO A database containin
g abstracts from journal articles, books,
book chapters, dissertations, and reviews
PsycARTICLES A database of full-text art
icles from the American Psychological Association
and allied organizations from the 1980s to the
19Popular E-Packages PsycEXTRA A database con
taining non-refereed information
including technical reports, curricula, amicus
briefs, policies, and conference papers, most in
full-text PsycBooks A database containing ful
l text of scholarly titles published by APA Books
and others. Including more than 500 titles, 100
out-of-print books, and approximately 75 classic
resources in psychology. PsycCRITIQUES Conte
mporary Psychology-APA Review of Books
A database containing current reviews of books,
including a back file of reviews from
Contemporary Psychology
20Popular E-Packages Silver Includes the last
3 years of PsycINFO journal (not book or book
chapter) records (2001-present) and PsycARTICLES
records (2001-present) Gold More coverage!
Includes PsycINFO abstracts of journal articles
(1800s-present),books, book chapters, and
dissertations, and PsycARTICLES full text
(1987-present) PLUS APA's newest databases,
PsycEXTRA and PsycBOOKS Platinum Includes e
verything in the Gold package plus the new
PsycCRITIQUES Contemporary Psychology--APA
Review of Books PLUS access rights for a personal
research assistant or spouse Also included i
s access to all other APA electronic databases
Graduate Study Online, the APA Membership
Directory online, APA Style Helper, APA's
PsycVIDEO database, all APA PsycSCAN databases,
and all new electronic products as they become
21Journals, Books, and Videos www.apa.org/publica
tions APA publishes nearly four dozen schol
arly and professional journals More tha
n 500 scholarly, professional, and teaching
books Psychotherapy training video series
22PsycVIDEO www.psychinfo.com/psychvideo A
searchable database of nearly 2,000 productions
with psychological content and contact
information for distributors
23The Directorates of the American
Psychological Association Science Prac
Education Public Interest
24Science www.apa.org/science APA's Science
Directorate is the focal point of our efforts to
enhance psychological science and expand the
recognition of its achievements.
25Practice www.apa.org/practice www.APApractice.
org The Practice Directorate and its compan
ion organization, the APA Practice Organization,
promote the practice of psychology and the
availability and accessibility of psychological
26Education www.apa.org/education The Educat
ion Directorate serves to advance the science and
practice of psychology for the benefit of the
public through educational institutions,
programs, and initiatives.
27Public Interest www.apa.org/pi The Public
Interest Directorate promotes the science and
practice of psychology as they contribute to the
improvement of our society.
28Divisions of the American Psychological
Association www.apa.org/about/division.html
APA members can apply for membership in one or
more of 53 divisions of their choice.
29APA-Affiliated State and Provincial
Psychological Associations www.apa.org/practic
e/refer.html Represent psychologists in the
ir area Provide a source of information on ps
ychological issues and practice in their
30Regional Psychological Associations
www.apa.org/science/regionals/html Enable
psychologists and students to share knowledge
Support professional networks Promote pro
fessional development
behalf of the discipline provide direct benefits
vital to a career in psychology.
32Make APA Work for You, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN P