Title: MGMT 5371
1MGMT 5371 Output Analysis Dr. Barry A. Macy
Environmental Drivers
Outcomes/Results From High Performance / Exemplar
1. External/ Global Business
Environment (15)
1. Macro Organizational Structures (5)
Organizational Effectiveness (5) The Balanced
Scoreboard (KPIs)
2. Internal Businesses Environment
Corporate Business (8)
8. Shared Leadership Decision Making
2. The Job/Work
A. Core Capabilities Competencies
7. Recognition and Financial Reward Systems
1. Customers 2. Employees 3. Organizational
Innovation 4. Societal
3. Technologies
B. Culture(s)
6. People and Human Resource Systems
C. Vision Direction (12) (VDSP)
5. Financial/ Business
4. Information and Knowledge Systems
D. Organizational Strategies
5. Micro Team Design
E. Goals/ Objectives (for the 5 KPIs)
9. Organizational Processes (Individual, Group,
Organizational and Business Processes (Total
Quality, Business Processes, etc.)
F. Business Models
G. Mutuality Sup- pliers,Customers
Employees (Union if present)
Figure 1. Overall open systems theory (OST) model
for Organizational Analysis and Diagnosis
F. Transformation/ Change Processes
________________ Source Modified from Macy, et
al., (1995). Presented to the National Academy
of Management, Vancouver, Canada, August.
Groups who are affected by a firms performance
and who have claims on its wealth
The firm must maintain performance at an adequate
level in order to maintain the participation of
key stakeholders
5Stakeholder Involvement
Each of the key stakeholders wants a piece of the
same pie
6- What Should be the Goal(s) of an Organization?
Outcomes/Results From Exemplar High Performance /
Exemplar Organizations
Organizational Effectiveness (5) The Balanced
Scoreboard (KPIs)
- Customers
- Employees Engagement
- Organizational Innovation
- 4. Societal
5. Financial/ Business
________________ Source Modified from Macy, et
al., (1995). Presented to the National Academy
of Management, Vancouver, Canada, August.
8The Balanced Scoreboard Five Outcomes
Key KPIs
Breakthrough Thinking
PEOPLE (Employee Engagement)
D/Janie Work/Balanced Scoreboard/Slide 1
9Old Organization Performance Measures
New Organization Effectiveness Measures
- Efficiency / Productivity
- Costs
- Capacity / Thru-put
- Product Quality
- Old measures plus others
- Customer Responsiveness
- Delivery Time
- Speed to Market
- Customer Satisfaction /
- Complaints
- Innovation/Creativity/Ideas
- Product and Service Quality
- Learning
- Employees Quality of Work Life
- Community Responsibility
Summary Balanced Scoreboard 5 measures
10Five Cornerstones of Successful Organizations A
Balance of all Five at Once
Business/Financial Stakeholders
Customers/ Consumers
Effectiveness Success
Society/ Community
Employee Engagement
11An exemplar organization produces
- Superior to Exemplar Financial/Business Results
- Excellent Customer Satisfaction
- High Employee Engagement
- Superior to Exemplar Innovation
- High Society/Community Involvement/
12Output AnalysisEmployee engagement impact on
financial results
- Work teams with the highest levels of employee
engagement average 18 percent more productive - Work teams with the highest levels of employee
engagement average 12 percent greater
profitability than their counterparts in low
employee engagement
Source Gallup org., 2006
13Output AnalysisEmployee engagement impact on
financial results, part 2
- Business units with disengaged employees
experience 51 percent more turnover than those
units with engaged employees - High levels of employee engagement have positive
bottom line consequences! - No manager/supervisor has fulfilled his/her
responsibility until he/she makes employee
engagement a priority
Source Gallup org., 2006
your organization to its core (not the entire
industry) industry group and to Exemplar
Organizations see table below) Organizational
Effectiveness (KPIs) Outcome/Results Analysis
(see class notes) - Overall summary of Balanced
Scorecard All 5 KPIs (Yes/No Maybe)
- Customers KPIs Selection of several (at least
3) KPI for assessment of Customer Results - Business and Financial KPIs Selection of
several (at least 3) business and financial
KPIs. - Employee Engagement Selection of several (at
least 3) employee engagement outcome measures. - Innovation Selection of several (at least 3)
measures of the organizations innovativeness. - Societal Selection of several (at least 3)
societal indicator of the organizations
global/societal responsibility.
