Title: BWH Smoking Cessation Initiatives
1BWH Smoking Cessation Initiatives
Ann Furey RN, MBA Kate Koplan MD, MPH
2BWH Performance Scores
3BWH Referrals to Smoking Counselor
4BWH Smoking Cessation Team
- Initial Team
- Quit Smoking Counselors
- Nursing
- Quality and Measurement Center for Clinical
Goal Identify Barriers to Providing
Smoking Cessation Counseling
5The Process
MDs and RNs Are the Key Healthcare Providers to
Identify Positive Smokers RN Role
Identify Positive Smokers
Provide Smoking Cessation Material
Refer to Smoking Counselor
6RN Barriers to Providing Counseling
- RN Knowledge Deficit
- Importance of Smoking Counseling
- Action to take when patient says they smoke
- Definition of a Positive Smoker
- No Smoking Cessation Material Available to RNs
- Lack of Documentation / Inconsistent
7RN Initiatives
- Provided RN Education
- 1 cause of diseases and preventable death
- 3.6 billion in annual healthcare costs in MA
- Counseling increases smoking cessation rates
- Definition of a positive smoker
- Developed a Smoking Cessation Packet
- 500 Packets ordered in May
- Provided Clear Documentation Guidelines
- What
- Where- New Admission Form
8Kate Koplans presentation
9Results of BWH MD and RN Initiatives
10Results of MD and RN Intervention
11Next Steps
- Expand the BWH Smoking Cessation Team
- Physicians
- Nurses
- Quit Smoking Counselors
- Quality Center for Clinical Excellence
- Partners Tobacco Task Force member
- Unit Coordinators
- Occupational Health
12Next Steps
- Continue to examine our process and identify
barriers - Develop action plans to decrease barriers
Identify Smokers
Who? How?
Who? How?
Who? How?
Who? How?
13BWH Smoking Cessation Goals
- Improve the health of BWH patients by applying
known helpful interventions - Assist healthcare providers in their
interventions - Utilize technology to aid the decision making
process of busy residents - Have smoking cessation resources readily
available - Increase provider knowledge of the importance of
interventions - Continue to identify barriers and develop a
highly reliable system for identifying and
referring patients for smoking counseling - Improve BWH Hospital Quality Outcome scores