Title: Concepts
1Concepts Techniques for Accessible, Closed
Captioned Web-Based Video
David Klein K. Fritz Thompson
- 10th Annual Accessing Higher GroundAccessible
Media, Web and Technology Conference - Boulder, Colorado
- November 7, 2007
- http//disability.law.uiowa.edu/lhpdc/publications
2Embedding Videos into HTML
- Media Player and RealPlayer better external, not
embedded - QuickTime Flash generally better embedded
- Internet Explorer generally better with Flash
- Controversy in use of and tags
3Conventional Embedding
- Object parameters
- File location
- Embed parameters
- File location
4Embedding QuickTime
- 88ABDDC6B"
- width"260" height"316"
- codebase"http//www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin
.cab" -
- value"http//www.yourdomain.com/video_smil.mov"
/ - mov"
- width"260" height"316"
- pluginspage"http//www.apple.com/quicktime/down
load/" -
5Embedding Flash Video Player
- 553540000"
- codebase"http//fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/sh
ockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cabversion7,0,0,0" - width"340" height"440" id"video"
- value" http//www.yourdomain.com/video.swf" /
- quality"high" width"340" height"440"
name"video" - type"application/x-shockwave-flash" base"."
- pluginspage"http//www.macromedia.com/go/getfla
shplayer" /
6Embedding Issues
- Not a standard
- Doesnt validate for XHTML
- tag not supported the same on all
browsers - Player versioning
- Downloading / upgrading versions a major pain
- Frequently a showstopper for many users
- Earlier required versions may show garbage (or
blank space) instead of error message
7Flash Embedding Alternatives
- Object Only method
- Validates for XHTML
- Tricks browsers into correctly displaying content
- Uses graceful failure rule
- When one OBJECT tag doesnt work, its ignored
- Moves to the next OBJECT tag
8OBJECT Only Method
- 553540000" codebase"http//fpdownload.macromedia
7,0,0,0" width"340" height"440" - / / /
- data"ahg2007.swf" width"340" height"440"
- / /
9Flash Embedding Alternatives
- Flash Object method (uses JavaScript) to
determine versions and handle errors gracefully - Avoid unacceptable use of or
tags - Uses alternative text as a default when all else
fails - http//blog.deconcept.com/flashobject/
- Works in Internet Explorer to avoid double click
- Law, Health Policy Disability Center
- http//disability.law.uiowa.edu/
- LHPDC Bulletin Board (download Flash playback
engine) - http//disability2.law.uiowa.edu/dbtac
David Klein 280-1 Boyd Law Bldg. College of
Law University of Iowa Iowa City, IA
52242 319-335-6748 david-klein_at_uiowa.edu
K. Fritz Thompson 280-1 Boyd Law Bldg. College
of Law University of Iowa Iowa City, IA
52242 319-335-6748 kenneth-d-thompson_at_uiowa.edu