Compare the appropriate Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs)/measures of the Firm versus Core
Industry Competitors versus Exemplar
Organizations (see class emails and Lectures)
15Case Results Table
16Exemplar Continuum
Pretty Below Average
Above Good Bad Average
17Eight Attributes of the Most Admired
?? Innovation ?
Financial Soundness ? Employee
Talent ? Use of Corporate
Assets ? Long-term Investment
Value ? Social Responsibility ?
Quality of Top Management ? Quality of
Products and Services Found on the
www.fortune.com/fortune Ratings of Fortune 1,000
firms from 1-10. see Fortune Magazine most
admired companies ratings
18Crafting an Organizational Strategy
- An organizations strategy deals with
- How to make the strategic vision direction a
reality and achieve target objectives - The game plan for
- Pleasing Customers
- Determine Core Competencies
- Building a sustainable competitive advantage
- What things to outsource?
- Conducting operations
19Concept of Strategic Intent
A company exhibits strategic intent when it
relentlessly pursues an ambitious strategic
objective and concentrates its competitive
actions and energies on achieving that objective!
20Characteristics of Strategic Intent
- Indicates firms intent to stake out a particular
position over the long-term - Involves establishing a BHAG big, hairy,
audacious goal - Signals relentless commitment to winning
21Lessons about Change Built to Last (Collins,
- Tried to understand why superior companies are
better than peer companies which are better than
most companies - 1 invested in stock market in 1926 yields
- 415 in all other companies
- 955 in peer companies
- 6356 in superior (visionary) companies
22So What Did They Find?
- Great companies had BHAG
- Big Hairy Audacious Goals
- Whatever your core values are stick with it
- Deal with the AND, not the OR
- Seek Alignment (internally)
23Example of BHAG
- General Electric
- All businesses are held to a standard of being 1
or 2 in their industries as well as achieving
good business results - John F. Kennedy
- Put a man on the moon and return safely by the
end of the decade
24Consumer Products Multi-International Firm --
Their 2009 OGSM Goals
Will require unprecedented levels of
organization capability. At a fixed enrollment
growth of 1 well need to increase
From To Difference
Volume/Employee 14.5 35.5M 245 Sales/Employees
342M 844M 246 Earnings/Employee 29.5M 84.
4M 286
1980-91 100 of the Fortune 500 Companies
Adaptive culture companies have
satisfied all three (customers,
employees, and stockholders) of
Companies with strong culture but
their constituents.
satisfying only one or two of key
Increased Sales 682
Increased Value of Stock 901
Expanded Workforce 282
Improved Net Income 756
Adapted from J. Kotter J. Haskett Harvard
Corporate Culture and Performance
. The Free Press, p. 11
26External Benchmarking Results Fortune 1000
Use of High Performance Systems
Adaptive Structures, Systems, Processes and People
Low High Difference
Return on Sales 6.3 10.3
63 Return on Assets 4.7
6.9 47 Return on Equity
16.6 22.8 37
Source Lawler, et. al
27Are your Cases Firm Exemplar??
28Who are these Companies?
- Visionary
- 3M
- Boeing
- GE
- Motorola
- Nordstrom
- PG
- Sony
- Wal-mart
- Peer Companies
- Norton
- McDonnell Douglas
- Westinghouse
- Burroughs
- Zenith
- Melville
- Colgate
- Kenwood
- Ames
Good to Great, Jim Collins
29EVA RESULTS Benchmarking Americas Best
Organizations Creating Economic
Value-Added (EVA) from Organizational Excellence
30Exemplar/HPO Results
Average Cumulative Stock Returns 6.9 times
the general Market (in the 15 years of
following transformation) G.E. Outperformed
the Market by 2.8 times (from 1985-2000)
Invest 1.00 in 1965 in HPO Companies Value now
is 471 times compared to a 56 times increase
in the Market. WALGREENS - Before
1975 Average company/average performance
- After 1975 to Jan. 2000 1.00 invested in
Walgreens beat - Intel by 2 times - G.E. by 5
times - Coke by 8 times - Stock Market by 15
31Exemplar HPO Companies and Their Results
Results from Transition
Point to 15 Years beyond
T Year to Company
Transition Point T
Year 15
Abbott 3.98 times the market
1974-1989 Circuit City
18.50 times the market
1982-1997 Fannie Mae
7.56 times the market 1984-1999 Gillette 7.
