Title: Using Word
1Using Word
- open up the computer
- login
- left double-click on Applications
2Left double-click on the Word icon
3You are now in Word and can start work!
Type some text
4Tools at the top
Option to add more tools here
Save (to save changes)
Undo / redo
Big Button Main tasks Open, Save As, Print etc
Start a new document
Quick print (only if you are connected to the
right printer)
5Save your work in the M drive
6Save As
Give your work a title you will be able to
remember easily
Save to a memory stick or the M drive on the
7Close, and then Open your work from the place it
was saved gt i.e. My Computer gtgtgt
8Open your document
- From Applications, Open Word then select the
Big Button gt Open gt go to My Computer gt the M
drive/pen drive, and select your document - Or
- From Start, go to My Computer, then the M drive
or pen drive, and double-click your document to
open it
9Tabs We are in the Home tab
10Format your document Home tab
Cut, Copy Paste. Paste in a link from the
Bullet points
Left / Right/ Centre text
Bold, Italic Underline
Choose Font and Size
11The Insert tab
Insert a Text Box. Useful for pictures easy to
move about
Insert a picture from Clip Art or from a File
Insert a Header or a Footer, and Page numbers
12Page layout tab
Orientation Portrait or Landscape
13Review tab
Check the Spelling Grammar
14View tab
View layouts
15Further help..
- UCH website page
- http//www.uch.ac.uk/information_skills.html
- Ask Study Guide gt Computer skills
- and the Document Library