- Cathedral High School
- Monday February 4, 2008
- 7 P.M.
- Prayer
- Welcome
- Introduction of Committee Members
- Accommodation Review Process
- Questions
- Adjournment - 830 p.m.
3Hamilton West Accommodation Review Committee
- Chair Corrado Ciapanna
- Superintendent of Education
- Trustee Louis Agro
- Wards 1 2
4Hamilton West Accommodation Review Committee
- St. Joseph
- Principal Flora Nordoff
- Catholic School Council Dan Lagan
- Community Rep. Peter Giorgini
5Hamilton West Accommodation Review Committee
- St. Lawrence
- Principal Nancy DOlimpio
- Catholic School CouncilSusanne Caetano
- St. Lawrence Parish Joe Wilhelm
- Community Rep. Kathy Allen Fleet
6Hamilton WEST Accommodation Review Committee
- St. Mary
- Principal Jerry Crapsi
- Catholic School Council Sandra OHoski
- St. Mary Parish Fr.Francisco Gennaro
- Community Rep. Rev. Sue Ann Ward
7In keeping with the following Education Act s.
8(1)Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation
Review Guidelines October 31,
2006Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School
Board Policy S. 09
- The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District
School Board shall review its pupil accommodation
requirements annually.
8Effects of Declining Enrolment
- Declining enrolment presents many challenges and
obstacles to sustain viable schools. - Grade structures and the reduction of teaching
staff make it difficult for the Board to
accommodate the needs of all students. (triple
9- For the Board to sustain and offer appropriate
services for program delivery, special education,
co-curricular activities as well as responsible,
cost efficient facilities, schools in areas of
significant declining enrolment with lower
utilization levels or higher per pupil operating
costs, need to be reviewed and considered for
possible closure/consolidation.
10- Enrolment is the major factor in the overall
operating and capital funding for a school board. - Enrolment and demographics determine to need for
facilities - Enrolment is the major component of the Ministry
of Education funding model - Enrolment is the key determinant of staffing
- Given certain sizes and structures of schools,
programs can be limited or enhanced based on
11Ministry of Education New Capital Funding Program
- District school boards are to review their long
term accommodation needs annually. - Local board data submitted annually to Ministry.
- Ministry reviews data to determine provincial
priorities related to funding capital projects in
the upcoming years.
12Data Submission to Ministry
- Includes
- 10 year enrolment projections
- Identification of current and future
accommodation needs - Estimate of capital expenditures related to
future school projects - 10 year estimate of expenditures related to
school renewal - 10 year estimate of expenditures related to
school operations
13Comparison of Elementary Enrolment 2000-2007
14Enrolment Projections 2005 2015(From March 2,
2007 Board Report)
15Declining Enrolment
- The HWCDSB has experienced and will continue
to experience declining enrolment within the
16Enrolment October 2006
19,725 / 18,043 FTE
Enrolment October 2007
19, 391 / 17,794 FTE
17- Factors Influencing Decline in Enrolment
- Birth rate number of 0-3 year olds has
decreased by 8 since 1996 - Average size of family
- Immigration
- Residential construction
- Catholicity of area
18Shifting Student Population
In the last few years, increased housing activity
has caused a shift in the population ie
families moving from the lower city to the
developing areas on the escarpment and in the
suburbs. Such a pattern of growth and decline
has an impact on the system. As the enrolment in
the lower city schools continues to decline, the
enrolment in schools on the escarpment and
suburbs continues to increase.
