Title: Thought for the Day
1Thought for the Day
2- The job's not over until the paperwork is done.
3Transtheoretical Model
4Transtheoretical Model (often referred
toincorrectlyas the Stages of Change)
- Different strategies must be used depending upon
the stage that the person is in
No intention to takeaction within thenext 6
Intends to takeaction within thenext 6 months
Intends to takeaction within thenext 30 days
Has changed overtbehavior for less than6 months
Has changed overtbehavior for more than6 months
7Thought for the Day
8Thought for the Day
- The MOST important skill you can have as a health
educator is to be a clearinghouse--in other
words, you don't need to know all of the
answers--just where to find them (people,
resources, etc.). You master this and you'll
become a master health educator.
9Focus on the next slide
10(No Transcript)
- Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs
in Ecosystem Diagnosis and Evaluation - PROCEED
- Policy, Regulating or Resourcing and Organizing
Constructs for Educational and Environmental
13Social Assessment
- Identify and evaluate the social problems which
impact the quality of life of a target population - Community Forums
- Nominal Groups
- Focus Groups
- Surveys
- Interviews
15Epidemiological Data
- Helps identify behavioral and environmental
factors related to the quality of life issues. - vital statistics
- years of potential life loss
- disability
- prevalence
- morbidity
- incidences
- mortality
- From phase 1 and 2 program objectives are created
17Behavioral and Environmental Assessment
- Includes non-behavioral causes (personal and
environmental factors) that can contribute to
health problems, but are not controlled by
behavior. - age, gender, existing disease, climate, and
workplace, the adequacy of health care
facilities, etc.
18Behavioral and Environmental Assessment
- The determination of the importance and relative
changeability of each behavioral cause. - Behavioral Diagnosis
- is the analysis of behavioral links to the goals
or problems that are identified in the
epidemiological or social diagnosis. - Environmental Diagnosis
- is a parallel analysis of factors in the social
and physical environment other than specific
actions that could be linked to behaviors. - The Behavioral Matrix
- This helps to identify targets where the most
effective intervention measures can be applied.
19Behavioral and Environmental Assessment
21Educational Ecological Assessment
- Predisposing Factors
- any characteristics of a person or population
that motivates behavior prior to the occurrence
of that behavior - knowledge
- beliefs
- values
- attitudes
- Enablers
- characteristic of the environment that facilitate
action and any skill or resource required to
attain specific behavior - accessibility
- availability
- skills
- laws (local, state, federal)
- Reinforces
- rewards or punishments following or anticipated
as a consequence of a behavior. They serve to
strengthen the motivation for behavior. - family
- peers
- teacher
23Administrative Policy Assessment
- Administrative Diagnosis
- the analysis of policies, resources and
circumstances prevailing organizational
situations that could hinder or facilitate the
development of the health program. - Policy Diagnosis
- to assess the compatibility of your program goals
and objectives with those of the organization and
its administration does it fit into the mission
statements, rules and regulations.
Phase 6 Implementation
Phase 7 Process evaluation
Phase 8 Impact evaluation
Phase 9 Outcome evaluation
Monitoring Continuous Quality Improvement
Longer-term health outcome
Short-term social impact
Short-term impact
Long-term social impact