Title: Day 23 November 19, 2002
1Day 23 November 19, 2002
- Collect Individual Assignment 5
- Comment on test topics collected last time
- Many of the items listed as missing were on a
different version of the test or were covered in
the multiple choice
2Ch. 8 Org. Culture Ethics (cont.)
- Developing Changing Culture
- Scenario practice for applying and/or linking
theories and concepts - Ethics
3Developing culture
- Mission
- Strategic objectives that support mission
- Core Values Operating Principles (some/I argue
that core values should come first) - Communication of values/culture
- Recruit, hire, promote people who are congruent
with culture - Socialize employees into the culture
4Changing culture
- Understand the current culture, Consider timing,
Value diversity, Anticipate resistance - Define elements of new culture
- Communicate new culture using stories, rites,
etc. - Realign policies and practices to support culture
- Use formal mechanism to transmit reinforce
- Replace employees who continue to resist
- Evaluate culture in relation to mission
5Mini-scenarios pp. 361-362
- These scenarios, like the one on page 340, are
great for linking back to earlier material (e.g.,
management skills, teams, organizational.
context, personality, problem solving,
motivation, leadership) as well as organization
culture and ethics - The cumulative final will ask you to respond to
one or more scenarios and apply different
theories to help explain what is happening or
help address an organizational problem
Cum. Final Sample
6Applying theories and concepts to scenarios
- Explain the entire theory or concept without
referring to the scenario - Then, discuss how the theory or concept fits with
the scenario
7Applying theories and concepts to scenarios
Example, p. 361
- Creating a team based culture
- Discuss general actions that need to be taken to
change culture (see slide 4) - Discuss specific examples of actions that need to
be taken to change this particular culture - Include other relevant theories and concepts
(e.g., models of team development, motivation
theories, personality variables, etc.)
8Example of making connections Empowerment
- Link to personality variables
- E.g., self-efficacy, locus of control,
authoritarianism - Link to content process models of motivation
- E.g., Need for achievement, growth,
self-actualization, power, expectancy theory,
equity theory
Dont memorize stages in empowerment process
9EncouragingEthical Behavior
- Ethical behavior
- Unethical behavior
- Ethical dilemmas
What is the difference?
N.B. There is no need to document the
relationship between ethical behavior and firm
performance. Ethical behavior is demanded of us
even when it is not profitable.
10Guidelines for yourself
- Be honest
- Take ethical stands (figure out your ethical
standard first) - Rights
- Justice
- Golden Rule
- Good of the Many
- Sunlight (or Mom) test
11Encouraging Ethical Behavior
- Communicate, promote, reward ethical behavior
as a key value - Model ethical behavior and speak out against
unethical behavior - Communicate expectations
- (Code of Ethics Enron had one)
- Ethics training, hotlines, internal programs
- Dont send mixed messages
12Moral Dilemmas MSV 59
- Joe, whose work is well below average but whose
wife has a terminal disease - Bill, the superstar accused of sexual harassment
by Patsy the secretary in the short skirts - Kathy, your friend or Karla, the higher rated
performer for the promotion - Sue White or Alina African-American
- Unlucky Jack who falsified his expense report
- Sam, who wants to steal another persons idea
13More ethical dilemmas (p. 376)
- Jobs To export or not to export
- Managing a staff of financial advisors
- Does integrity matter?
- What would you do?
- Why?
14Global Issues and Ethics
- Whose ethical standards do we follow?
- Distinguishing ethics from laws
15For next time . . .
- Guest speaker for first portion of the class
- Ch. 10 Managing Politics, Conflict, Change