39 times the market 1980-1995 Kimberly
Clark 3.42 times the market 1972-1987 Kroger
4.17 times the market 1973-1988 Nucor 5.1
6 times the market 1975-1990 Philip
Morris 7.06 times the market 1964-1979 Pitney
Bowes 7.16 times the market 1973-1988 Walgr
eens 7.34 times the market 1975-1990 Wells
Fargo 3.99 times the market 1983-1998
Source J. Collins, Good to Great, Harper
Business, 2002, p. 7
32The Most Admired Organizations
From Fortune, March, 2002
33FortunesBest Companies to Work For
34FortunesBest Companies to Work For
35FortunesBest Companies to Work For
36(No Transcript)
37 From Fortune, March, 2002
38Biggest Companies By Market Value
39The Challenge of Management
Best Stocks of the Decade
Change 1990-99
Southwest Airlines
JDS Uniphase
Clear Channel Communications
Best Buy
Maxim Integrated
Veritas Software
Charles Schwab
Sun Microsystems
Safeguard Scientifics
Applied Materials
40CSCO vs. 3COM Stock Price Growth
41Exemplar KPI Data
42 1. Output Analysis
A. Summary of Your Case Organizational
Required Analysis
43 1. Output Analysis
A. Summary of Your Case Organizational
Required Analysis
44Results/Outcomes Analysis Comparison of the
Firm, Core Competition of Industry and Exemplar
Core Competition Within Industry
Exemplar Organizations
Your Firm
Results/Outcome Indicators of Organizational
- I. Customer KPIs
- _______________________
- _______________________
- II. Business/Financial KPIs
- _______________________
- _______________________
- III. Employee Engagement KPIs
- _______________________
- _______________________
- IV. Innovation KPIs
- _______________________
- _______________________
- Societal KPIs
- _______________________
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10
11 12 13
14 15
Note Three (3) points in time (for as many
as you can) for analysis --- 1991-95 1996-2000
and, 2001 Pick out the top 4-6 firms (in
terms of market share) average these competitor
45Output/Results Analysis - 3
Comparison of Results Analysis by the
Following Three Data Points Improvement Over
High Performance/ Five Categories
of Results The Firm
Their Core Industry
Exemplary Organizations
91 -95 96-00 01-03
91 -95 96-00 01-03
91 -95 96-00 01-03
- 1. Customers
- 2. Business/
- Financial
- 3. Employee
- Engagement
- 4. Innovation
- 5. Societal
x 1 x 1 x 1
z 1
x 2 x 2 x 2
y 2
z 2
x 3 x 3 x 3
y 3
z 3
x 4 x 4 x 4
y 4
z 4
x 5 x 5 x 5
z 5
Top 3 to 5 competitors that have the majority
of Market Share
46Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-1
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
- Customer KPIs
- Satisfaction (third party measure)
Excellent - Delivery Time
98.5-99.5 - Service Level
Excellent - Trust
High - Commitment (loyalty) to
High - Firm
- Level of Strategic
Excellent - Partnership
- Joint Projects/Processes/
High No. - Systems
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
47 1. Example Customer KPIs
Your Case Name
48Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-2
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
- Business Financial (Cont)
- Growth Volume/Sales
15-20 - Rate
- Return on Assets (ROA)
12-15 - Return on Capital
12 - Employed (ROCE)
- Return on Equity
23 - Return on Investment (ROI)
20-25 - Return on Sales
12 - EBIT Per Year
14-18 - Stock Price
High/Multiple - Splits
- Annual Shareholder Return
10 - Per Year
- Dividend Growth Per Year
14 - Profit Growth Per Year
11 - Sales Revenue Volume Per
872,554 - Worker
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
49Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-3
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
- Business Financial (Cont)
- Average Total Labor (fixed
- variable)Budget as a
- Percent of Total Revenue
12 (2.4-BIC) - Scrap as of Total
- Throughput
2.05 - Rework as of Total
- Throughput
1.41 - Customer Returns (lbs.)
