Title: Human Power Harvesting
1Human Power Harvesting
- ECE 445 Senior Design at UIUC
- Team 29
- Fred Raddatz
- Siddhant Rana
- Desirable to extend battery life of DAGR handheld
GPS receiver - Human power provides effective, convenient
solution - There are different ways to harvest power from
IMAGE SOURCE Rockwell Collins
DAGR (Defense Advanced GPS Receiver) is a
product of Rockwell Collins
- Harvest power from multiple sources
- Human movement - through piezoelectric material
in boots - Environment - by power generated from backpack
mounted solar panels
- Power is available on the go
- Extended battery life
- Maintenance free
- Reliable power
- Zero emissions
- Silent production of energy
- Discrete integration with existing equipment
- Weather resistant
6Original Block Diagram
7Final Block Diagram
NiCad Cells
Piezoelectric Transducer
DPDT Switch
9Piezo Circuit Diagram
10Piezoelectric Source
- The Piezoelectric power source used for this
circuit was the thunder actuator TH-6R made by
Face International Corp - This sensor was chosen since it was relatively
- Cheaper (Around 110 plus shipping)
- It has been used in a lot of other research
regarding piezoelectric power generation
11Piezoelectric Source
12Piezoelectric Source
- At approximately 2Hz frequency of walking the
internal resistance of the piezoelectric sensor
is about 250KO - We calculated the maximum power that we could get
out of sensor - We got a max power of 5 mW for 35V peaks
- We could not test the device for the actual
values received because of the limitations of the
13Piezoelectric Source
14Piezo Rectifier Circuit
- We used a simple bridge rectifier. We used a W02
bridge rectifier that can handle a peak voltage
of 200V and 2A current. - For our purposes we were not expecting higher
voltages or currents so we stuck with this.
15Piezo Power Converter Voltage Regulator
- The circuit consists of two parts
- The Power Converter Circuit
- The Low Power Voltage Regulator
- The Power Converter Circuit makes use of a BJT
and an N-MOSFET - The Low Power Voltage Regulator consists of a
MAXIM Chip (666)
16Piezo Power Converter Circuit
- The Power from the Piezoelectric source is of the
order of mW. - We therefore store energy in a capacitor and then
using a SCR with Supercritical feedback and a
Voltage regulator we output 5V.
17Low Power Voltage Regulator
- The low power voltage regulator is a Max666 chip.
- Had dual modes of fixed 5V or adjustable 1.3V to
16V output. - Low Battery Detector.
- Current output 40mA.
18Piezo Circuit Diagram
19Overview of Solar Circuit Components
- MPT6-150 Solar Panel Characteristics
- Operating Voltage 6 V
- Operating Current 100 mA
- Total Size 114mm x 150mm (4.9 x 5.9 inches)
- MAX639 Integrated Circuit
- High efficiency, step-down, DC-DC converter
20Basic Solar Circuit
Solar Panel
- 80 efficiency if
- Solar battery voltage exceeds full charge NiCd
output by one diode drop, but
21Problems w/ Basic Solar Ckt.
- Charge voltage adjustment not always possible
- Voltage mismatch ? slow NiCd charging
- Solar cell current is constant with cell voltage
- output peaks near cell's open ckt. voltage
22MAX639 Solar Charging Ckt. Design
23MAX639 Solar Charging Ckt. Design
- VFB (feedback voltage)
- Set by voltage divider
- LBO low when input voltage at LBI is less than
1.28 V (internal chip reference) - Following MAX639 Datasheet
- where LBI is 1.28V, and VLB is the desired
low-battery voltage
24MAX639 Solar Ckt. Schematic
Solar Panel
25Benefits of MAX639 circuit
- Regulates voltage NiCd cells are being charged at
- Maintained at level necessary for maximum power
transfer - Efficiencies 85
- Up to four times the power of the single diode
26Nickel-Cadmium Cell Properties
- NiCd Nominal Cell Voltage 1.2 Volts
- 1V/cell ? 99 of energy absent
- NiCd Charging Rate
- Should be 10 of rated (C/10 charge)
- NiCd cells for this project were rated at 1000mAh
- 0.10 1000mAh 100mA target charge rate
- Ioperating of solar panel is 100mA
27NiCd Charge Details
SOURCE http//www.sentex.net
28Additional Solar Panels
- Adding additional solar panels provide benefits
- If in series higher voltage
- Better low-light performance
- If in parallel more current
- Increases charging rate
- For this project, two panels were used in series
29Piezo Power Output
- We wanted to test the circuit in 3 ways
- Charge a Capacitor
- Charge a Resistor
- Charge the battery pack
30Piezo Power Output Using Capacitor
- The capacitor easily charged to around 4.66V. We
got the following images on the oscilloscope.
31Piezo Power Output Using Resistor
- Across a 2.5O resistor we get a maximum power of
approximately 40mW
32Power Output Using Battery
- When we tried charging the battery with source we
realized that it would require constant pressing
for a really long time. - Besides since the pressing was simple tapping it
would not be as powerful as walking around.
33Ways to Improve Piezoelectric Power Generation
- A lot of the power generation in piezoelectric
substances comes down to design of the generator.
There are some new materials out there being
researched - The more the number of sources the larger the
power we get. Besides if these are connected in
parallel then we get a lower overall internal
34Solar Circuit Testing
- MAX639 IC operation verified
- Solar Panel Voc, Isc, Voperating, Ioperating
- Overall Circuit Vcharging, Icharging, ?
- Testing Performed Outdoors
35Performance Under Various Conditions
SOURCE PowerFilm Inc.
36Example Test 1
Power I2 R
37(cont. Ex. Test 1)
Readings taken 45 minutes after
38Example Test 1 Conclusions
- 1.12 Volts of total battery charge was gained
with 10 minutes of charging fully discharged
batteries - Later data will show that initial charging is
quick for discharged cells, and slows later - Power ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 Watts
39Example Test 2
40(cont. Ex. Test 2)
41(cont. Ex. Test 2)
42Example Test 2 Conclusions
- Initial 15 minutes of charging, voltage increases
rapidly to 1.37V/cell, then stabilizes - 24 hours later, the charge was 0.1 Volt lower
than after charging - NiCd cells also lose 1 of their charge daily
when not in use
43Solar Circuit Efficiency
44Regulated Charging Voltage Demo
45Solar Circuit Successes
- Proper charge current
- Regulated charging voltage
- Efficient
- Low cost (30)
46Solar Ckt. Challenges
- Collecting accurate data due to NiCd charge
characteristics - Voltage while charging is different than voltage
after waiting time after charging - Sunlight conditions constantly changing
- Clouds, rain, etc.
- Testing takes a lot of time
- Testing could not be completed indoors
47Solar Ckt. Recommendations
- Use higher quality solar panels
- Current circuit will charge 1-4 NiCd batteries
- Can modify to charge Lithium batteries
- Improve charge status indicator
48Recommended Improvements
- Add sources together so that manual switching is
never necessary - Additional sources may include
- - Infrared or terahertz transducers-
Infrastructure power (AC power lines, landline
telephone jacks, USB 2.0)- RF power- Magnetic
fields- Heat transducers- Hand crank generators
- Professor Gary Swenson
- Professor Chapman
- TA Tomasz Wojtaszek
- Rockwell Collins - Chuck Smiley