Title: Salientia Anura
1Salientia (Anura)
2Characteristics of Anura
- Skulls are extremely reduced compared to
ancestral frogs. - Teeth are absent except in one species.
- Tails are absent and caudal vertebrae are fused
into a rod (urostyle) - Greatly elongated hind limbs and feet.
- Fused radius and ulna (forelimb) fused tibia and
fibula (hind limb) - Tongue is attached to front of mouth with free
posterior edge in most species.
3Anura continued.
- Most larvae have internal gills.
- Larvae are very different from adults and may be
filter feeders, herbivores, detritivores,
carnivores. - Metamorphosis results in profound changes.
- Reproductive diversity is extremely varied.
- Mucus and granular (poison) glands of skin.
- Mucus glands secrete cocoons.
- Breeding glands produce nuptial pads. Include
mental, femoral, ventrolateral glands.
4Nuptial Pad
- Appear during mating season in response to
androgens in male frogs. Often keratinized.
Helps males to embrace females during amplexus.
5Skeletal Characteristics
6Frog Granular Glands
- Produce defensive secretions as amines, peptides,
proteins, steroids, alkaloids. - Some have antibiotic properties.
- Parotoid glands
7Parotid Glands
Parotoid gland
- Clasp of male on top of female so that cloacas
are brought close together. - Fertilization then takes place.
9Pelobatidae(Eastern Spadefoot Toad)
- Have well-developed keratinous, spade-like
metatarsal tubercle on hind feet. Used in
burrowing. - Many species have glandular, tuberculate skin in
addition to parotoid glands. - Mainly fossorial.
- Use ephemeral ponds for explosive breeding.
10E. Spadefoot Toad(Scaphiopus holbrooki)
Small toad 2 3 long. Distinct tympanum, small
round parotoid gland. Small tubercles scattered
over skin. Note light bands on dorsum and sides.
Throat, chest white. Large protruding eye has
vertical pupil. Spadelike black horny projection
on inner border of foot.
11Scaphiopus holbrooki
- Xenopus (African clawed frog) is most widely
known species. - Very aquatic, never out of water.
- Dorsoventrally compressed bodies.
- Distinct keratinous clawlike tips on toes.
- Prominent cutaneous glands such as conspicuous
paratoid glands on posterio- dorsal portion of
head. - Most species are terrestrial.
- Usually produce strings of eggs.
14Bufo terrestris(Southern Toad)
- 1.75 4 long.
- Prominent ridges and clublike knobs on head.
Small bony ridge separates parotoid gland from
postocular ridge. - Dorsum coloration is usually brown.
- Dorsal dark spots usually contain one, 2, or more
warts. - Venter is grayish and chest is spotted.
- Found in eastern half of state.
15Southern Toad
16Southern Toad
17Bufo Woodhousei(Fowlers Toad)
- Brown, olive, or gray dorsum with middorsal light
stripe. - Each dark dorsal spot contains 3 or more warts.
- Cranial crests are small and contiguous with
paratoid glands. - Whitish venter usually with dark spot on chest.
Males have black throats. - May hybridize with American or Southern toads.
- Abundant most locations.
18Bufo woodhousei (Fowlers Toad)
19Fowlers Toad
20Bufo americanus(American Toad)
- 2 4.25 long.
- Large with short broad body and broadly circular
snout. - Brown, gray or red dorsum with 1 or 2 warts in
each dorsal spot. - Well developed cranial crests separated from
oblong parotoid glands by short longitudinal
ridge. - Large spiny warts on dorsal surface of hind legs.
- Inhabit northwestern area of SC.
21American Toad
22Acris crepitans(Northern Cricket Frog)
- Have moist warty skin with long legs, webs
between toes. - Dark triangle between the eyes
- Median stripe of Y-figure on back which can be
green, russet, yellow, brown, gray. - Pair of prominent subanal white tubercles.
- Found in the piedmont, margins of ponds, ditches,
23Northern Cricket Frog
24Range of N. Cricket Frog