71 lbs. Per -
million lbs. - First Pass Prime
100 - Cost Improvement Per Year
5.0 - Productivity Improvement
- Per Year
5.0 above -
C.P.I. - Quality Improvement Per
- Year
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
50Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-4
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
2. Business Financial (Cont) Average
Capacity Utilization Per Year
74.9 Average Total Availability Up-time
Per Year
82.4 Average
Pounds of Product Per Employee
181,843 Average Gross Revenue/Per
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
51Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-5
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
2. Business Financial (Cont) Average
Maintenance as of
4.0 Total Site Replacement
Capital Average W.O. Maintenance
as 2.85 of Site
Replacement Capital Percent
Planned/Scheduled 52.17
Maintenance of Total Maintenance
Ratio of Maintenance Planners
5.20 to Mechanics Average
Cost Per Year of 3
HPO Implementation as of Total
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
522. Example Business and Financial KPIs
Your Case
53Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-6
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
3. Employee Engagement Job Satisfaction
High (85th
centile above) Trust
Growth Development
High Motivation
High Job
Above Avg. to Commitment to Firm
High Employee
Behaviors Absences
2.0 or less
1.0 or less
Rate Turnover
2.0 or less Grievances
than 1.0 Multi-skill
Great deal of
Shared w/Mgt. Employment Assurances
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
543. Example Employee Engagement KPIs
Your Core Competition
Your Case
55Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-7
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
4. Innovation No of New Products Per
Medium No. Year
(5-10) of
Present Revenue in
50-75 last
5 years from New Products
Product Extensions
High No.
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
564. Example Innovative KPIs
Your Case
57Exemplar Outcomes/Results Analysis Indicators of
Organization Effectiveness-8
Your Core Industry Competition
Exemplar Organizations/ HPO
Your Firm
5. Societal Societal Responsibility
High Ethics
High Waste
100 Air Pollution
None Water Ground Protection
None Charitable Contributions
High Level Leadership in the
High Level Community
Adopt a school/hospital
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
585. Example Societal KPIs
Your Case
59Output/Results Analysis - 4
1. Customer Indicators
- Trust (of firms top management)
- Customer Satisfaction Third Party Measure
- Volume and Profit per Key or Preferred Customer
- Delivery Time
- Service
- Price
- Top to Top with firm and Customer expectations
- Shared Values and Goals
- Shared Vision Direction
- Mirror Teams Customer Account/Enterprise Teams
- Proximity (to customer)
- Joint EDI Systems
- Efficient Customer Response (ECR)
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
60Output/Results Analysis - 5
2. Business Financial Indicators
1st Order 2nd Order
3rd Order
- Sales Revenue
- Sales Revenue/Volume
- Per Employee
- Return on Sales (ROS)
- Growth Market Share
- Return on Capital
- Employed (ROCE)
- Return on Assets
- Net Income Per Employee
- Earnings Per Share (EPS)
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Return on Equity (ROE)
- Receivables Turnover
- Inventory Turnover
- Asset Turnover
- Earnings Per Employee
- Market Capitalization
- Increase in Stock
- Price (last 10 20
- years)
- Dividend Growths
- Productivity/Efficiency
- Customer Returns
- Product Scrap/Re-runs
- Costs
- Product/Service Quality
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
61Output/Results Analysis - 6
- 3. Employee Engagement Indicators
- Employee Motivation
- Employee Commitment
- Employee Satisfaction
- Employee Job Security/Employment Security
- Employee Growth Development
- Hours per Employee Per Year of
Training/Coaching/ - Development
- Increase Capabilities
- Employee Trust
- Employee Learning
- Absences (B)
- Turnover (B)
- Grievances (B)
- Safety/Accidents (B)
__________ Note B employee hard behavior
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
62Output/Results Analysis - 7
- 4. Organization Innovation Indicators
- s of Revenue from Products 5 years or less
- No. of New Products/Year
- RD Timeline for Product Introduction
- Adaptability to Change
- Flexibility
- Cooperation
- Systemic Breakthrough Initiatives Thinking
Out-of-the-Box - Leveraging Skills, Knowledge and Abilities for
better - results
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
63Output/Results Analysis - 8
- 5. Societal Indicators Societal Responsibility
- Ethical Behaviors
- Trust
- Societal Responsibility
- Adopt a School, Hospital, etc.
