Flash 4.0 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Flash 4.0


Shockwave. More powerful in director. Simple in flash. Table of Content ... 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#versio n=4,0,2,0' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: flash | shockwave


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Flash 4.0

Flash 4.0
What is Flash
  • Vs traditional HTML Webpage
  • Fully vector-based graphics
  • Flash 4.0 Vs Flash 5.0
  • Interface
  • Action script
  • Vs Director
  • Shockwave
  • More powerful in director
  • Simple in flash

Table of Content
  • Introducing the Flash Working Environment
  • Simple Animating
  • Basic Interactivity
  • Testing and Exporting Movies

Introducing the Flash Working Environment
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Defining the Flash Framework
  • As illustrated by the figure, a Flash movie is
    basically made up of
  • individual Scenes, in which the content of an
    animation is organized.
  • Each scene can contain an unlimited number of
    Layers, which provides easy separation of
    graphics as arranged in the timeline.
  • The unit that are responsible for the illusion of
    time in the animation are Frames . Each layer may
    be composed of a sequence of one or more frames
    controlled by the timeline. Within these frames,
    animation can be produced either by changing the
    contents on a frame-by-frame basics
    (frame-by-frame animation), or by establishing
    two key frames and instructing Flash to
    interpolate the change in between them (tweened


Basic Elements of the Flash Environment
Menu Bar
Drawing Toolbar
Controller Window
Stage or Movie Area
Inspector Window
Work Area
General Information about Stage
  • The Stage is the area on which you draw and place
    the content of your movie. What you see on the
    stage at any given time represents the content of
    the current frame.
  • The default color of the stage is white, which
    serves as the background for your movie. You can
    change the dimension and the background color of
    your movie from the Movie Properties dialog box
    by choosing Modify Movie.

Note that you can change the frame rate in the
Movie Properties dialog box. The best frame rate
for animations on the web is usually 12 frames
per second (fps). If the frame rate is too
large, the details of the animation will be
blurred when it is shown.
General Information about Scene
  • Scenes are used to organize your movie into
    sections.  Flash starts out with one default
    scene named Scene 1. To insert a scene, choose
    Insert Scene from the menu.  Flash will default
    the names to Scene 2, Scene 3, and so on.  
  • Nested between the menu bar and the top of
    timeline is the Scene and Symbol bar. The Scene
    Name button at the far left indicates the name of
    the current scene. At the far right is the Edit
    Scene button, clicking the button will evoke a
    menu of scenes within the current movie.

  • Form the scenes menu, you can see the playing
    order of the scenes as arranged in your movie.
    The top scene will play first, then the next down
    second, etc.  You can rearrange the order in the
    Scene Inspector, which can be launched by
    choosing  Window Inspector Scene.

  • The Scene Inspector list all the scenes in a
    movie, with the active scene highlighted. To
    switch scenes, highlight a scene in the list. To
    rearrange the order of the scenes, highlight the
    scene and drag. The Add, Delete and Duplicate
    buttons function according to their names. To
    rename a scene, double click the scene name or
    click the Properties button to launch the Scene
    Properties dialog box.

General Information about Timeline
  • The Timeline is where you organize and control a
    movies content over time by the use of Frames
    and Layers.
  • Whenever you select a layer and then draw on the
    stage or import content onto the stage, that
    content becomes part of the layer, since it is
    currently selected.
  • Frames on the timeline allow you to change
    content over time. By moving, adding, changing
    and deleting content from layers, animation can
    be created.

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General Information about Layers
  • As part of the timeline, layers are used to
    separate artwork so that different elements can
    be combined into a cohesive visual image.
  • Layers are placed on top of another in the
    stacking order, i.e. objects that reside in the
    top layer will always appear on the stage above
    objects contained in the layers below.
  • To add a Layer, click the Add Layer button to
    delete a layer, click the Delete Layer button
  • To rename a layer, double click the text and type
    in the new name for the layer.  
  • To rearrange the order of the layers, simply
    click on the layer to highlight it and drag to
    the position you want.

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General Information about Frames
  • Empty frame - Indicated by an empty circle in the
  • Keyframe - Indicated by a black filled circle in
    the frame. 
  • Motion tweened frame Indicated by a pastel blue
    area with arrow between two fames.
  • Shape tweened frame Indicated by a pastel green
    area with arrow between two frames. 
  • A Dashed Line Indicates a problem with a tween.
  • A small a- Indicates the frame has been
    assigned a frame action

The Flash Library Symbol and Instance
  • The Library Window
  • By using symbols in Flash, one can create a
    'Library' of symbols that can be dragged onto the
    movie at any time. 
  • The Library window is where you store and
    organize symbols created in
  • Flash, as well as imported files including Sound
    files, Bitmap graphics,
  • and QuickTime movies. The Library window can be
    assessed by choosing
  • Window Library.
  • In addition, the Library gives you a preview of
    what that symbol looks like in the top portion of
    the library window. From the Library, you can
    grab your graphic and drag it onto your movie

The Library Window
  • Symbol and Instance
  • Symbols are essential elements in creating
    interactive movies. They are reusable elements
    that reside in either the Flash libraries, which
    are assessed directly from the Libraries menu, or
    in the current movies Library.
  • After you have created a symbol, you can use it
    as much as you want by simply dragging it from
    the Library and placing it onto the stage. When a
    symbol is placed on the stage, it is called an
    Instance. The advantage is that no matter how
    many instances are there in your movie, only the
    symbol will be saved resulting in an enormous
    reduction in file size. In addition, changes made
    to a symbol are reflected in each instance of
    that symbol throughout the movie, thus saving a
    lot of time and trouble in editing individual
    copy of the instance.

  • Three types of symbol exist. Each type is unique
    and suited for particular purposes. They are
  • Graphic Symbols the simplest kind of Flash
    symbol used for static images and simple
    animations controlled by the main movies
  • Button Symbols used to create interactive
  • Movie Clips are actually movies within a
    movies, only need a single keyframe in the
    timeline of the main movie to play.

Icons associated with each type of symbol
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Creating Simple Animations
  • Animation is the process of creating the effect
    of movement or change over time. It can be
  • The movement of an object form one place to
  • The change of an objects appearance such as
    size, angle, color or opacity over time.
  • Morph from one shape to another.
  • In Flash, animation is created by changing the
    content of successive frames over a period of
    time. These changes can occur independently or in
    concert with other changes. For example, you can
    make an object rotate and fade in as it moves
    across the Stage.

  • In Flash, there are basically two types of
  • Frame-by-frame animation
  • Frame-by-frame animation is the most basic form
    of animation, which can be employed for
    everything from creating animated cartoons to
    bringing clay figures to life. This type of
    animation is created by changing the contents of
    successive frames over time, so that when the
    frames are playing in a quick succession, you can
    see movement and animation.
  • Tweened Animation
  • In a Tweened animation, Keyframes are used to
    define two points the graphics appearance at
    the beginning of the animation and at the end,
    and Flash calculates how it should look in the
    intermediate frames.

In Tweened animation, starting and ending points
are defined by Keyframes, then Flash will
interpolate the changes in between them.
  • Tweening
  • Tweened animation is a huge timesaver because it
    allows you to make objects/shapes move without
    actually having to do it frame by frame.  Two
    kinds of tweened animation can be created in
  • Motion Tween
  • Shape Tween

Creating Motion Tween
  • Motion Tweening is useful for animating groups,
    symbols and editable text. As suggest by the
    name, Motion Tweening is used to move an element
    from one place to to another, but it can do so
    much more than that. Motion tweening enables one
    to scale, rotate, skew and move elements. Its
    also good for changing the color settings and
    transparency of a symbol over time.

  • The general steps in creating Shape Tween are 
  • Place 1st shape in the first keyframe and break
    it down.
  • Place the 2nd shape in another keyframe and break
    it down.
  • On the first frame double click the frame and
    select the 'Tweening' tab then 'Shape' in the
    Tweening drop down menu.
  • In this tutorial, we will try to create 3 types
    of Shape Tweening
  • Text to text Shape Tween
  • Shape to text Shape Tween
  • Shape to shape Shape Tween

Frame-by-Frame Animation
  • Frame-by-frame animation is produced by changing
    the contents on a frame-by-frame basics. In
    flash, it involves moving the timeline to a
    frame, adjusting the content, moving the timeline
    to the next frame, adjusting the content, and so
    on. Since unique drawings are employed in each
    frame, this kind of animation is ideal for
    complex animations that require subtle changes.
    However, it is very time consuming and increases
    the movies overall file size.

  • Movie clip symbol
  • As mentioned before, a Movie Clip is simply a
    mini movie inside the main movie. Since the
    timeline of a movie clip is independent of the
    main movies timeline, when the main movie comes
    to stop, the movie clip can still continue to
    play. Unlike animated graphic symbols, movie
    clips only need a single keyframe in the timeline
    to play.

Basic Interactivity
Actions and Events
  • Interactivity in Flash is fundamentally composed
    of two basic parts the behavior and the cause of
    the behavior. In Flash, behaviors are referred to
    as Actions, while any occurrence that cause an
    Action to happen is referred to as an Event. For
    example, suppose there is a soundtrack in a
    movie, and a button that when clicked, turns the
    soundtrack on. The behavior is the sound being
    turned on, and the cause of the behavior, i.e.
    the Event, is the mouse clicking on the button.
    In addition, the Mechanism that used to tell
    Flash what Action to perform when an Event occurs
    is known as an Event Handler.