19Historical and Future Redevelopment
- Enrolments have been declining in the lower city
for a number of years. Since the 1980s there
have been a number of school closures and
consolidations due to declining enrolment - St. Emeric - closed
- St. Charles - closed
- St. Thomas Aquinas closed
20Addressing Shifting Student Population
- Since 2000, the Board has closed and consolidated
5 schools - Christ the King with Canadian Martyrs
- St. Bernard with St. David
- St. Cecilia with Mother Teresa
- St. Anthony - with St. Luke
- St. Joan of Arc - with St. Agnes
21Addressing Shifting Student Population
- Since 2000, the Board has opened 6 elementary
schools - Guardian Angels
- Holy Name of Mary
- Mother Teresa
- Pope John Paul
- St. Mark
- St. Therese of Liseux
22HWCDSB Capital Plan
- Ancaster new school
- Heritage Green new school
- Flamborough new school
- Binbrook new school
- St. Thomas More addition
- St. Jean de Brebeuf - addition
23Board RecommendationMarch 6, 2007
- That the Board direct staff to prepare a
report to the next meeting of the Committee of
the Whole which identifies schools that should be
considered for possible consolidation or closure
24Board RecommendationApril 10, 2007
- That the Board approve the pupil accommodation
review for the - WEST Review Area
- St. Christopher, St. David, St. Luke
- Central Review Area
- St. Helen, St. Eugene, Holy Family, St. John the
Baptist, Holy Name of Jesus, St. Ann, St.
Columba, St. Patrick, St. Brigid - West Review Area
- St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Joseph
- WEST Review Area
- St. Jerome
- St. Catherine of Sienna
- 17 / 53 Elementary Schools currently under review
25Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09)
- The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School
board is responsible for providing schools and
facilities for its students and for operating and
maintaining its schools as effectively and
efficiently as possible to support student
26Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09)
- The annual review of the Boards pupil
accommodation requirements shall examine the
on-going viability and operation of any of its
schools. This accommodation review would take
into consideration questions such as declining
enrolments and/or overcrowding, facility needs
and programming, financial realities, aging
building and the need for new facilities.
27Pupil Accommodation Review Policy(S.09)
- A School Valuation Framework shall be conducted
on each school under review. The process shall
assess each of the following - Value of the school to the student
- Value of the school to the Board
- Value of the school to the community
- Value of the school to the local economy
28Hamilton-West Accommodation Committee Review Area
- Currently the Hamilton-West Accommodation
Review Committee is working on the School
Valuation Frameworks for the 3 schools in Ward 1
2 - St. Joseph
- St. Lawrence
- St. Mary
29Value to Students
- Adequacy of internal physical space to support
learning and development - Safety
- Range of programs
- Accessibility
- Adequacy of external physical space
- Academic outcomes
- Quality of the learning environment
- Proximity to other community resources
- Co-curricular activities
30Value to Board
- Adequacy of the site
- Proximity to students
- Cost to operate
- Long term capital/renewal costs
- Enrolment factors
- Staffing
31Value to the Community
- Interaction between the school and the parish
- Value of the school if it is the only Catholic
school in the community - Utilization of the school facility by community
groups - School grounds as green space and/or available
for recreational use - School as a partner in other government
initiatives - Range of programs offered that serve both
students and community members
32Value to the Local Economy
- Availability of training opportunities or
partnerships with business - Value of the school if it is the only Catholic
school in the community - Other potential impacts of closure/consolidation
33Sharing of Findings School Valuation Framework
Second Public Meeting
- At the March 17, 2008 Public Meeting, each
school in the Review Area will share the School
Valuation Framework data for their school. - The public will be invited to discuss the data
presented for each school and provide feedback to
the committee.
34The Accommodation Review Committee shall
- Conduct a minimum of 4 public meetings
- February 4, 2008
- March 17, 2008
- May 5, 2008
- June 23, 2008
- Prepare a report for presentation to the
Administration at the Board
35The Administration shall
- Review and analyse the School Valuation Report
submitted by the Review Committee - Present its findings and recommendations to the
Board of Trustees
36- The Board of Trustees will make a decision
regarding the schools under review. - The decision could include
- Maintain the status quo
- Recommend boundary changes
- Recommend Closure/consolidation
37Board Web Sitewww.hwcdsb.ca
- Directors Office
- 905-525-2930 - Terri Campanella
- Superintendents Office
- 905-525-2930 Ext. 2206