- Local and National support for charities
- Local community support
- Environmental Spills, Air Quality
- Re-cycling of Supplies/Consumables
- Green Waste Disposal
Source B.A. Macy, Successful Strategic Chance,
San Francisco, CA Berrett-Koehler Publishers
64 65HPO Results 150 U.S. Manufacturing Firms ---
Degree of Organizational Progressiveness 1978
thru 1983
Annual Change in Financial Performance
High Performance Measure
75 Most Progressive 75 Less
1. Profit Growth
2. Sales Growth
3. Growth in Earnings Per Share
4. Dividend Growth
______ Source C. Ichiowski, Human Resource
Management Systems and Performance of U.S.
Manufacturing Businesses, NBER Working Paper
3449, Sept., 1990. Index
Participation and Management Style culture
organization structure creativity reward
systems flexibility and accommodation of needs.
66HPO Results 700 Publicly Held Firms in all Major
Industries Human Resource Practices and Outcomes
Based on an index of best human resource
practices prevalence, firms using more
progressive policies in these areas were
generally formed to have superior performance.
The 25 of firms (N700) scoring the highest on
the index Performed substantially higher on the
key performance measure below
Best Practice Human Resource
High Performance Measure
Bottom 25 2nd 25 3rd 25
Top 25
1. Annual Shareholder Return
6.5 6.8
8.2 9.4
2. Gross Return on Capital
3.7 1.5
4.1 11.3
3. Price Cost Margin
.37 .39
.41 .44
4. Sales Per Worker
- -
Significant (more)
5. Employee Turnover
- -
- Significant
______ Source M. Huselid, Human Resources
Management Practices and Firm Performance,
Pre-publication paper, Rutgers University, June
15, 1993. Also see, Huselid, The Impact of Human
Resource Management Practice on Turnover,
Productivity, and Corporate Financial
Performance, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.
38, No. 3, 1995, pp. 635-672
67Innovative Human Resource Practices and Their
Link to the Conditions for Economic Performance
Integration of HR with Production System and
Skill/ Knowledge
Motivation/ Commitment
Innovative HR Practice
- Work Systems Index
- Work Teams
x x
x - Problem-Solving Groups (Employee
- Involvement or Quality Circle
- Groups)
x x
x - Employee Suggestions Made and x
x - Implemented
- Job Rotation
x x - De-centralization of Quality-Related
- Tasks
x x
x - HRM Policies Index
- Recruitment and Hiring
x x - Contingent Compensation
x - Status Differentiation
x - Training of New Employees
x x - Training of Experienced Employees x
Source J.P. Macduffie, Industrial Labor
Relations Review, Vol. 48, No.2, 1995, p. 203
68Some Output/Results Exemplar Organizations
Results Goal Some Results
HPO/ Indicators
Organizations Change 10 years
- One Example Organization
- Volume/Employee
245 - Sales/Employee
246 - Earnings / Employee
286 -
Actual 1991
Actual 2002 - Return on Capital
7.9 Overall
11.9 Overall (5 yrs) 51
Overall - Employee (ROCE) 3.0
Europe 12.3
Europe (5 yrs) 400 Europe -
9.3 Industry
9.1 Industry (5 yrs) - Return on Sales
63 - Return on Assets
47 - Return on Equity
37 - Divided Growth
69Some Illustrative Output/Results Exemplar
Indicators (From)
- Customer Returns Per Year
lbs. per million - Growth Rate Per Year
10.2 - 17.5 - Gross Return on Capital
9.4 -
- Price Cost Margin
.44 -
- Profit Growth
10.8 - E.B.I.T.
14 - Stock Market Volume
- Improvement Per Employee
20-40K -
Improvement - Cost Improvement Per Year
5.0 - Productivity Improvement Per Year
(above C.P.I.)
(x 11 year time period Fortune 500 1980-91)