  • Actions
  • Actions can be assigned to a frame or to the
    instance of a symbol. The Action tab is located
    in the Frame or Instance Properties dialog box,
    which can be opened by double clicking the
    keyframe / Instance or by choosing Modify Frame
    / Instance.
  • Clicking the Plus sign will bring up a list of
    Actions that you can add, while clicking the
    minus sign will remove the Actions that you have

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  • As they appear in the Flash interface, the
    Actions are coincidentally sorted from the top to
    bottom roughly according to their complexity.
  • Go to
  • Causes a movie to jump to specific frame or
    scene on the timeline and stop or begin playing
    from that point forward. The default behavior is
    to jump to a frame and stop the movie.
  • Play
  • Causes a movie to begin playing from its current
    position in the timeline.
  • Stop
  • Causes a movie to stop playing.

  • Toggle High Quality
  • To turn anti-aliasing for a movie on and off.
    With anti-aliasing off, the movie plays faster.
  • Stop All Sounds
  • Stops all currently playing audio track without
    interrupting the movie Timeline.
  • Get URL
  • Opens a browser window with the specific URL
    loaded, or sends variables to the specific URL.
  • FS Command
  • Sends data to the application hosting your Flash

  • Load/Unload Movie
  •   Loads a Flash movie, at the specified URL,
    within Flash player, or it unloads a previously
    loaded movie. You can also use it to load
    variables from a remote file into a movie.
  • Tell Target
  •   A command that is used as a way of identifying
    a movie so that you can get it to perform an
  • It Frame Is Loaded
  •   Determines whether a particular frame has been
    loaded and, if it has, performs an action.
  • On Mouse Event
  •   Mouse events are actually triggers rather than

  • If
  •   Checks to see if a conditional statement is
    true and, if it is, performs an action.
  • Loop
  •   Continuously performs an action or set of
    actions as long as a condition is met. When the
    condition ceases to be met, the loop stops.
  • Call
  •   Performs a set of actions attached to a
    particular frame.
  • Set Property
  •   Allows you to set various movie properties.

  •  Set Variable
  •   Allows you to create a new variable or update
    an existing one.
  • Duplicate/Remove Movie Clip
  •   Allows you to create or remove instances of
    movie clips dynamically.
  • Drag Movie Clip
  •   Allows you to make a movie-clip instance
    draggable in relation to the pointers movement
  • Trace
  • Displays a custom message when an action is
    performed. Used primarily to test interactivity.
  • Comment
  •   This option allows you to place comments in
    your script to help clarify the underlying logic.

  • Events
  • In Flash, there are three ways to initiate
    events, known as
  • Mouse Events those that detect mouse activity
    on buttons
  • Keystroke Events - those that recognize when a
    key is pressed on the
  • keyboard and
  • Frame Events - those that respond when a set
    amount of time has passed.

  • Mouse Events (button actions)
  • The occurrence of Mouse Events is based on the
    users interaction with a button, and is relied
    entirely on the location and movement of the
    mouse pointer. This kind of events are also
    known as Button Actions because they are always
    attached to buttons and they always trigger an
  • In Flash, the actions that can be assigned to
    buttons are referred to as On MouseEvents, which
  • Press
  •   A Press Event occurs when the mouse pointer is
    over the Hit area of a button and the down-stroke
    (press)of a mouse click is detected.

  • Release
  •   A Release Event occurs when the mouse pointer
    is over the Hit area of a button and both the
    down-stroke (press) and the up-stroke (release)
    of a mouse click are detected. Release is the
    standard button action.
  • Release Outside
  •   A Release Outside Event occurs in response to
    the following series of mouse movements the
    mouse pointer moves over a buttons Hit area the
    moue button is pressed the mouse pointer is
    moved off the buttons Hit area the mouse button
    is released.
  • Roll Over
  • A Roll Over Event occurs when the mouse pointer
    moves onto the Hit area of a button without the
    mouse button depressed.  

  • Roll Out
  • A Roll Out Event occurs when the mouse pointer
    moves off of the Hit area of a button without the
    mouse button depressed.
  • Drag Over
  • A Drag Over Event occurs in response to the
    following series of mouse movements The mouse
    button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over
    the Hit area of a button the mouse pointer moves
    off the Hit area (mouse button still depressed)
    and the mouse pointer moves back over the Hit
    area (mouse button still depressed).  
  • Drag Out
  • A Drag Out Event occurs in response to the
    following series of mouse movements the mouse
    button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over
    the Hit area of a button the mouse pointer moves
    off the Hit area (mouse button still depressed).

