Title: Native Animals of
1Native Animals of Western North Carolina
By Lloyd Jones, Cane Creek Middle School, North
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
2We are lucky to live in such a diverse area on
this Earth
Kanuga Lake, Hendersonville, NC
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
3Filled with numerous amounts of flora and fauna.
Laurel Cascade on Horse Pasture Creek, Sapphire,
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
4Why is it important to preserve our native
Elk under tree
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
5What do native species have in common in Western
North Carolina?
Animal skins
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
6Learning about our own backyard is the first of
many important steps in understanding our local
Upper cascades of Whitewater Falls, Sapphire, N.C.
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
7We have made mistakes in the past Can you
identify some?
Image source Library of Congress, American Memory
8Western North Carolina contains some of the most
unique local fauna in the world. Separate all of
the animals into three simple categories.
Left Elk, Center June Fish, Right
EaglesImages source Library of Congress,
American Memory
9Does it walk?
Does it fly?
Does it swim?
Images source Library of Congress, American
10What do these animals have in common?
Images source Library of Congress, American
11List 10 different common characteristics of
native animals that live in Western North
Images source Library of Congress, American
12Now that you have learned a bit about native
animals in Western North Carolina, its your turn
to create a PowerPoint presentation on your own.