  • Keystroke Events
  • The Keystroke Events execute an Action when the
    user presses a key on their keyboard. To add a
    Keystroke Event, you must first place a button on
    stage at the frame where you want the keyboard to
    be active. You then attach the Keystroke Event
    to the button.
  • If you are only using the button as a container
    for your Keystroke Event and you do not want the
    button to appear on stage, you should make sure
    that (in Symbol editing mode) all the frames of
    the button are blank.

  • Frame Events
  • Any actions that attached to keyframes on the
    timeline are referred to as Frame Events. This
    kind of event are dependent not on the user, but
    on the playback of the movie itself. It is
    because the actions will be executed when the
    play head enters the keyframe, whether it enters
    naturally during the linear playback of the movie
    or as the result of a Go to Action. So, for
    instance, you may place a Stop Action on a
    keyframe to pause the movie at the end of an
    animation sequence.
  • Complex movies can have dozens or even hundreds
    of Actions attached to keyframes. In order to
    prevent conflicts between uses of keyframes for
    animation and uses of keyframes as Action
    containers, it is highly advisable to create an
    entire Layer solely for Action keyframes. Name
    the Layer Actions and keep it on top of all your
    Layers for easy access. Remember not to place
    any objects, text, or artwork on your Actions

  • Examples
  • Preload movies
  • Simple Shooting Game

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Testing and Exporting Movies
Testing Movies
  • Within the Flash authoring environment you can
    test the following
  • To test a buttons visual functionality, choose
    Modify Enable Buttons. Now you can place your
    pointer over your buttons, and they will react
    visually the way they will in your final movie.
    Disable this feature to edit instances of
  • Go To, Play, and Stop are the only actions that
    work in the authoring environment. To test these
    frame actions, choose Modify Enable Frame
    Actions. Now, the actions will respond when the
    timeline is played within the authoring
    environment (as long as they dont rely on Action
    Script expressions or point to URLs).

  • Testing within the authoring environment is
    limited. To evaluate movie clips, action
    scripts, and other important movie elements, you
    must move outside the authoring environment by
    the use of the Test Scene and Test Movie commands
    located in the Control menu. They automatically
    create a working version of the current scene or
    entire movie and open it in a window where you
    can test nearly every aspect of its
    interactivity, animation, and functionality.
  • To test the current scene, choose Control Test
    Scene. Flash will automatically export the
    current scene and open it in a new window ready
    for you to test it.
  • To test the entire movie, choose Control Test
    Movie. Flash will automatically export all of the
    scenes within the current project and open the
    file in a new window ready for you to test it.

Exporting Movies
  • With Flashs Publish feature, you can simply
    choose the formats in which you want your
    authoring file to be exported, adjust any
    settings available for that format, then click
    Publish, Flash will export your authoring file to
    the selected formats and creates the files based
    on the settings you selected for that format. To
    open the Publish Settings dialog box, choose File
    Publish Settings. Then choose the type of
    format you want to export your movie.
  • Among all the formats, the Flash .swf file and
    HTML are the most common way of delivering a
    Flash movie.  

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  • Flash and HTML
  • You can place a Flash movie on an HTML page
    automatically by using the Publish feature.
    However, if you wish to build your pages or are
    interested in creating custom templates, you
    should know how Flash Integrates with HTML.
  • To display a Flash Player movie in a browser, you
    have to insert the .swf file into an HTML page
    using the OBJECT and EMBED tags. The OBJECT tag
    allows the movie to display in Internet Explorer
    on Windows and the EMBED tag allows the movie to
    display on Netscape Navigator (Macintosh and
    Windows) and Internet Explorer (Macintosh). Also,
    use the NOEMBED tag with the IMG tag to display a
    GIF or JPEG file in place of the Flash Player
    movie on browsers that don't support ActiveX or

  • The HTML code below is used for Flash Object.
    Flash Player movie name, width, and height
    attributes are in both the OBJECT and EMBED tags.
    The NOEMBED to display alternate content for
    browsers that do not support Netscape compatible
    plugins or ActiveX controls.
  • Using the Object and Embed Tags
  • 553540000"
  • codebase"http//download.macromedia.com/pub/shock
  • width100 height80
  •   height80
  • pluginspage"http//www.macromedia.com/shockwave/d

True and False Questions
  • Vector-based graphic is the main different of
    Flash from Traditional HTML
  • Frame Rate is optimized as 6 frames per second
  • IE supports Flash
  • Netscape does not need additional plug-ins for
  • Flash can create animated gif

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